Contol (A short Mac Story -21-)

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He circled her nipples with his  tongue, pursing his lips, sucking on them, listening to her moans, gripping her hands with his.
She disengaged her hands from his, pushing his head down to her pussy.
He gave a low laugh. "Missed me, baby?"
"Yes!" she moaned, as he licked her slit, his tongue penetrating her, swirling inside her, sucking on her clit, spreading her open a little wider, flicking the spot with his tongue that always made her crazy.
"No, Mac!" she begged. "Please don't make me cum yet!"
He looked up at her. "You think it's only going to happen once tonight?" he asked.
He went back to flicking the spot in rapid succession. She dug her nails into his shoulders, feeling herself break skin.
"Mac!" she screamed, feeling herself soak the sheets.
He rolled onto his back, tugging at her, wanting her to straddle him.
She understood what he wanted. She was still incredibly wet, sliding her pussy easily onto his cock.
His hands came up to frame her belly. "Daddy loves your mommy, Little Monster." he looked up at her. "Hmm, Daddy loves being inside mommy very much."
She laughed putting her own hands on top of his, moving herself faster, loving his gasps as she worked him. "Know what mommy likes?" she asked Mac..
"Tell me, Kayla." he moaned.
"Feeling daddy fucking cum inside me."  she said.
"That mouth, baby. That fucking mouth." he said, thrusting up into her, feeling her orgasm once more, as he spilled up inside her.
He brought her down to his side, lacing his fingers with hers, kissing the ring he gave her. "Are you happy. Kayla? Are you happy here with me?" he asked.
Kayla kissed his chest. "I've never been this happy, Mac."
"Are you ok with Rick taking over the business for awhile? I know it's one more person for you to look out for."
"If it means having you around more, I'm ok with anything."
She snuggled closer to him.
He kissed her head. "Love you."
Her eyes fluttered open. "Mac!" she grabbed his hand, placing it on her stomach. They both felt a small flutter of movement.
"Was that the first time you felt something?" he asked softly.
She nodded, kissing him. "Apparently, the baby wants you close to us, too." she smiled.

Six months flew by in no time. Kayla loved Mac being home more often. He had been working on converting a spare bedroom into the baby's room.
They both didn't want to know the sex of the baby; wanted to have it be a surprise.
Harlon had taken over for Kayla on the road, telling her that if something were to happen to her out there, Mac would hold all of Red Canyon accountable, and to please just stay safe and behind her desk.
Mac had started driving her to and from work. She had hated it when he first started doing it, but in the upcoming weeks, the fatigue she felt was undeniable.
"I want you to go to bed early tonight," he told her, ushering her into the bedroom after dinner that night.  He had noticed she could hardly keep her eyes open.
She nodded. "Will you lay with me for a little?" she asked him, sliding under the covers. He willingly slipped in beside her, holding her to him, her head on his chest.
She was asleep in minutes, he stroked her hair, watching her.
He eventually fell asleep himself, still holding onto her, a hand on her stomach, feeling the baby kick and move every now and then.
Kayla awoke with a start. The pain  shooting through her abdomen was excruciating.
She felt a stickiness flowing from underneath her. "No, no, no!" she moaned, fumbling her hand in the dark, trying to find the lamp on her nightstand, locating the switch.
Her eyes adjusted to the sudden bright light, looking down, seeing the blood flowing from between her legs. "Mac!" she screamed. "Mac!"
Mac awoke with a jolt. "Kayla! Baby! What's wr-" his eyes grew wide. "Oh my God, baby!" he jumped out of the bed, throwing on whatever clothes he could find.
"The baby!" she sobbed. "There's something wrong with the baby!" she was near hysterics.
"Baby! It's going to be ok! We're going to go to the hospital, Kayla. It's going to be ok. You're gonna be ok!" he lifted her with ease, running with her to the door.
He grabbed his keys, never losing his grip on her. "Baby, you need to hang on for me!" he pleaded. 
He managed to open the door, running with her to his truck.
He fumbled with the key fob, unlocking the doors. He sat her on her feet, throwing open the door, lifting her up once more and placing her inside.
Once he got himself in, he roared the engine to life, speeding all the way to the hospital.
"Mac," she had a small, far away smile on her face. "Do you remember the first time we made love in your truck?" she whispered.
"Baby! Kayla! You need to hang on for me! You need to fucking hang on!" he shouted.
"Do you remember, Mac?" she asked, again. Her eyes kept closing.
"Baby! Stay awake! Goddammit, Kayla! You need to stay awake!"
"Mac. Do you?" she repeated.
"Yes! Yes, Kayla! I do!" he felt tears stinging his eyes. "It happened more than once, Kayla. It's going to happen, again! It'll happen again!" He slammed his hand against the steering wheel.
She shook her head, smiling. "I'm so tired, Mac. I just want to sleep."
"Fuck, Kayla! Don't sleep!  Don't fucking sleep!"
He made it to the hospital, parking haphazardly, running to get her out.
"Kayla!" he screamed, running into the hospital.
He looked around. "I need a doctor!" he screamed.
He saw nurses running towards them, one bringing a gurney.
"How far a long is she?" the nurse asked.
"Eight months." Mac looked at her hopelessly, not knowing what to do. He followed them into a room. He saw her open her eyes. "Mac?" she asked.
He went to her side. "I'm right here, baby. Right here!" he took her hand.
"I love you," she whispered. She tried to smile. "You're not a monster, baby."
He had tears streaming down his face; he had never once been as scared as he was right then.
She raised her eyes to him. "You were a great teacher," she said. "You're going to be a great dad," she closed her eyes. "I love you, I'm so tired." she closed her eyes again.
"Try to keep her talking," one of the nurses told him.
"Don't you dare fucking leave me, Kayla!" Mac was staring at the blood coming from out from her body, some from her old wounds.
Mac was still holding her hand, wanting to try and stop the bleeding; praying they could stop any of the bleeding.
"I don't want to leave you, Mac. I love you, but I don't think I can do this anymore." she had opened her eyes again. "Just let me go, baby."
"Fuck you, Kayla!" Mac screamed at her. "Fuck you! Don't you fucking dare! You can't disrupt my fucking life, Little Girl, my fucking world, and fucking go! I'll kill them all! I swear to fucking Christ, I'll kill them all if they can't help you!"
"Mac! Stop! Just stop!" she said, trying to put a hand to his face  before passing out.

