Chapter 13

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In the last (real) chapter:

Jack...please be okay...

and so it continues...

Mark's POV

Jacks is unconscious right now and I can't stop thinking about him and what has been going on in the last week. First, I found out that one of my best friends live near me and go to the same school as I do, then I find out that he's been abused for god knows how long! Damn, why can't we just live a normal life with each other...oh right, we aren't with each other, not yet at least...

"...rk...MARK...!" wat? "huh?"

"Don't 'huh' me, Mark! I've been calling you for the last 5 minutes! God dude..."  Well Bob's agitated again...
"Oh...sorry, I was just thinking..."
"What about?"  "Jack." "Oh... well he's fine now at least, the doctor said that it wasn't anything critical, only some brakes, fractures, cuts, and bruises. He'll be back before you know it, Mark." "Thanks Bob, really." "Okay, get some rest dude, I'm going to go contact the school and tell them that none of us are going to attend for the next couple days and stuff. I won't tell them anything that isn't required, Mark." "Okay thanks again, Bob." "No problem dude, see ya in a bit. Come on Wade, your coming with me." Bob said as he dragged a struggling Wade out of the room.
"Hey Mark, I'll watch Jack, you get some sleep, bro." Felix said to me as he walked over and sat down next to me in a different chair and put a comforting hand on my shoulder.
"Ok." was all I said as I laid my head down on Jack's bed, gripping his hand loosely and I was out like a light. 

End of Mark's POV 

Third person POV

As Mark fell asleep, the guys all had knowing smirks on their faces. They all simultaneously got their phones out and took pictures of the two while Felix updated his twitter with a tweet saying "Mark's getting some ;)" and  had the picture of Mark and Jack but had Jack's face cropped out of the photo. When Cry saw what Felix put on twitter, he looked at Felix who had a pretty stupid grin on his face before walking over and placing his hand on Felix's shoulder. All he said was, "I saw what you did and I support it." Which resulted in Felix laughing pretty hard but was quickly shut up by Ken who put his hand over Felix's mouth in an attempt to not wake Mark. 

" Oh come on Ken, I'm not that loud!" Felix said as he got his breath back. "Yes, yes you are, Felix" was the reply he got from the bearded man. "Wow, I'm hurt, Ken, I'm hurt!" "Just stop, Felix! I'm dying over here with all your lame ass references." That caused Felix to pout as he went to the corner of the hospital room.

*Time skip of around 2-3 hours*

Jack slowly woke up, but immediately closed his eyes due to the hospital room being so bright and white and all. He looked around and saw that Felix was asleep on his left (he was sleeping upright) , near all the monitors and machines, while Mark was sleeping soundlessly as he had his head on the bed. Then Jack noticed that Mark was gripping his hand, not too tightly but tight enough that he would know when Jack tried to move his hand away. Jack's face turned bright red as he stared at their intertwined hands and Mark's face. 

Suddenly, Bob and Wade appeared and had stacks of papers and some bags in their arms. Bob noticed Jack's open eyes first, but he smiled and just went to place the things he was holding down. Jack smiled back before looking down, a bright blush made its reappearance as Jack remembered that Mark was still holding his hand and Bob noticed. Bob laughed and woke Felix who jumped. Felix jump caused everyone to wake up as well because he didn't do it very quietly.  He yelled "Javla Fita" which caused Mark to wake up and fall from his spot near the bed, Ken to jump from the uncomfortable chair he was sitting in, Cry to stand up and bolt to a corner, and Matt to jump on Ryan who fell off the couch that he was sleeping on. Bob bursted into laughter and Jack and Wade joined in seconds later. Soon all the guys joined in and laughed with them before they had a shocking realization: Jack was awake and laughing. 

"...Jack?" Mark started, unsure if what he was seeing was true. 

"Hey Mark, great wake up call, by the way, haha." Jack said with a light tone.

"Well, how are you feeling, anything hurting? Anything at all?" Mark asked, concerned for his "secret" crush on Jack. 

"I'm fine Mark, a little sore but I'm fine,"  Jack replied in a calm tone as he looked at his hands in embarrassment.

"Okay, if you need anything, anything at all, just tell me or one of the guys alright?" "Okay, would it be okay if I had a glass of water?" "Sure Jack," Mark said as he got up and grabbed the pitcher of water on the bedside table. He poured some into a plastic cup  and handed it to Jack. "Here you go, Jack." Mark said in a calm, soothing  voice.

"Thanks," Jack said as he tool a gulp of the water. He hadn't had anything to eat or drink in two days so he was pretty thirsty. 

"So, Jack...What are you gonna do about school? You gonna come back in a couple days or are you gonna take the rest of the week off?" Bob asked, knowing that the guys wouldn't let Jack do anything for at least a week. "I'm going to take a break...if that's okay with you guys. It's been a long couple of months..." "Okay, I already told the school earlier that none of us would be going for a week, you included, so that problem is solved." "Thanks, Bob," Was all Jack said as he looked like he was going to pass out. 

"Get some rest, Jack. We'll be here when you wake up..." That was all Jack heard as he felt his conscious leave him. 

End of Third Person POV

End of Chapter

Yo! Sorry about not really being active for the last couple week, I had some medical issues that needed to be resolved, which they are and I'm fine now! Yay, more chapters should actually be coming out when I want them to! Anyways, basically, Jack has had surgery and stuff so he's still pretty wiped. His fanbase is going crazy since he hasn't been doing anything as Jacksepticeye, which will be expanded on in the next chapter. Jack's condition is fine, he just has some broken ribs and leg bones plus some bruises which are easily healable compared to other injuries. For those who are wondering, no Jack was not raped by Celest, though it might have sounded that way. He was actually just tortured but since it was the first time he ever experienced pain to that extent, it hurt way more than what it normally would have had it been when Jack was 16 or 17. It was the worst beating he had by her, though. By the way, Mark has, prior to the current time in this fic, told the guys that he liked Jack, so if you were questioning why the guys were so cool with Mark holding Jack's hand, that's why! Anyways, I am sorry that I haven't updated in a while but  I hope you enjoyed the fic so far and still want to follow along with me...

See Ya!

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