Control (A short Mac Story -8-)

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Trust was not a strong suit of his. He didn't trust anyone. He did trust Rick, though. And Rick was in jail because of him.
He had sent Kayla to him.
He wouldn't have sent just anyone.
This girl was going to be the absolute death of him, but he had to trust her.
Add another new feeling to his list.
He slammed his hand on the steering wheel.
Fuck her. Fuck him, too, he thought to himself.

Mac walked into Luna Mesa a little before seven. He looked around, not seeing Kayla yet. He headed to the bar, sliding himself onto a stool.
Kyle put a shot of whiskey down in front of him, "Did you find her?" was the first thing he said.
"Yeah, I found her." he did the shot, tipping the glass for more. Kyle poured another one, setting a beer down in front of him.
"She's hot, right? What the hell does she want with you?" he joked.
"Probably the same thing we all want from Mac," a hand touched his shoulder, sliding down his chest.
He looked over, not remembering this ones name for the life of him.
"Move along!" he snapped, taking her hand and placing it in on the bar.
She looked pouty. "You never want me to move along, Mac! Hell, you've taken me to that men's room more times than I can count!"
Kyle rolled his eyes, pouring Mac another shot, shifting his eyes to the girl, lifting the bottle. Mac shook his head.
"Not interested," he shooed her away with a flick of his wrist.
Her eyes widened. "Mac! You never send me away!"
He settled his eyes on her. Lila. That was it. "I'm sending you away, now, bitch."
She looked stricken. "Maybe later?" She asked.
"Fuck! What are you not getting? Not now, not later! Get the fuck away from me!"
She looked at him, and hurried away. Kyle laughed. "Harsh, much?"
"Fucking bitches need to learn." Mac muttered. He took a pull from his beer.
Kyle leaned over the bar. "So? What's her story?" he looked at Mac. "Is that new?" he pointed to his flannel shirt. "Did you fuck the new girl?" he sighed.
Mac stared at Kyle, and burst out laughing. "Her name's Kayla. She's Rick's step-sister." He looked down at his shirt. "No, not new, just never had a reason to wear it," until now, he thought to himself. "And I don't think that's any of your business." he grinned.
"Yeah, you fucked her." Kyle grinned.
Mac just laughed. He glanced up at the clock. Seven on the dot. He wasn't worried. She was going to be there.
At 7:10, he had Kyle pour him a double. 7:15 saw him outside, smoking, looking for her truck, wishing he had asked for a cell number. 7:20, he went up to Lila.
At 7:30, Kayla walked in.
"Holy Fuck." Kyle called out, not realizing he had spoken outloud.
Mac was involved in a game of pool, when he had heard Kyle's exclamation, and looked up.
"Fuck!" he also said, dropping the pool cue. She was wearing his camp jacket, over a very tight, very short strapless black dress.
She looked over at him, smirking, eyeing up Lila, and the other three girls he had at the table.
"Isn't that your jacket?" Lila asked, putting a hand on his shoulder.
He shrugged it off, "Sure is." he said.
"You should ask for it back." she said, trying to put her arm around his waist.
"She can have whatever she wants," he murmured. "Jesus Christ! Will you stop pawing me!?" he snapped.
Kayla heard him, stifling a laugh. She went over to the bar, sidling up on a stool. Kyle went over. "See you found him." he smiled at her. "He doesn't let just anyone wear that jacket.
She looked up, smiling. "Kyle, right? Rick talked about you. You," she looked over at Mac, noticing he was staring at her. "Uh, worked in the side business with Mac and my brother?" she said in a low voice.
He looked at her. "Yeah. Been slow since Rick-" he didn't go on. "Whiskey, as usual, Sweetheart?"
She nodded. "And a beer." she smiled at him again. "Can you send one to Mac, too? And whatever else he's drinking?"
"Sure thing, hon." he winked at her. "You shouldn't worry about those girls." he said, pouring out the shots.
"No?" she was amused.
"It's no doubt he has his little harem. But you, wearing his jacket...damn, he even cleaned himself up." he laughed. "You, Sweetheart," he looked her up and down. "You have nothing to worry about."
"Not worried." she winked at him. "Here, give me his. I'll bring them to him." She saw he was looking down at the pool table, contemplating a shot, chewing on a nail. She slipped passed the blonde who kept touching him. "No means no, even if a guy says it, honey." she said sweetly to her.
Lila just stared at her. Mac heard, and shook his head, laughing. Kayla handed him the shot. "Where's yours?" he asked, sliding his arm around her waist, pulling her to him.
"At the bar." she looked down at the table. "Hard shot?" she asked.
"Difficult shot." he pushed up on her. "Hard? Yes."
She pushed him away with a smile. "Can I help you with that?" she asked.
"Now?" he grinned. "Absolutely."
She laughed. "Focus, Mac. I meant the game." she took his jacket off, making sure Lila watched her giving it back to Mac. "Thanks for letting me borrow it. You were right. I did need it."
She took his cue, chalking it up, leaning over the table. She knew Mac was staring at her ass. "Hmm, you're right. It is a difficult shot." She straightened herself up, walking beside Lila. "Excuse me, hon." she looked directly in her eyes. "Gonna have to ask you to move. Don't want to hurt you." she hip checked her lightly.