"Daddy! Uncle Rick's here!" Lucien ran to the door, trying to pull it open for his Uncle.
Mac came up behind him, scooping him up. "What have I told you about opening this door?" he tickled his son, causing Lucien to giggle.
Kayla had wanted a name that had meant 'light', saying that their child illuminated the darkness within them. Mac had honored what she had once asked.
Rick came through the door, "Did you grow since yesterday?" he asked Lucien. "I swear Little Monster, you're gonna be able to help us in those caves soon, afterall."
"Really, Daddy!? I can?"
Mac shook his head at Rick. "You know I'm going to hear about this later, right?"
Rick shrugged. "Sorry." he said, grinning. "With all you two have gone through, I think she'll be ok with this."
Mac tried not to think of that night almost five years ago. He had almost lost her. Twice on the operating table.
They had done an emergency C-section, bringing Lucien into the world. He was overjoyed about having a son. But the joy was short lived with the sound of a steady, piercing tone of the heart monitor.
He had bent down by her ear. "Please don't leave me, my love. You were my light. You are my light. Lucien is here, baby. He needs you. We need you. He's what you wanted. What I wanted.  Don't leave us, Baby. Don't leave me." his tears hit her face, and for a second, he felt her hand squeeze his. Saw the faint flicker of her smile.
"I'll never leave you." he heard her softly say, the beeping returned. He wept as she came back to him, opening her eyes. "Don't cry, My Monster. I'm still here."
Lucien squirmed in Mac's arms, bringing him back to the present. wanting to be let down. "Uncle! Did you bring it? Did you remember?" the little boy asked.
Rick laughed, bringing a small gas mask from behind his back. "Yes, Little Monster, I told you I would."
Lucien beamed. "Daddy! Put it on me!"  Mac bent down, putting the mask on his son.
"There you go, Lucien." he laughed, seeing how proud his son was to wear the mask.
"Mama is going to be surprised!" Lucien jumped up and down.
They didn't here Kayla coming through the back door. "Mama is going to be surprised about what?" she asked. She spied her son, wearing the mask. She bit her lip from laughing, feigning anger. "Seriously, guys?" she asked.
"Uncle said I can help in the caves soon!" he ran to her, his arms reaching around to hold her legs.
"Oh, really, now?" she glared at Mac and Rick in turn, picking up her son, holding him close.
"Told you." Mac said to Rick, going over to her, kissing her.
"Lucien, go get ready for bed, honey. Mama will be in to read you a story soon."
"Ok, Mama." he hugged her tightly around her neck. She let him down, watching him scurry into his room. She turned her attention to the two men. "No cave. Not now. Not until he's old enough to learn what he needs to -and fully understand- from the two of you. Do you understand me?"
They both looked down, grinning. "Yes, Kayla." they said in unison.
She laughed, hearing the faint sound of the knock coming from the door.
Rick opened it, "It's Harlon," he looked confused.
Harlon walked in, his hat in his hand. "Guys," he greeted. "Kayla." he looked up at her.
She smiled at him. He had finally started calling her by her first name after she thanked him profusely for his help in Rick's case. Telling him he was a friend, and not just her Deputy.
Mac looked at Harlon. "This isn't a social call, is it Calhoun?" his voice was weary.

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