Feelings overflow

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(Authors Note: Have you ever had that feeling you are getting stronger? Power flows through you, and you feel so much better then before?

I just had one of those feelings. Someone put me down(I wont name names) and I just sat there upset, and then I started listening to my music, and I felt so much better.

Music has a way of changing peoples moods, and it helped me so much. Anyways, this poem is about having that feeling, and just letting go. Forgiving and forgetting. Moving on. Feeling strong. Oops, started to rhyme there.

What can I say! Im in one of those moods. Sorry for rambling on, so vote, comment, and hope you enjoy!!! :3

P.s. Dont forget to listen to the music that inspired the poem!!!)

I dwell in the past.

If I dont punish myself for my mistakes,

I cant last.

It may be me thats holding myself back.

But there is another person.

And when she sees I am weak,

She comes to attack.

She is one of my worst enemies.

But no matter what she does,

She will not get rid of me.

I am stronger then that.

I will not give up,

Because of some brat.

She tells me I cant do a certain thing.

I cant wait till the day I stand up for myself,

And show my wings.

And I promise you that day will come.

Cause each and every day,

The stronger I become.

I know longer will fall.

No matter what she says,

I will stand tall.

I have this feeling that over powers me.

It makes me more confident.

It makes me feel free.

My eyes may look down,

When she is in the room.

But her words,

They no longer give me wounds.

My spirit comes back more easily.

My eyes start to see more clearly.

My heart doesnt hold rage.

I am no longer trapped in her cage.

My wings will spread.

I will leave her behind and move ahead.

I have learned to smile in the hardest times.

I will no longer judge by her crimes.

I will look deeper inside.

And find the angel we all seem to hide.

(Well hope you liked. This one poem was really free, so I hope it flowed well. This was one of those poems when all those feelings just rush at!!!

It made me feel so much better. :) So dont forget to comment, that would make me feel even better! :)

Have a great day, and if you are feeling gloomy, hope this helped!!)

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