Chapter 6

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Jack's Pov
As I got to my room, I made sure that the door was locked before checking to see if everything was where it should be (sometimes she comes in and wrecks the place so I always have to check...)
After I sort through everything and clean up a bit, I went over to my computer and got on Skype. I saw that Mark was in a call with Bob and Wade so I contemplated whether or not to get in the call. I could call Mark and ask him if we could talk, or I could just ask if I could join the call. I mean, the other two would find out someway or another...Mark's not exactly the best person to keep a secret...oh well, might as well call him.
*phone is ringing*
*Mark picks up after seeing who it was*
"Hey Jackaboy, what do ya need? You got an answer, yet?" Mark started off light toned, then ended in a serious voice.
"Uhh hey Mark...and um yeah I uh do have an answer but uh I wanted to know if we could talk over skype...oh and Bob and Wade are free to listen..." I was so nervous, I didn't know half of what I was saying but I think Mark got the  gist of it.
"Hmmm sure Jack! Just give me a sec to tell the guys what's going on, okay?"
"O-okay Mark." Damn, my voice cracked a little, I'm so lame!
End of Jack's Pov
Mark's Pov
As I talked with Jack for a few seconds, Wade was being annoying and asking what was up, while Bob answered for me saying that I was just talking to my boyfriend. And Wade then said "Jack?" I was dying of embarrassment because of these two! God they are such dicks man! After Jack said that he had an answer and wanted to talk on skype, I immediately stopped recording. I told him to give me a second while I told the guys and that I was fine with the whole Skype thing.
*Mark's convo with Bob and Wade*
"Hey guys, can you stop your recording and stuff?"
"Hm? Sure, what's up" (Bob)
"Yeah, give me a second though!" (Wade)
"Well Jack wanted to talk to me and he said that you guys could listen too...I asked him if he wanted to come over to America and if I could see his face..."
"Well, you're an idiot, you know that Mark?" (Bob)
"Psh! what? Why?"
"Jack likes his privacy, he should be able to show us his face when he's comfortable with it. I mean, you barely know anything about his private life as it is. You might have just pushed him farther away." (Bob)
(Wade's just listening at this point, because he knows that Bob is better at handling the situation right now.)
"..." What if I did do that? I might have just ruined or relationship! Ugh I'm such an idiot
"Anyway, why did you offer to have him stay over at your place? You wouldn't be that bold usually, Mark"
"...well Jack's dealing with some stuff at home right now and I kinda already wanted to...ya' him so, I just threw ought the option and hopefully he says yes..."
"Wow Mark, you got it bad!" (Wade)
"Thanks for stating the obvious Wade!"
"Well, get him in here Mark! You're making him wait!"
*end of their convo*
As I sent the invite, I was so nervous about what he would say. I know I shouldn't get my hopes up, but what if he says yes? What if I get to see his face? What if I get to know him, not through a computer screen, but in reality? What would we talk about? Would we get together? Or stay "just good friends"? Could I handle that heart break? Oh shite he answered! He's in! He's talking!
End of Mark's Pov 
Jack's Pov
After I got the request thingy, I got in the call and immediately noticed that all of their web cams were on and staring at me, or at least it felt like they were...
"Uhh...hey?" Wow, such a great conversation starter...
"Hey Jackaboy! So...uh you wanted to talk?" (Markimoo)
"Um yeah! I uh wanted to um say that I have uh um been thinking about what you uh said and um how should I put I want to come over but um I'm not exactly allowed to go out right now...uh cause I'm uh kinda not allowed to leave um but I do want to show you guys what I look like! It's not like you haven't seen me like every other day and stuff..." I trailed off at the end and mumbled a lot, totally not cool!
They all looked shocked at the end of my little speech, maybe they thought I would never show my face to them?
"Before you show us your face Jack, could you maybe tell us why you're not allowed to leave? You don't have to of course, I was just wondering." Bob was the one who spoke up but the other two glared at where I guess his face was on their screens.
"Umm...sure! My uh caretaker told me that um I'm not allowed to leave or eat for another week because I didn't do something for her." I squeaked out at the end.
All the guy's faces turned dark when I said the last part. It kinda scared me.
" you want us to see if we can sneak you out? I would buy a ticket to Ireland if that is what it takes to get you out of that house! I don't care what I have to do to get you safe, Jack!" Mark was so passionate about that, it broke my heart even more when he started to silently cry.
"You don't have to do that Mark! Trust me, I'm fine!" Lies "you don't have to go over to Ireland just to see me either, Markimoo" I'm such a horrible person.
"No Jack, I'll buy a ticket right now if I have to!"
"No! Mark, haha, you don't get it."
"Don't get what?" All three of them asked, almost in sync.
"I don't live in Ireland anymore! I moved, like 8 years ago." I laughed a little at the end. It was pretty funny to see their faces when I told them that.
"Then, where do you live?" Wade was the first to break out of his stupor.
"Oh I live in America now!" I said in a happy tone.
"What?!" They probably won't be able to function after I show them what I look like...
"Yeah, I just told you I moved 8 years ago. Where else would I move when everyone i know lives here?"
"Well Jack, can I at least fly to your state and get you out of there and make you live with me?" Mark was very kind but I don't think he's realized it yet... It looks like Bob did though.
"Jack, do you, by any chance, live where we do?  Cause you're making it sound that way..." As Bob said that, I saw that Wade and Mark have looks of shock written all over their faces. Oh this is too good!
"Maybe." Mark was looking so frustrated, I wonder what he's thinking...
" I, bye any chance, live near you?"
"Does a couple doors down count as near?"
"Yes, yes it does." Mark pretty annoyed at himself it seems, I can only guess why.
"Well then yes, yes I do!"
Mark sighed, I was struggling so hard to keep a straight face.
"Well, get on with the show Jack!" What?
"What do you mean by that, Wade?"
"Weren't you gonna show us your face? The hype is so real (like peehype) man!"
"Oh yeah! I almost forgot about that! Thanks Wade." As I started to move my mouse over to the camera symbol, I noticed that they all sat up and stared at the screen, not blinking at all. As my mouse hovers over the symbol, I contemplate whether this is a good idea or not... Oh well, here we go!
*the sounds of his mouse clinking resonated in all their ears*
End of Jack's Pov
Sorry I couldn't update sooner, I was doing some 'research' and got side tracked. Hope you like this one! Oh and side not, next chapter will have Seán's past and everything, so you'll get to learn what his situation really is! And it'll probably clear up some questions you have!

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