Chapter 14

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In the last chapter...

"Get some rest, Jack. We'll be here when you wake up..." That was all Jack heard as he felt his conscious leave him. 

And so it continues...

Third Person POV

As Jack woke up for the second time that day, he noticed that there were more people in the hospital room than before...and that he was in a whole other room than before. The new room was bigger than before, as to fit more people, and had more equipment hooked up to him than before. There appeared to be three more people than before in the room: Marzia, a doctor, and a police officer. Marzia had a look of sadness, possibly from hearing what happened from Felix, and Mark was talking to the police  officer while Bob was with the doctor. Jack, feeling uncomfortable in the hospital bed, moved slightly and accidentally made the bed squeak, causing everyone to look over at Jack. He blushed profusely and looked away from everyone. 

"Jack, how are you feeling?" Mark asked as he rushed over to said greenett and started to poke and prod at Jack till he pushed Mark away due to him causing Jack to laugh too much. 

"Mark, staup.. I'm fine...what's goin' on?" Jack asked as he looked at the doctor and police officer. 

"Oh, one of the nurses here decided to call the cops after something that happened when we brought you here. And earlier we told the doc that you woke up and he's been checking in every hour or so. Anyways, do ya need anything? I can go grab ya somethin' if you want me too...or I could get Wade to do it?-" "Hey! I didn't sign up for that, Mark!" "Of course you didn't, I did it for ya, Wade." While Mark and Wade were arguing like little children, the doctor started checking all the things that needed Jack to be awake for and started asking how he felt and what hurt, to which Jack replied, "Well everything fecking hurts, I kinda got beaten up," which caused the doctor to assess Jack for a moment before sighing and marking some things on his clipboard before setting down some pain medicine and saying that he will be back later. 

"Mr. McLoughlin, I have some questions I would like to ask and have your statement on the information I have gathered from those present right now? I will come back late for further questioning but right now I just wish for a yes or no, you do not need to explain further until you are ready." "Thank ye, Officer...where would ye like to start?" The officer brought out a notepad and began writing as he asked Jack some close ended questions. 

"Hmm, has the...domestic abuse started recently?" "No." "Do you know the reasoning behind said offense?" "Yes." "Do you know the name of the offender?" "Yes." "Have you told anyone, before this recent event, about this?" "No." "Has it ever been worse than what we see here today?" "Yes." *some of the guys breathed in sharply at that* "Do you have any living relatives that could be possible guardians?" "No." "Do you have any possible friends or partners that would be willing to let you stay with them for an unknown period of time?" That question was directed at the  others who all looked at Mark. Mark smiled at Jack caringly before blushing and coughed, "I would be willing to have Jack stay with me and the other two, if that's okay with you two?" Both Ryan and Matt nodded and Jack's face lit up at what Mark had said. "T-T-Thanks, Mark..." In the background, Felix and the other guys are making gagging sounds while Wade is looking like one of those Japanese school girls. 

"Well, that concludes our little session, Mr. McLoughlin. I will speak to you again soon and try to help you the best that I can. Goodbye." And with that, the man left...

"Hey, Jack are you alright?" "...yeah Mark, I'm fine...di-did something happen while I was asleep? Am I missing something?" "Hmmmm, no not that I'm aware of...what about you dicks? Got anything that has been happening?" 

Felix was the one to reply but he laughed before telling of what he had done. "Well...I may have got a hashtag going because I posted a pic of Mark laying in a bed with someone... its #scandeliplier but it was one of our fans that created the tag, I just posted the pic on Twitter, hahaha!" Jack simply stared at Felix questioningly while Mark blushed (then started to shake in mock fury) and Cry gave Felix two thumbs up.

" have some explaining to do..." Mark said threateningly with a slight...dark tone to his voice.

"Uhhh...Mark? You know it was just a prank right, bro? Just a prank? A social experiment??? O shit!" Were Felix's last words as Mark chased him around the hospital room, much to the other occupant's enjoyment. 

"Well, while those two are going at it, I'll tell ya all that ya missed, Mr. Eye," Bob said as he walked over to Jack's bed and sat in the chair beside it. "ya know, your fans are really worried about ya, right? A hashtag has been in the top trending worldwide on twitter, it's called '#savejack' and '#helpjack', and your subs are increasing as well...maybe you should do a small video stating that you're fine and that you're with us so that everyone knows...but its your choice, dude. Whatever you choose, we are here for ya!" Bob ended his little speech and Jack slowly nodded. 

"I'll probably just do a twitter video telling that I'm am in the hospital and that I might take a little longer break than planned...I don't know, though." Jack said as he trailed off at the end, trying to think of what to do. Wade suddenly butted in and said that Jack should "just let it happen and not reply for a while," Jack smiled and simply nodded before looking back at Mark and Felix and laughed quite a bit. 

Mark was holding Felix by the hair and Felix was saying "you can make fun of me, you can make fun of my  hair, but if you make fun of my hare, I'll fucking stab a bitch" causing  Mark to pull harder at 'pewd's' hair. Felix was gripping Mark's flannel and had fake tears streaming down his face. 

Both stopped immediately at being caught and went to opposite sides of Jack (Mark pushing Bob out of the chair he was sitting in simply said in response, "I'm king of two more things than you,' while Bob responded with, " what being single forever and of the dumbasses?") Jack laughed at their antics and sighed in relief at the fact that nothing had changed. Ken smiled at the scene before asking a question on everyone's mind.

"Well, Jack, what do you plan on doing now?"

End of Third Person POV

End of Chapter

Yo! Sorry about the late update, I have been planning on some future happenings in this fanfic and I really hope that you like the content I have made thus far...of course, if it's not already obvious, I am really bad at deadlines and the like so...sorry in advance if I don't post for a while. I have been looking at some other fanfictions that are of septiplier and I feel bad that mine is pretty sub par to others that I have read...(the ones I have read are pretty good but I don't add them to my library or anything because once I complete them I kinda just keep them as a reference in my head and try to not copy or add some things). I was writing, I thought that all the references I make are really cringe worthy...and by really, I mean REALLY cringe worthy so I apologize but I am going to keep the cringe high cause I think it's funny and shit. Anywho, about the chapter and the next: Jack just woke up again and has to make the decision on telling the fans or not, but he also needs to talk to the cops about his "case". Stay tuned to find out what will happen in the next  chapter, if you actually  like this cringefest, lol.  (Also I plan to do a Halloween based chapter so look forward to that!)

See Ya!

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