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Beast boys POV

Robin gave us all orders to find Rae, Starfire and Robin are looking around jump city while me and cy look around the tower

Going outside I look around the island to find nothing. I walk along the shore line throwing rocks in to the sea then heading back inside the tower. Going through the tower dodging Ravens room hoping cyborg went in there all ready, not wanting to get sucked in to another mirror or any other dark magic stuff. Going to the lift I go upwards towards the roof.

Exiting the lift I climb the small set of stairs to the roof, I haven't found a trace of her yet, were could she be. Sitting at the ledge I look out at the sea. Zoned out until i hear the roof door open and I'm pulled back in to reality. Cyborg comes up to me

"Hey buddy watch ya doing up here, find anything"

"no just looking out at the city, it's a good view "

"no sign of Rae, you been in her room yet"

"No I thought you would of" I replied

"well someone has to go in there"

"don't look at me dude I'm not going in that creepy room" getting a shiver up my spine.

"well come with me bb I'm not going in there alone, I don't want to be sucked in to another dimension again with no back up"

"fine" I say

We go down stairs to see a cape go round the corner. Me and cy look at each other

"Did you see that cy" giving a questioned look

"I sure did little dude" he said with an ear to ear grin

"HEY RAE WAIT UP" I morph in to a dog and sprint down the hall way and turn the corner

"hey where'd she go" cyborg asked looking down at me. I started sniffing down the hall. Stopping outside Stars room I morph back in to myself

"well her sent trail led me her" I say confused

"why would she be in Stars room"

Cyborg opened the door to find the bed sheets had been ripped and messed up

"Wow, ether star had a bad temper or someone really does not like star"

" Who doesn't like star" I state

Hearing a loud crash from down the hall we run to see what the noise was.

Walking into the main room we find a horrifying scene, most of the plates have been smashed and some of the windows are missing and the couch has been tuned over.

"We are not here alone beast boy"

" I think your right, shall we call Robin"

" not yet, it could be silkie having the munchies, well we might as well carry on with the search, let's go to ravens room then bb"

Groaning we head to Rae's room, looking at each other we enter the dark room. Stepping in I gulp as I see a dark figure floating at the window

"Oh hi Rae, you were in here the whole time!" I questioned

"DON'T CALL ME RAE" red light shot out and pushed me in to the wall,cyborg ran over and asked if I was ok,

"what was that for Raven!"cyborg shouted helping me up.

Cyborg started to glow red then he fell apart. Raven came towards us and smiled.

"Now are you going to leave me alone"


She walked in to the light and opened her four red eyes, cy and me gasp, her red cape flutters in the shallow breeze

"now time to have some fun" and she teleports through the roof

"we need to call the others NOW!" I shot.


Sorry it took so long to update but hope its good please




Thanks :)

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