Chapter 2

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Ashton's P.O.V.

I heard Calum leave my room. He kissed my forehead...that's all I can think about. Calum fucking Hood kissed my forehead. Deep breaths Ashton, don't get your hopes up. I sighed before slowly getting up. I stretched and reached for my phone. It's almost time for bed, well there goes my day, but whatever Calum kissed me. That's never leaving my mind. I went down to the kitchen to get something to drink. "Hey Ashton." I heard someone say. I turned around to see Michael. "Hey Michael." I said grabbing a glass and filling it with water. "How are you?" he asked. "I'm doing fine." I said before bringing the glass to my lips and taking a long sip. "You sure you're okay?" he pushed. "Yeah, what makes you think I wouldn't be?" I asked him trying to figure out what he's hinting about. "I'm talking about the fact that you've been getting a lot of hate from Twitter." he said looking at me. I almost spat out my water when he said that. "How did you know?" I asked. "I'm not stupid and neither are Calum and Luke. We know what's going on." Michael said. I just stayed quiet. "Why Ashton? Why are you doing this to yourself?" Michael asked. "I grew up being bullied at school. I used to starve myself then. It's nothing new. It's just a way of coping." I explained to Michael even if he didn't understand. "But Ashton, it hurts us to see you do this to yourself. It's hurting your body, Ashton." Michael says to me. "I know, it's just I've done this for practically my whole life. It's hard to stop." I said quietly. "I want to help you stop." Michael said pleadingly. "You can try as much as you want, but I think I'm too damaged to be saved." I replied. "I still want to help you." Michael said before saying good bye and walking out of the kitchen. 

Did I really want him to help me? Did I trust him enough? Of course I do, he's my best friend, what was I thinking? I finished my water and headed back upstairs. I slid back into bed and got comfortable. I was about to go to sleep, when I heard a knock on my bed room door. I looked up to see Calum standing in the doorway. "Are you okay, Calum?" I asked getting a better look at him. He had tears streaming down his face. "Calum." I sighed getting up and bringing him into my chest. He started sobbing, soaking my shirt. "What's wrong, Calum? Please tell me." I pleaded, wanting to know what had upset my lover so much. "Michael told me what happened." he whispered in between sobs. My heart sank, I was the reason for this. I wasn't mad at Michael, how could I be? "Why are you doing it, Ashton? You're perfect the way you are." Calum said calming down. "It's my way of coping I guess, I've done it for a long time. It's hard to stop." I explained. "Why don't you trust the boys? Why don't you trust me?" Calum asked whispering the last part. "I do trust you. It's just that I don't think that you guys could do anything about it." I said. "Can I stay in here tonight?" Calum asked after a moment of silence. I smiled, "Of course you can." I said as I got into bed with Calum following. I held him close to my body. There wasn't much room in my bed anyway. "Goodnight, Ashton." Calum whispered. "Goodnight." I said as I smiled. Oh, how much I wished this boy loved me back. I waited until I could hear the steady breaths of Calum before falling asleep myself. I wanted to know that he was safe. 

The next morning I woke up alone. Calum probably left early this morning to make something to eat. I sighed and got out of bed and went down stairs. "Good morning, Ashton." Luke said smiling and taking sips of coffee. "Morning." I replied. Luke was one of those people who knew everything, but he kept it to himself. He was like a stalker, it was kind of creepy. "Ashton, you're up." Calum said walking into the kitchen where I was standing. I smiled and nodded. "Ashton you're going to eat this." Calum said getting serious and handing me a plate with some eggs and bacon. I sighed but nodded anyway. I didn't want to disappoint him. I took small bites until it was gone. "It wasn't that hard was it?" Calum asked me, as I nodded. But it he didn't understand, it was extrememly difficult. My stomach turned, and I was having a hard time keeping it in. "I'll be right back." I said as I headed to the bathroom. I threw up the food into the toilet. I sighed, I didn't like the feeling of throwing up. I flushed the toilet and wiped my mouth before heading back out. I was met with Calum who was shaking his head. "Did you just throw up?" Calum asked quietly. I nodded and kept my eyes on the ground. "It was hard to keep down." I told him. "Well, we'll start out with a smaller portion next time." Calum said. I nodded, at least he didn't get mad. "We're going to get through this together." Calum told me giving me a hug, as I hugged him back. "Let's go do something fun." he said taking my hand and dragging me out to the car. 

I managed to save part of this chapter, just not all of it. I hoped you guys enjoyed :). Vote it you did?

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