Chapter 5

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Third Person Pov
As Jack was about to click the button for his camera to come on, his door slammed open and his caretaker came in with a furious look on her face. She picked Jack somewhat high in the air, and threw him into one of his bare walls. (A/N: the caretaker calls Seán 'Jack' because she didn't want him to keep the name given to him by his parents since she thinks that Seán's the one at fault for their deaths.)
"Where is my beer Jack? Huh? I thought I told you to get me some more an hour ago. Are you trying to disobey me? Well then, maybe I shouldn't let you eat food for another week! Remember what happened last time you tried to pull this kinda thing, Jack? I had my boyfriend come in here and beat you! But knowing you, you liked it ,you fag. Go buy me a beer, and if you don't do it within the hour, I'll smash your computer again!"
Then she walked out of the room and slammed the door. After she left, Seán slowly stood up and stumbled over to his computer to make sure that woman didn't do anything to it. He then remembered that he was on Skype with Mark and looked at the screen to see if Mark was still there and what he saw shocked him. Mark was crying, he was bawling his eyes out silently as he stared at the ground. Seán's eyes were wide as he stared at Mark's face in confusion. 'Why was Mark still in the call, I would have thought he left when it started...'
Seán's eyes softened as he stared at Mark and sighed causing Mark's eyes to instantly look at the screen. Seán didn't know what to say because he really didn't want to burden Mark with his problems, especially not this particular one.
End of Third Pov
Mark's Pov
As I heard Jack get beaten, I felt so utterly helpless. I know that I shouldn't insert myself in his personal life, no matter how much I want to, but what could I even do to help. I already offered him a place to stay, and even encouragement. What else could I do? Then, I heard a sigh and my eyes immediately go to the screen where Jack's Skype user image is in hope that he is okay. What a great friend I am, I didn't even ask if he was okay immediately! Then Jack started to sigh again and I immediately asked if he was alright. I was so worried and I couldn't even be there to comfort him!
"Yeah Mark, I'm fine. This isn't the first time it's happened."
I was so sad at hearing the last part so I spoke my mind.
"But there shouldn't have been a 'first time' Jack. I felt so useless and I hated it. I want to help you but I don't know how."
" me you've helped me so much in the past 3 years. So don't feel like that, it pains me so much to see you like that. You probably don't know this, but you were my first friend and that is what kept me alive through all of this. You have helped me so much and I don't want to burden you anymore than I already have. I haven't said it out loud but thank you so much Mark."
I was so shocked at what Jack said. Why was he so selfless? He won't let anyone help him and takes all of these horrible actions at home and still is so strong.
"...Jack...what could I possibly do to help because I want to. I want to help because I couldn't be there with you when you were hurt, at least let me be there for you now."
"Mark...I don't know what to do anymore. I thought that I could last at least one more year since you have to be at least 18 to get out of your home so I thought I could last that long without any help, but now I want help but I don't want anyone else to be hurt. I just don't know what to do!"
" could stay at my place. I've already gave you that option and I wouldn't care if you came over here, but I would need to know what you look like Jack."
I was worried at what Jack would say. I really want to see Jack and this was an opportunity, even if it's not the best of situations, to see what he looked like.
"Mark, thank you so much. I will think it over and see if I can come because I don't know and I still have to go out to get something for... anyways, I'll think it over and call you later, okay?"
"Yeah, Jack, I understand. I'll talk to you later. Call me when you have an answer! Bye boo!"
"Bye-bye markimoo!"
...Then the call ended...
Then I noticed my phone was going crazy with texts from Wade and a couple from Bob. Shit! I was suppose to play with them. They are going to be so pissed! I'm so dead...
I started a call with Bob and Wade and both bombarded me with questions right off the back.
"Where were you?" "We waited like an hour Mark!" "Wasn't Jack suppose to play with us?" "You should have told us you were doing something, not just a 'let's play a game guys' Mark!" Among other questions. To which I answered with a single sentence and didn't go into detail afterwards.
"Something happened to Jack during the call."
End of Mark's Pov
Jack's Pov
After I ended the call, I got my wallet and my jacket and left to the store. 'Why would Mark offer all that, not that I'm complaining but why? Maybe I should have just said no...I don't want to cause him any more trouble, even if I want to see him in real life and get away from that house..." After my internal struggle was over, I noticed that I had already got to the store. As I walked in, I looked for the beer isle. When I got there, I saw Felix there looking at the wine and I walked by as silently and non-suspicious as possible. I picked the kind that she likes and started to go to the checkout. After I showed my id the guy knew that I was underage, but he knows her and knows I'm the one who buys it for her so he ignored it. As I was leaving, I thought it might be funny to troll Felix. I pulled his number up and called him.
"Hey Jack what's up?"
"I just wanted to know what the special occasion is."
"What the fuck are you talking about dude?"
"I mean, why were you looking at wine at the shop?"
I just saw you while I was buying some beer Fe' haha."
"Wait, you're in America?!"
"Yeah? Why? I thought you knew?"
"Like, why the hell would I know if you didn't tell anyone!"
"Well I did tell the airport people Felix."
"Really bro? Anyways you should stop by! It'd be a real party if you were there."
"Yeee and maybe, I don't know if I can. So what's the wine for? You never told me."
"Haha well it's for Marzia, cause we usually get a bottle every two to three months and that's how long it's been so I thought I'd by one."
"Sweet! Well, I got to go so I'll talk to you later. Byes!"
"See ya!"
As I got to the door, I put my phone in my pocket and opened the door. I set the beer in the fridge and quietly went up the stairs.
Now it's time to tell Mark my answer...
End of Jack's Pov
End of Chapter
Tada! That's another chapter done! Hope you enjoyed!

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