Chapter 18

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In the last Chapter...

"Hey, Jack, what's wrong?" "I-I-I don' know...I jus' started cryin' and there was a pain in me chest..." "Oh,'s gonna be alright, after this all blows over, you are gonna be feeling happy..." "For real?" At that, Jack's head looked up at me, eye's full of hope and sadness.

"Yes, you're gonna be just fine, Jackaboy."

...And so it continues...

Mark's POV

While Jack was crying on my shoulder, letting out all the feels, when the guys burst into the scene as if they are superheroes or some squad that all have some cringy choreography. I even heard Bob whisper to Wade about how he was off by two seconds. They look at us expectantly as Jack slowly untangles himself from my arms and turns to them, wiping his tear tracks in the process. He stares for about five seconds before turning back to me and saying, "We are gonna walk outta here an' preten' we don' know them, 'kay?" To which Felix came bounding over, in the middle of the police station if I may add, and basically shouted, "But Jaaaaaackkkkkk, I LUVVVVVVV UUUUUU-!" Then, he was promptly shut up by Ken and Cry, both expecting Felix to do something like this. This isn't the first time they have had to deal with this, and it definitely won't be the last.

"'d it go?" Bob asks, walking over to me as Felix struggled in the background. Jack chuckling beside me as he watched.

"Eh, could have been better, could've been worse. It's a work in progress." I answered, nudging Jack over to the guys and slowly letting my hand, which had been tightly held in his since we got out of the room, slip from his.

"Hmm, got any new info ya wanna share, or is it all confidential and CSI and shit?" "Well, we know that they have the right suspect and can place some more charges on her than just abuse." "Shit, how bad?" "Bad..." (A/N: The officer also talked to them about some other stuff that's not important, like dates for court and testimonies and some other legal stuff before they talked, by the way. Forgot to mention that.) "Hmmm, we'll go more into this later, Mark. Jack's our friend too, even if your an 11/10 on the gay scale for him. So don't leave us out of the circle." Bob laughed as he said that last bit, smirking at my now extremely red face.

"Mark? Com'on! I wanna leave an' get some food, micky dees is callin' mah name!" Felix yelled as he walked out, ignoring the glares that some of the officers were sending, since he did kinda yell earlier. As I was walking, I saw that Jack was lost in his thoughts, so I thought of the best way to get him to notice me...

"Comin'! Come on, Jackaboy! We gotta get some grub!" I said, grabbing Jack's hand as I passed him, walking at a slightly faster pace than before. If I had turned to look at Jack's face, I would have seen the cutest blush ever on his face. But I didn't. 

I just kept moving forward, for the both of us.

End of Mark's POV

~Le time about an hour later, when they are walking back to the cars~

Felix's POV (Bet ya didn't expect that one, huh?)

As we finished eating and talking and just hanging, I noticed that Jack was stealing glances at Mark during dinner, and since Mark was now hanging with Ryan and Matt (A/N: Should I keep them involved? Or make it seem like they moved out and Ethan and Tyler come in? Or just have them all move into a big house or something? Like they all put their money together and get a big house? Idk what I should do for the new developments lol), I go in for the killer strike!

"So...Jack, ya wanna tell me somethin'?" "W'at? Why would I tell ye anythin', mista' Swedish meatball." "Com'on mister prepubescent teen, no need to get defensive. I saw ya making goo-goo eyes at Marky over there. Gotta little man-crush?"Jack stared at me for a second in shock, before sighing in defeat. That's right, bow down bitch!

"Is it t'at obvious?" "Yep" "Well...shiiiiiiittttt..." "Ey, no need to feel down, dove commercial icon, its all good. Your secrets safe with me." "Fer some reason...I don't believe you at all, Fe'" "Awwww no need to be that, ya steamy potato, I'm just trying to start a bit romance and drama... you know how much I love K-drama-" I was going to continue, but since I kinda shouted the 'K-drama' part, Mark looked back and stated, "I take offence to that, I am half Korean!" "That's half short, Mark! Just like that half inch di-" Yet again I was cut off, this time by Ken and Cry, again, both of which slapped their hands over my mouth. Jesus these guys are becoming a pain...oh I got an idea...I yanked their hands away from my mouth, smirking at the guys before looking at Ken, talking as if no one was watching:

"Oh, honey, don't need to tell us yet...but let me tell you...It's not called being Gay, it's called being...FABULOUS!" 

Everyone was silent for several moments before we all burst into laughter, except for Ken, who was just staring at me in disgust. 

Well, I guess I'll just have to talk to Jacky later, since we were already at the cars.

End of Felix's POV

End of Chapter

Tada! New chapter is finally up! Sorry for the wait, I've just been thinking about what should come next, other than Jack and Mark dating and stuff, so if ya have any ideas or suggestions, let me know! I'm always up for making this story better, I also will be making a few edits to the older chapters, just some small things, so any who see that kind of stuff, don't worry about that, just editing and all! Also, let me know what you think I should do about the Matt, Ryan, Tyler, and Ethan business. Now, I gotta blast so...

See Ya!

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