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THUNDER AND LIGHTNING struck in the middle of the night making Courtney, who was fast asleep, turned on her other side and grabbed her white pillow tighter

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THUNDER AND LIGHTNING struck in the middle of the night making Courtney, who was fast asleep, turned on her other side and grabbed her white pillow tighter. A sigh escaped her lips as her eyes fluttered open. The blonde girl had always been a light sleeper. With the thunder striking loudly and the sound of clacking heels loudly against the wooden floor, it was impossible for her to get back to sleep. She closed her eyes, snuggling more into her light blue blanket. "Sleep." Courtney repeated multiple times as if her body would fall back to sleep just by saying it tens of times. She thought she was falling asleep again (which she wasn't by the way), when she heard someone yell the word seriously. By that one word, she knew it was Izzie, because the girl loved the word and took every chance she got to put it in a sentence. She remembered that Izzie had had a date with Alex, so she quickly checked her phone to see if he called her like she had asked.

No missed calls appeared on her screen. She should have known that Alex wouldn't bother to call to tell her all about it. Did he even look like the person who would do that? No. Courtney placed her phone back onto her nightstand and she rubbed her eyes. With the blonde in the hallway repeating seriously hundreds of times, Courtney grasped the idea that the date didn't go very well. A door went open and was slammed shut rather loud. She sighed, having a feeling that she wasn't going to be able to go back to sleep in the next hour and a half or so.

She was right. Maybe fifteen minutes or a half hour later, Meredith entered the same way as Izzie, not really thinking of their two roommates who hadn't chosen to go out that night and were trying to sleep. Courtney groaned and sat up straight, her ocean blue eyes falling on her digital clock on her nightstand. "Are you serious right now?" She whispered to herself as she saw that it was 2:30 in the morning. They had to be back at the hospital between the hours of six and seven am. Luckily, for her and George they had come straight away after finishing their shift at 11 pm. The two of them had watched a little bit of an episode from some tv show that Courtney didn't know, before they both had went back to sleep.

The curious side in her wanted to know why the girls had come home so upset and angry and got out of her bed. She tumbled over her shoes and other things that were spread across her floor, but she caught herself before she fell. She made a mental note to clean up her room whenever she had some free time. The blonde found the light switch and flicked it on, cringing at the sight of her messy room. She wanted to be organized and have a clean room, but that never seemed to work. When New Year's came, her resolution was always to keep her room clean. It worked for like a month, before her clothes, shoes, books scattered her bedroom floor again. She grabbed her one sweaters that actually hung on her clothing hook, which was a piece of decoration most of the time. Courtney walked out into the hallway and checked both Izzie and Meredith's room, but they were both empty.

Courtney slowly walked towards George's room, when suddenly all the lights went out due to the storm. She stopped moving as she didn't want to fall or bump into something. Step by step, she moved closer to the wall and with one of hands against it, she made her way towards her own room. She managed to enter her own room and looked for a candle. Together with a simple white candle, she also found an old-fashioned candlestick, which she didn't even know she had. She took a match and lit up the candle, before leaving her own room. Looking like she was a maiden in a castle, she entered George's room.

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