Chapter 1

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So here's chapter two, and I hope you enjoy. 

Ashton's P.O.V.

I looked over at Luke as we walked. He was biting his lip and looking at the ground. "You okay?" I ask him. "Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just thinking." he replied. I nodded my head and kept on walking. About a hour later, we ended back at the house. When we opened the door we saw Calum making some food, and Michael watching TV. "Hey guys. What took you so long?" Michael asked. "Nothing really. We just walked around for awhile." Luke answered. "Well there's food here if you want some." Calum said. I nodded and got some food. I really didn't want any. I just wanted to go to bed. I ate the food just to show the boys that I was eating. Although, I did put most of the food in a napkin when the boys weren't looking, so I didn't have to eat all of it. "I'm done. I'll be upstairs if you need me." I said putting my plate in the sink and heading upstairs.

Calum's P.O.V.

I looked over to the boys to see if they noticed. "Have you seen Ashton? He's been acting a little weird." I told  Luke and Michael. "Yeah, he seems a little off." Luke agreed. "Did you notice he hasn't been eating very much lately?" I asked quietly. The two boys in front of me looked at each other with wide eyes. "Do you think it has to do with the hate he's been getting?" Michael said. "Maybe, let's talk about something else now." I said, not wanting to keep talking about this. Luke and Michael nodded and after that we ate in silence. 

Ashton's P.O.V.

I felt like complete and utter shit. I threw up whatever was in my stomach again. I should really stop eating, unless I want this to continue. I got into the shower and tried my best not to look at myself in the mirror. Why was it always me? Why do I have to be so sensitive and listen to the hate? Why must I be me? I sighed and continued to wash myself before getting out and flopping onto the bed. I laid on the bed for a good five minutes before getting up and putting some clothes on. I was on my phone playing a game when Calum walked in. "You okay, Ashton?" he asked cautiously. "Yeah, I guess I am." I replied not making any eye contact. "You positive?" Calum asked probably just wanting to be sure. "Yeah, I'm positive." I said. Calum nodded before walking out of my room. I sighed, of course I'm not okay. I've been getting a lot of hate, and I think I'm starting to fall for Calum. Why does my life have to be like this? Why is it so complicated? I decided not to over think it anymore. I sighed and closed my eyes wanting to go back to sleep and dream about living a different life where decisions didn't have to be so hard. 

Calum's P.O.V.

I went up to check on Ashton again. It's been an hour since I last went up. I looked into his room to find him sleeping. I smiled, he deserved some rest. I went over to his sleeping figure and kissed his forehead. Yeah, I know what you're thinking. Why are you kissing him? Well, I've fallen for him...hard. Nobody knows that I'm bisexual except the boys, but I told them years ago. I don't think they remember though. Does he like me back? I bet not, he's not gay, but he's taking the hate about him being gay pretty hard. Maybe he is, and he's too scared to show it. No Calum, it doesn't have anything to do with the hate. Stop getting your hopes up. I sighed, so much for loving him. "You okay Calum?" I jumped and turned around to see Luke. "Um I guess. Just worried about Ashton." I said truthfully. "Can I talk to you in your room?" he asked. I nodded kind of scared of what he wanted to talk to me about. "I know you like Ashton." he said once he closed my bedroom door. I gulped, what if doesn't approve? "Don't worry, I'm not mad." he said like he was reading my thoughts. I sighed, thank god he doesn't think I'm weird. "Are you going to make a move though? I think you two would be a cute couple." he said. I blushed, but I wasn't expecting something like that to come out of Luke's mouth. "I would, but I don't know if he likes me back. I don't want to be rejected." I said to Luke. "I think he likes you back though, I've seen the way he looks at you." Luke replied. "Really?" I asked excitedly. Luke nodded, "If you need any help just ask me." he said. I nodded as he walked out of my room. I sighed, I'm so happy that Luke doesn't think I'm weird. And he thinks Ashton likes me. Today's been a good day, hasn't it? Yes, yes it has. 

So hope you enjoyed this chapter. Next chapter will be up as soon as posible. Just have a lot going on, so yeah. Anyway hope you like it :)

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