Chapter 17

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In the last vid-chapter...

"Hello, this is the officer that you spoke to a few days ago, I have found out some things concerning the case that you had me working on. I can tell that you are not home but, if you could, please call me back asap."

And so it continues...

Third Person POV

As the guys let the message playback in their heads, several moments passed in deep silence. Mark looked to Jack, whose face was cold and solemn. What could have been found out to make Jack's face go so...blank, so cold? Mark thought, before he slowly went to the phone, taking a once-over of all the guys before finding the number and pushed the call button. The call was picked up almost immediately so Mark put it on speaker so the others could hear.

"Hello, may I ask who is speaking?" "Mark, Mark Fischbach." "Ahh, the kid that took in the other one, right? So, let's get to business." "Yes, that's me." "Alrighty, so, the reason I called earlier was due to the fact that I had found out some things that I needed a confirmation and the fact that we have found three suspects that match the description given, one of which we are sure is the one responsible but we need to be sure." "Alright, you're on speaker, so Jack can hear ya..." "Ok, so what I found out, was that the woman in question is a relative of Mr. McLoughlin and that she has had several reports on her, for abuse and other things respectfully, that have seemed to have gone missing, until I looked over Mr. McLoughlin's file. Meaning, we have several pieces of evidence to put her in bars; however, I do need some confirmation from Mr. McLoughlin, as well as I need him to come to the station so we can have him confirm which is the one that did such actions to him." "Um, when do you want us to come down to the station?" "Sometime tonight, if possible. Preferably within the next two to three hours." "Alright, we'll be there, anything else?" "I would much rather talk about this in person so we can wait on some of the other finds." "Okay, thank you, goodbye." "Goodbye." *Click*

The room was silent, everyone was in slight shock and was collecting their thoughts. Mark was the first one to come back, so he put on a smile and grabbed Jack's hand in a quick motion.

"Jack, you're gonna be alright! You got me...and the guys...but mostly me." Mark said, smirking at the guys who looked indignantly at him, some rolling their eyes.

"Yeah, I know, Mark, I just...I really want this all to stop, and I'm sorry I got ye all involved..." "Oh shut up ya big baby! You did nothing wrong, so calm your tits and let us handle it." Mark had cut into Jack's little emo moment while dragging him to the living room.

"Now, you sit down, look pretty, and wait while I fix us all some good food that's not overpriced." "But Mark, we just ate-" "Did someone here something, cause I swear I just heard something...must've been the wind." "Unbelievable..." As Jack and Mark were 'arguing', the guys filled in and picked some random place to sit while Mark walked into the kitchen.

~40 minutes of cooking later~

When Mark came in with some chicken and dumplings, the guys were all hungry due to the smells that emitted from the kitchen while he was cooking. Jack sighed and shook his head when he saw the guy all try to lunge for said dumplings to which the short cook just dodged the attempts and walked straight to Jack. Mark sat down in the recently opened seat and set some plates down before dishing everyone up, Jack being the first.

After they ate the delicious food and watched some television, the guys decided it was about time to go see the officer.

End of Third Person POV

Mark's POV

As soon as we got to the police department, Jack started to shake subtly, so I simply grabbed his hand and gave it a squeeze, and a second later, he squeezed back. I hate that he has to go through all of this shit, but it'll all be over soon, thank god.The guys all got out of their cars and we walked in as a group, getting a few strange looks but whatever, not my problem right now. The officer meet us at the door and escorted Jack and me to a room where we were shown some pictures, Jack having to choose the one that was that woman. After that, the officer started to ask him some questions.

"Mr. McLoughlin, I have some questions for you that you can choose to answer or not, if you wish not to answer, say 'pass', okay?" "Yeah..." "Alright, so, has this woman ever talked to you about your family?" "Once, but she said that I wasn't allowed to talk about them." "Okay, now I want to know if you could tell me some of her actions, like did she drink, or was she constantly with a man at night?" "She would drink and smoke but she didn't have a lot of guys come over because she didn't want them to see me and get the wrong idea." "Okay, now I would like you to tell me if she ever neglected you, like not giving you food or something." "Yes, she would often give me that kind of punishment." "Can you elaborate on all that she kept you from?" "Pass." "Okay, now I would like to know if you've ever told anyone about this." "Yeah, my deceased sister..." "I'm sorry for your loss...okay, we are done now. You're free to leave." "Thanks..." As we were leaving, Jack pulled me to the side and started to cry on my shoulder. It was heart-breaking....

"Hey, Jack, what's wrong?" "I-I-I don' know...I jus' started cryin' and there was a pain in me chest..." "Oh,'s gonna be alright, after this all blows over, you are gonna be feeling happy..." "For real?" At that, Jack's head looked up at me, eye's full of hope and sadness.

"Yes, you're gonna be just fine, Jackaboy."

End of Mark's POV

End of Chapter

Tada! How's that for a good ending of a chapter that's not a cliffhanger, huh? I hope ya liked it cause, yeah wouldn't be reading it if ya didn't,'s the new chapter that everyone's been wanting. I was going to do it earlier but I caught something and have been basically dead for the last couple days, but we all good now so here is this and I'm just gonna go...Hope ya enjoyed!

See ya!

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