Control (A short Mac Story -12-)

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She looked up at him, the sleep instantly gone from her eyes.
"Mac?" she questioned.
"Where do I find him, Kayla?" he stroked the hair on her forehead.
She sat up, leaning against him. "Let me shower, get changed." she murmured.
"No." his voice was firm. "You're not coming. I'm going. You're staying here." he took her chin in his hand, fingers rough against her jawline. "You need to get yourself ready. Get yourself in control. That initial first look, that's going to be what makes it all worthwhile. Let me bring him to you, baby." the word was getting easier with each time he said it.
"Mac, I dont want him to hurt you." she looked up at him.
He laughed. "You think he's going to hurt me?" he brought her down to the bed. "No need to worry about me, Kayla." he tugged off her shorts, unzipping his jeans. He waited as her hand brought out his cock. He thrust into her, needing to be inside her once more before he left. "Unleash your pain and anger on him," he said, through gritted teeth. "Make him hurt, make him bleed." he was saying, leaving a mantra repeating over and over in her head.
"Yes, Mac! Yes!" she was moaning, listening, hearing his words, and getting more turned on, wetter by the stroke.
He came down hard on her, positioning her leg around his hips, holding her tightly, moving harder and slower inside her. "When it's done, I'm going to fuck you covered in his blood." he growled in her ear.
She cried out his name, cumming from his words.
He laughed darkly in her ear. "You truly are my girl." One more deep thrust was all he needed, spilling into her.
She held onto him, drawing circles on the back of his neck. "He frequents a bar called Detour. He's usually always there. Always went there on his breaks," she told him.
She gently pushed Mac off her, getting up off the bed, her feet padding across the floor.
He had his head in his hand, watching her; he could just watch her all day. He shook his head slightly, the feelings going through him were foreign. He reached under the bed, making sure it was there.
She rummaged through her purse sitting on a dresser, pulling something out, then returning to him, sinking beside him. She handed him a picture. "That's Declan." she told him quietly.
Mac looked at the glossy photo. He was muscular, green piercing eyes, dark blonde hair, hands crossed in front of him, staring at the camera.
"He looks like a pig." Mac mused. "I want to cut that smirk clean off his face." He kissed her head. He got up, quickly throwing his clothes back on, turning back to her. "Listen to me, Kayla. Take a shower. Breathe. Relax yourself." he traced her lips with his finger, swiping a gentle thumb on her cheek. He knew it was time. Reaching back under the bed, he withdrew the gas mask, giving it to her. "When you're ready, put it on, and just feel. Let it show you what to do. And I'll be right there next to you."
He tugged on her hand, bringing her to his front door. He picked up his own duffle bag, handing her his cell. "Haven't needed your number." he laughed. "You've been with me for the last coupla' days. But I want to let you know when to expect me."
She took his cell, adding her number, then giving it back to him. He looked at her.  "Ready for me to do this, baby?" he asked.
She gave a shaky sigh, nodding, not speaking.
He brought her to him, "I'll be back. When I call, go to the cave." he kissed her, hoping she could feel how he felt. He looked at her once more, walking out the door.
Kayla slid down the door, still holding onto the mask. Her fingers trembled as she traced the features.
She thought back to what Mac had said about wearing it, how it would make her feel.
She smiled, thinking of him. She should think herself crazy for being with him. For trusting him.
For falling for him.
But she didn't. She was meant to find him. Rick had led her to him.
Her hands stopped shaking. Her eyes grew narrow. The smile she wore turned dark.
She slipped on the mask.