She didn't miss the glare the girl gave her. She just smiled at her, lining up her sights, perfectly executing the shot. "That's how it's done." she handed the cue back to Mac, looking up at him as she re-claimed the jacket, and walking back to the bar.
She slammed her shot down, sliding the empty glass over to Kyle. "Going out for a smoke, Kyle. Pour me another?"
He nodded, as she went out the door. She leaned her shoulder up against the worn planks of the building, lighting a cigarette. She smiled as she felt him come behind her, his breath warm against her neck. "You were late," he murmured in her ear, biting it gently.
She leaned up against him. "I said around seven," she smiled. "You were on time?" she turned in his arms.
"Possibly." he gave her a crooked smile.
"Were you worried I wasn't coming?" she asked, touching his face.
"A little." he admitted.
"I got held up with something." she told him, fishing in his jacket pocket. She handed him a leather knife casing.
"What's this?" he asked her.
"Pull it out and see." she said.
"I definitely want to pull it out," he said, suggestively.
"Mac, we're on a date, remember? We're not done, yet." she giggled.
"You put out on the first date? I like the sound of that." he teased, pulling the knife out of the casing.
His eyes widened, meeting hers. "You had the leather re-done on my knife?" he asked.
She nodded. "That's why I went back into the shed. I wanted to get it, have it touched up for you." She touched the handle, her hand on his. "That way, when you use it on Declan, you'll think of me."
"I think I'm always going to think of you." he said, sliding the knife into his back pocket.
She smiled. "Aww, Mac. I do believe you're starting to feel things." she teased.
"Shut up, Kayla." he said.
She laughed. "You still need work." she leaned his head down, kissing him.
He backed her up to the wall, his hands at her sides, sliding down her hips, pulling her closer as he made sure she could feel how much he wanted her.
She pulled away, grabbing his hand. "A couple more drinks?" she asked, leading him back inside.
"You trying to get me drunk?" he laughed. "Don't worry. I'm going home with you."
"It is your home," she said. She looked over at Lila, feeling her eyes shooting daggers at her back. "Looks like you have your pick of girls to bring back with you." she teased.
"I choose you." he said, sitting in a booth, sliding her in with him, motioning Kyle to bring drinks over.
Kyle brought them over their drinks. "I'd say to watch your drinking, but since we have a lack of law enforcement, just be careful and have fun." he stared at Mac.
Mac nodded. "Yeah. Wonder if we're getting a new Sheriff, soon." he laughed bitterly.
Kayla just sipped her beer. He took her hair out from beneath his jacket. "Let's take this off you." he said, sliding the jacket from her shoulders. He kissed her neck. "I like seeing you in this dress." he tugged at her hair. "I'll like it even more when I get it off you." he growled in her ear. He traced the tattoo on the back of her shoulder. "Didn't notice this before." he laughed. "Was busy noticing other areas of your body. Saint Michael, isn't it? "
"Yes." she answered. "Patron saint of law enforcement."
"For that fuck?" he questioned.
She shook her head. "No."
Before he could ask her anything, Lila came up to them. "Mac? Dance with me?"
Kayla laughed. "Go ahead, Mac." she shrugged.
Mac glared at Lila. "What do I need to do to make you leave me the fuck alone? I don't fucking want you!" he snarled. He got up, pushing Lila angrily away, pulling Kayla up with him. "Just fuck off! My dance card is full." he put his arms around Kayla's waist, drawing her in closer to him, sliding his hands up and down her back, grabbing her ass, pushing her into him.
"I love this red flannel on you," she breathed against his neck, her hand sliding against his back, her other hand touching his chest, unbuttoning a top button from his shirt.
"Watch yourself, Little Girl." he murmured against her ear.
"I dont know if I want to," she answered.
A hand pulled her from him. "You don't want to dance with this fucking loser," she smelled the alcohol on the man's breath, as he nuzzled her neck. She looked up at Mac.
"Step away from her." Mac told him in a warning tone.
"Go dance with one of your other whores." the man said. "This one's too good for you. Needs a better man for her. Not a junkie meth head like you."
She saw Mac's hand clench, the other reaching for his back pocket; saw Lila rushing to his side.
"You can dance with me, Mac." she wrapped an arm around him.
"Fuck off, you bitch!" he yelled, throwing her to the ground.
He lunged for the drunk, the knife in his hand, pinning him to a wall. "I told you to step away from her!" he had the point close to the man's eye.
"Mac!" Kayla tried to step between them. "Mac, it's not worth it. He's not worth it." she put a hand to his chest. "He's just drunk, baby. Let him go."
Mac looked at her, his blue eyes focusing on her.
"Let's go home." she said.
He let the drunk go, but not before slamming his head against the wall. "You're fucking lucky, asshole." Mac spat at him.

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