Chapter 10

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Jack's Pov
Well this is gonna be new...*sigh* well I'd better get dressed. As I try to get up, I fall flat on my face and stomach...well shit now my legs aren't working either...once I get my bearings, I stumble over to my closet and pull out a blue hoodie and some jeans. The jeans aren't in the greatest of shape, but fuck it! It my legs goddamnit! Man I need something to cure my headache...when did Wade say they'd be here? 10 minutes? Oh whatever I'll just wait at the door.
End of Jack's Pov
Third person Pov
After Jack walked (cough-stumbled-cough) down the stairs, he made it to the medium sized hallway before seeing a stain he left yesterday from a particular beating. Jack signed and went to get a rag and some cleaners that they had to spare and attempted to clean the wall, but he only ended up smearing it. "damn" Jack mumbled as he stood up. Suddenly, the doorbell rang and Jack stood up fearfully before remembering what he told the guys to do and walked over to the door.
As Jack opened the door, his eyes widened when he saw Bob Wade and Mark there and fear written all over their faces. He looked at them confusingly and then looked behind the three to see the other guys with shock clearly present on their faces before mirroring Mark and the others when they saw Seán's appearance.
Seán's complexion was worse then what they were expecting. His hair had some blood still in it from when he hit the wall, his arm looked horrible (he forgot to roll his sleeves down from cleaning) with all the bruises and being cut up, his pants did little to cover his leg bruises with all the holes that he completely over looked, and he looked like he hadn't slept in a long time with all those dark bags under his eyes. Mark look behind Seán slightly to see the blood stain and looked appalled at the sight. He then rushed to Jack and pulled him into a hug crying his eyes out. Jack,again, looked confused at first but then realized what Mark saw and frown, whispering "ye weren't suppose' to see t'at" before Mark pushed away slightly and stared at Jack in shock. "What wasn't I suppose to see?! That's your blood, isn't it? Not to mention your appearance is not in the least bit convincing! I'm worried Ja- no Seán! Why won't you let me take you away from this hellhole?!" Jack was stunned. No one had ever really cared about him like this. It felt...nice. Seán looked up slowly and met Mark's eyes once more before crumbling. Tears escaped from his eyes and he thrusted himself into Mark, silently sobbing. The guys all looked at the two with smiles before Wade tapped them on the shoulder. "Hey, I hate to break up this oh so heart wrenching scene, but Jack needs to be treated before someone gets here..."
All the guys glared at Wade as Mark pulled away from the teary-eyes Seán and Matt whispered to Ryan, "and so Wade sent a cannonball into the ship..." Ryan just laughed it off and simply said, "too bad, it's gonna be cannon soon." They both snickered as Mark blushed and Jack just looked confused (he didn't hear what they were saying). Mark yanked the medical supplies out of Wade's hand and asked Jack if he could bandage his wounds, to which Jack said yes. Mark asked if they could go inside, but Jack seemed a little hesitant, bothering them all. Jack finally said sure and held the door open.
When the guys walked inside, the first thing that caught their eyes was the blood stain on the wall. Felix, trying to lighten the mood again, said first was "ohmagerd it's the real Jacksepticeye, in the flesh! This isn't one of those elaborate trolls, is if?" Jack, expecting this, pulled out a tape recorder and hit play. In Jack's voice, the recorder said " yeah Fe' tis I, Jacksepticeye!" Everyone laughed except for Felix who looked suspiciously at the tape recorder before throwing his head back and laughing.
When they made it to the main room, the guys saw 'some' beer bottles but didn't mention anything. They all sat on the couch and watched as Mark bandaged Jack's wounds.

After he was done, Mark asked the question on everyone's mind. "Who did this to you Jack? Please, I'm begging you to tell me the truth! I don't want to see you in a condition like this ever again!" Jack was quiet for a couple minutes, then spoken in a quiet tone, "she said she'd kill me if I told, and I don't want to die Mark, all the people who look up to me would be devastated, and you guys would be too, and I only have to put up with it for about 9 more months..." Jack's voice was small and somber. He had seen some shit and he didn't want to get his friends involved. Mark's voice broke Jack from his thoughts. "Jack, if you tell me who did this to you, I will take you far away from here, and you won't ever have to come back." All the guys were shocked before they all smiled and said that they would help as much as they could, causing Jack's dried tears to come back to life. Jack shook his head and said "no, you guys don't have to do that, I never wanted you to get involved...please...I don't want you to get hurt by her..." As those words left Jack's mouth, a horn suddenly was honked and a fearful look replaced Jack's sad one. He uttered the words in a voice none of them wanted to hear ever again out of Jack's mouth.
"She's here"
End of third person Pov
End of chapter
Tada! Another chapter down of many to come! I know, i know, Jack's life has been kinda a bitch, but that's the point! Also Celeste is too... Oh well, I like it! Anyways, next chapter will be on how Jack deals with his caretaker with all the guys there! And if you guys were wondering, Jack has some jobs that he works after school to pay for all his equipment and had to call his boss about him not being able to come in of a week, saying that he is in the hospital. Oh! And the "guys" I'm referencing are Mark (of course), Bob, Wade, Ken, Felix, Cry, Matt, and Ryan! If you think there should be more in the loop of what we call Jack's friends, tell me! I don't do OCs in my fanfics, cause I just don't like them, but I might make one Jack's childhood "friend", I don't know yet though... Oh well, hope you guys tune in sometime later, I already have an idea of what I want so, without further delay, see ya!

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