Chapter 4

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Third Person Pov

When Mark's face popped up on the screen, Seán was at a lose for words. Mark hardly ever used facecam when it was just the two of them, since he didn't want Jack to feel as if he was obligated to show his face to Mark. When Mark didn't get an answer he asked if Jack was alright and if his internet was just bad (that was an issue that happened a lot when they were skyping). Jack was about to reply when her voice sounded from down the stairs, "if your talking to one of those fake internet friends that you seem to think are real then you're in for it!" Jack then realized that Mark just heard what was said and had a concerned look on his face.
"Jack! What is going on? Are you alright? Please Jack, at least respond! I'm getting worried about you!"
" Mark, everything's fine, there's nothing wrong and I'm right here!"
Seán himself was scared but not for his safety, but for what she might do to his stuff once she decides to come up the stairs.
"Alright, I'm just worried okay? First I get told that I've met you, next I here some crazy woman yelling at you and saying I'm fake! What's next? You gonna say that you go to my high school or live next to me?"
"Well you'll just have to find out won't cha?"
"Wow thanks man, now there's more mysteries surrounding you then there ever has been, thanks so much!"
"And what if I told you that some of those mysteries surrounding me are true huh?"
Jack saw Mark's smirking face twist into something that is a cross between curiosity and a scowl.
"Can you at least give me a hint here? It's so hard to figure you out man!"
Jack thought about it for a couple minutes before deciding that he would give Mark a hint.
"Well, if you wanted a hint you should have asked from the beginning! Hmmmm...well... I do have tattoos if that helps?"
"Oh wow such a great hint man. Now I know that you have dyed hair and that you have tattoos, totally not like half the populace have both of those!" Mark said in a deadpanned voice.
" wow! You really want to know who I am don't you haha! Too bad you'll have to wait at least a year before you will ever know" Jack said in a singing voice.
"Give me another hint! That one sucked. Like what you're wearing, or what school do you go to?" Mark said. Man winning like a bitch already huh?
"But that would be too easy. Well then, I think that's enough of my appearance today! You wanna play some games with Wade and Bob?" Jack tried to direct the discussion somewhere else but Mark caught on quickly.
"Yeah sure I'll text those weirdos, one sec."
Seán's Pov
As Mark got the guys in on our plans, I feel worthless, I couldn't even tell him! Why, why can't I just tell him and click the facecam option?! I'm so stupid. Maybe this is a sign that Mark wouldn't care about my problems. Maybe he would hate me just like everyone else at school. I snapped out of my internal self-deprecating when Mark spoke.
"Ok Jack everything ready, also Bob and Wade are going to be here soon... Are you sure your ok? You know you can talk to me about it right? I'm here for you."
Mark's words hit pretty hard at the end. Can I really burden him with my problems? Can I trust that he will listen? I'll give him a hint, I guess.
"Okay and...umm...I can't really say much right now, but right now, my 'situation' is not the greatest. I can't really go into detail but I hope you understand..." I trailed off at the end and when I looked over at the screen, I saw that Mark had a look of disbelief and slight sadness. He looked like he was trying to say something but couldn't find the words to express what he was wanting to say. Finally, after about two minutes of silence and Mark looking as if his world was destroyed, Mark decided to say something. I hope he doesn't hate me...who am I kidding, of course he hates me! I always burden him with my issues and he doesn't deserve that! God I'm so stupid...
End of Seán's Pov
Mark's Pov
When I got done with setting everything up and was about to send Wade and Bob a request to join the call when Jack said "Okay and...umm...I can't really say much right now, but right now, my 'situation' is not the greatest. I can't really go into detail but I hope you understand..." He trailed off at the end but I got every word. I froze and I didn't know what to say. I was in shock, I mean, it isn't everyday that your best friend suddenly says that he isn't in the best of places at the moment. I feel sad that Jack had to go through something and not tell me for who knows how long! Maybe I could invite him to stay at my place till he gets things sorted, I mean we do have a couple extra rooms in the house. It wouldn't hurt to try! He might say no but the offer will still stand.
" should have told someone, if something were to happen, no one would know. Hey! Why don't you come over to my place? At least until your situation gets better. I have the extra rooms so it's fine. Please come see me. And then I'll get to be the first one to see your face! Haha take that Felix!"
Jack laughed but I could just hear the shock that he was feeling.
"I don't know Mark I mean, what if I turn out to be ugly and you don't want to talk to me? And I know I probably should have told someone but I'm not aloud to, telling you is already not good for me but I thought you should know, since you are my best friend."
I didn't know what to say. Now I'm really scared for him, but I can't let him fight this alone. I need to do something to help!
"I don't care what you look like Jack! You could be someone who looks like an animal or something and I wouldn't give a shit! My offer still stands but I do want to see your face so I can tell who the nut job at my door is. And Jack, I am so happy that you would trust me with this and I promise that I won't break that trust. I just thought you should know that."
I hated being helpless, especially when Jack is involved. I don't care if I have to come to Ireland to see him, cause I will! I'll do whatever I need to to help Jack.
End of Mark's Pov
Jack's Pov
Did Mark just offer me to stay at his house?! Oh lordy I can't handle this right now! He also wants to see my face, no matter what I look like. My mouse hovers over a different button this time. I don't know if I should click it or not! Should I show him my face? And if I do, will he reject me? What should I do?!
End of Jack's Pov

-Tada! Well that was exciting! Here are some things you should know!-
1. Mark and Jack do live near each other, but Jack's house has the place set up for a large bedroom, common room, and an ok kitchen, where as Mark's has all the areas divided up into rooms of there own and around the same shape (he also expanded a bit on his house).
2. 'Jack's Pov' will only appear when he is talking to his online friends, since they only know him as 'Jack' and not Seán.
3. Jack has been put down a lot in his life so it only natural that he would think Mark would do the same if he knew who he was. Now Mark wouldn't do that but Jack doesn't know that.
4. The woman that is referred to is Jack's caretaker, she hates Jack and hated his family. The reason will be stated later and I don't have a good name for her or Jack's biological parents yet (or his sister) so until I do, she will only be referred to in pronouns.
5. Jack's family died. You won't know how until Jack will make a DML (draw my life) video and that is going to be when he gets in a better situation that the one he is in right now.
-And that's all that needs to be cleared up right now! -

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