Chapter 12

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Seán was conflicted, on one hand, he could escape and be with Mark (or some other people he actually liked) or he could stay in a living Hell, but not burden anyone of his friends, a very tough choice to be made... He didn't want to make the guys feel obligated to help, but he knew for a fact that he needed it. Seán really wished he could push his aching body into a deep and dark hole that was far away from anything that was living. He also would have to come back eventually to get all his gaming equipment and that in itself was a very hard task to be completed, as he had put most of his savings into that equipment. 

"Well...are you gonna say yes right now or should we call back..." 

There was Felix with his oh so well put words...

"I-I-I don't, I don't know..."  

"WHAT?! Why would you want to stay here?!" That was Mark, damn why did he have to butt in, he probably knows that I can't say no to him even if I try to be reluctant

"W-w-w-well I d-d-don't want to be a burden to anyone...sorry..." 

Damn my stutter, but at least I left them speechless... 

"Burden? Hell to the fucking no, you won't be a burden, you dumb-ass, but you will be pretty stupid if you stay here!" 

Felix bounds right back it seems.

"At least let us take you to the hospital Jack, you're bleeding pretty heavily...damn that bitch put a number on ya."

And there's Bob, the voice of reason in  our little group...

Everyone got silent at the mention of said Bitch and looked down before looking back up in new determination.

"Jack, I think we speak for all of us when I say, that we are sorry for not doing anything to help you when you were...beaten..."

"Uhhh, i-i-i-it's's usually a lot worse though... but don't worry, I usually have a medkit on hand..."

The room was silent at first, then rage filled the hearts of all Jack's friends. What could be worse than that? was the thought that all of them had at the current moment. 

"Jack, wha- no why did this happen to you?" Mark asked as he hugged the young male. Jack was in shock as his crush did so with tears running down his face.

A small smile appeared on Jack's face. Mark...

Then, he remembered that he had to make a decision, at least before his vision faded to black.

"Hey, M-M-Mark, I-I'll go with you guys, b-b-but I'll need my uh, my shit for, you know, the YouTubz..." When he started talking, Mark made sure to hold him at arms distance in confusion before his face morphed into a smile. 

Everyone stared at Jack for a second before Mark busted out laughing which he was quickly joined by the other guys.

"Jack, wow...just wow, but seriously #relatable tbh hahaha" Felix said, wiping a tear from his eye as he came back from laughing first.

"haha, b-b-but seriously, I need my YouTube shite dude." "Okay! fine, fine. Wade! Go get his shit!" "Ohmagawd no mark! I can't go into your boyfriend's room, people might get the wrong idea!" "Damn, both of ye are bitch-boys eh? I'll go to me own room!" Jack ended the 'baby fight' and started to climb the stairs that led to his room, which the guys got curious of what was in said room and followed the Irishman up.

When they got to the room, they first noticed that it didn't look very messy, but there were some areas where it was obvious that something had been thrown. Jack went to an area that appeared to be a walk-in closet where he had a really good setup, with panels that were supposed to keep it quiet. So that woman didn't come into the closet and mess with his stuff, Jack had put a lock on the door. Other than that, Jack has the same setup that he does currently. 

"Let me pack up me setup and then we can get the fuck out of this place!" Was all Jack said as he gathered everything, shocking even Mark who was taking in all the stuff Jack had. He didn't have just YouTube stuff in there as that was the only place Celest didn't check when she came into his room, as the rest of the room was pretty bare, save for a picture that was of him and the guys at pax, one that he got when he went to see them all, as well as a picture of Jack's original know...the ones that all ended up dying, yeah that one...

Anyway, Jack packed all of his stuff, as well as his clothes and photos. Jack moved back over to the guys with a suitcase, his backpack, and a duffel bag. Mark took he look at Jack before he took all his stuff, handed it to Matt and Ryan and picked Jack up, bridal style. Jack turned bright red and started to stutter a lot, causing none of the guys to know what he was saying. Jack noticed that his vision was darkening due to his injuries...and the fact that he was being held by the Mark Edward Fischbach.

When Jack passed out, mark started to freak out as well as all the other guys, before Ken told them that he just passed out due to the stress. The guys calmed down and decided to drop off his stuff, then take him to the hospital. They walked back to Mark's place and dropped Jack's stuff off before they all got in their cars (Jack was with Mark in the backseat with Felix, while Bob and Ken were in the front (the other guys drove in their cars respectfully).

When they arrived  at the hospital, Mark carried Jack in but was immediately bombarded with nurses as they tried to get the bleeding Irishman onto a gurney. All of them watched as Jack was taken away before another nurse appeared and started to ask them questions about how he got in such a bad condition.

(A/N: BTW, I highly doubt nurses act like this, as I have never really gone to the hospital a lot and not many nurses probably are like this so just as an FYI this is not how nurses should behave)

"I'm sorry miss, but we don't know much of the situation ourselves, though all we know is that he was physically abused and most likely was mentally abused as well" was Bob's reply, which was supposed to make the woman leave, but she seemed to miss the memo that day. 

"Have you at least contacted the police, if this is indeed an abuse case." She said as she narrowed her eyes dangerously.

Excuse me, I was answering your question honestly and what do you expect us to do when our friend was bleeding out on his floor, call the police and wait 5 minutes for them to get there when the hospital is only like two or three minutes away? I believe that you have either been watching too many detective shows, miss, or that you simply are just out of your mind." Bob replied in a somewhat sassy tone, as what the nurse said clearly got on his nerves. 

The woman left but not before saying slightly sarcastically, "Well I am so sorry that I asked you a valid question..."

Then, another nurse came and gave Mark a form to fill out, which he did, and that nurse returned to another room.

Jack...please be okay...

End of Chapter

Tada! Sorry for the late update, I'll explain later...Anyway in this chapter, I kinda had a lot more plans for it but I decided, Fuck It, we'll do whatever, so if things don't really add up, this is why...also because I never read over my shit after I upload it (save for the last chapter to try and tie things in) cause i know its gonna be shitty, but anyways... thank you for sticking with me this long, I know its crap but trust me, I could make it worse. Okay, now that that's out of the way, basically Mark is pretty oblivious to Jack's feelings, and everyone else knows that Mark likes Jack so after the hospital and police business and shite, it'll basically be a who'll say it first kinda deal. I might add in a little PewdsxJack fluff because I have some pretty good inspiration for that (do not worry, it'll only be a little and if you have an idea for their ship name, plz tell me so people who don't want to see a little bit of that won't have to). Anyways, the reason why I haven't been updating is because I had some family matters that I needed to help settle. Basically, my sibling was in a really bad situation (not with drugs or anything) and I had to deal with that crap. Don't worry, it's settled now and I will be able to update my chapters at least once or twice a week and will tell you guys if anything causes me not to (except for if it's personal cause I am mysterious for a reason guys). That's all for now!

See Ya! 

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