Mac sat inside his truck for a full fifteen minutes, getting a feel for the clientele Detour bar catered to. He could tell it wasn't a typical Cop bar, but pegging a few patrons who could pass as law enforcement. He wasn't nervous, far from it. He could take care of anyone or anything that may come in his way.
He got out, flicking his cigarette to the ground, walking in. A quick scan told him Declan wasn't there.
He made his way up to the bar, settling himself on a stool, ordering a beer and a double shot of whiskey.
He looked at the walls of the bar, taking in the different plaques and photos of various local police and fire departments. He stopped suddenly, a picture caught his eye.
It was Kayla. She was in her uniform, Declan's arm was around her, looking as if he was pulling her closer to him, both had been smiling for the camera.
He stared hard at the picture, a mixture of emotions running through him; it was odd seeing her in a police uniform.
"Hey. You're not from around here," a hand brushed Mac's shoulder, cutting into his thoughts.
He turned his head, looking at the hand, then up at who it belonged to.
She touched his goatee, causing him to jerk his face away.
"Watch yourself." he warned, catching her hand in a vice-like grip.
Her blue eyes grew large, as she tossed her light brown hair over her shoulder. She was about to speak, until she heard a voice call out. Mac swore he saw a tiny flicker of fear cross her eyes.
"Lexie! Leave the man alone." a deep voice said.
Mac let her hand go, watching her move to the man, running a hand over his broad chest. "I didn't think you were coming, Declan." she said, hooking her fingers through his belt, pulling him closer to her.
"Clearly." he pierced her with his green eyes. He glanced down at Mac. "She can't keep her hands to herself." Declan seemed to be apologizing for her.
Mac sipped his beer, just staring up at him, not saying a word.
"I'm sorry, Declan," her voice was like silk, placating him. "I thought he could've been one of the newbies on the force. Was trying to be friendly."
Declan stared her down, "Maybe a little too friendly." he said, removing her fingers from his belt.
She pouted at him. "Declan-"
He cut her off. "Leave us." he jerked his head away from he and Mac.
There was that slight flash of fear in her eyes again, but she retreated to another part of the bar.
Declan shook his head, grinning, patting Mac on the back. "Fuck! All you need to get by here is a gun, badge, an authoritative voice, and the pussies come running for the cock." he motioned for the bartender to refill Mac's shot glass.
"That's it, huh?" Mac nodded his thanks for the shot, waiting for Declan to get one of his own. He shrugged.
"Gotta sometimes keep them in line," he laughed, lifting his shot to Mac.
Mac was searching Declan's face. "My girl used to be a cop," he grinned. "I'm the one always chasing after her pussy." 
Declan laughed, clapping Mac on the back. "She a good little pussy?"
Mac looked down at his beer, taking a swig. "Purrs whenever I want her to." he grinned. He pointed to the picture of Declan and Kayla. "She kinda looks like her. Is she your girl?"
Declan took a long drink of his own beer, staring at the picture. "Her? She used to be." he motioned for another round of shots. "Kayla Moretti." he shook his head with a twisted smile. "Bitch couldn't hack it on the force. Was my partner, believe it or not. It's how we got together."  he drank more of his beer. "Good ass lay. Phenomenal blow jobs," he laughed. "But weak. Was thinking about cutting her loose, anyway. Especially when she told me she was having our kid." he shrugged, looking at the picture. "Anyway, she didn't. I made sure of that." he laughed darkly. "She kinda 'disappeared." he had air quoted the word. "Fuck her, though, right? More pussies out there to be petted." he winked at Mac. "No big loss for me to deal with."
Mac's blood was boiling. "What do you mean 'you made sure'? Did she have an abortion?"
Declan laughed. "No, she wouldn't dream of that. Let's just say I took matters into my own hands." he winked at him again. "We cops can be pretty persuasive when we have to be. Untouchable, if you will." he gave a dark smile.
Mac had the shot glass in his hand. He crushed it in his hand with the sheer force of his grip. She had been pregnant. Goddammit.
He wasn't sure why this affected him so much. He remembered the look and pain in her eyes when she had mentioned kids. The struggle for her not to cry in front of him.
If he hadn't promised to get Declan to her, he would have torn his throat out with his bare hands. Mac fingered his knife in his jacket pocket, closing his hand on the handle.
Declan looked at him closely. "You ok, man?"
Mac was trying to control the rage going through him. He looked at Declan, trying to steady his hand before he beat the living shit out of this motherfucker. "Yeah, sorry. Didn't realize how hard I was gripping the glass." he tried to laugh.
The bartender had come over, looking from Declan to Mac. "We good here, Connolly?" he asked Declan.
Declan nodded. "Guy doesn't know his own strength," he gave Mac a good hit on the back. "Think he needs another round."
Mac hoped his laugh was believable. "Yeah. In fact, get him one, too." he motioned to Declan.
The bartender nodded, readying the drinks.
Declan nodded his thanks, finally sitting on a stool. "Appreciate it, man. As you heard Lexie say, I'm Declan."
"Mac."  he answered. The bartender had deposited the drinks in front of them. Mac glanced at Lexie across the bar. "I think your girl wants you." he nodded in her direction.
Declan sighed. "Bitch always wants something." He laughed. "Usually ends in a fucking bang up night for me."
'You have no fucking idea how right you are.' Mac thought to himself, as he watched Declan leave to talk to Lexie.
He waited a beat, grabbing one of the pints on the bar. He withdrew a small baggie of white powder, pouring it into the beer. He swirled it around, watching the flecks dissolve. He set it back on the bar by where Declan was sitting.
"Sorry, man. Had to show her some attention." he rolled his eyes, knocking the shot back, and reaching for the new beer.
Mac watched as he took a hefty gulp.
"So, tell me about your girl with the golden pussy." he laughed. "That good, huh?"
Mac gave him a knowing smile. "Can't even begin to describe how fucking good. She's always ready for me. Always dripping wet."
He watched as Declan drank some more.
"I wanna meet this girl, Mac." he laughed. "Always wet and willing? Sound's like my kinda pussy."

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