I'm alive

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( Authors Note: Hey wattpad!!! Its been awhile. I just had finals so I have been really busy.

Anyways while I was away I have been watching this anime(japanese cartoon) called Kuroshitsuji.

It is a really good anime, but the song at the end of the anime caught my attention.

So I decided to write a poem that went with it.

So hope you enjoy, and dont forget to comment and vote! Thnx!!!!!!)

I may make mistakes,

But I am no fake.

I am not be close to perfect,

But I am no reject.

I may not be flawless,

But I do my best.

I may not always do well,

But I am one of a kind, special.

I usually dwell in the past,

But one day I will change,

And become a new person at last.

I may not be beautiful both inside and out,

But isn't it the inside that counts?

People may judge me in every way,

But when it comes to myself,

What counts the most is what I have to say.

I may not have everything,

But I have what I need.

Sometimes I may be in misery,

But I will always have my family.

I may not get everything right,

But I will always fight.

There are times when I mope,

But there also times when I cant lose hope.

I get up and fall back down,

But I come back around.

There are times when all I can do is cry,

But I will never give up and will always try.

Love may not be my profession,

But atleast I am not always full of depression.

I may at times waste my time,

But they will always be memories of mine.

It may seem that I am not blessed,

But I live my life to the fullest.

I may not have a perfect life,

But I will always be Alive.

(Like it? If you did, or didnt, please comment!!!

I love to hear your opinion. :3)

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