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IT WAS THANKSGIVING. Courtney Grey sat crossed legged on her bed, looking down at her folded hands. A deep sigh escaped her lips. She should be happy, because it was one of the first holidays that she would spent with her new, sort of non-dysfunctional family. However, she couldn't get a smile plastered on her face and she knew exactly why. That day would be the day that she was finally going to do something that she should've done weeks ago, but had been too afraid. Even though it would benefit her own happiness that couldn't be said about the other person involved.

Courtney hadn't been able to catch much sleep the other night, because she had been stressing. There was still a part in her that just wanted to delay her task, but she couldn't anymore. That day, Thanksgiving day of all days, was going to be the day where Courtney Felicity Grey was going to break up with Ashley Owens. She had tried to give him another chance, but a day later she already regretted it. He was not a good person and not the man that Courtney thought he was. He was a phony, a fake and her soon-to-be ex-boyfriend.

It might seem really cruel to break up with him on Thanksgiving, but the girl had no other choice, with other holidays coming up she didn't want to lead him on any longer. He was coming over that day for dinner, so she would intercept him before he could come inside and let him know the bad news.

The blonde got off of her bed and went to the bathroom to get ready for the day. As she stood in the shower, letting the hot water stream down her body, the girl felt refreshed. She felt like she could take on the entire world. Drying herself with a towel, the girl hummed a song that she had recently heard on the radio. Not wanting to dress up for the holiday, the blonde kept it simple with a grey dress. She hung the necklace she wore every day around her neck and bracelet around her wrist. She didn't even bother to do something special with her long blonde hair: she only combed it and let it flow down her back.

She went downstairs to the kitchen, where Izzie dumped a frozen turkey into the kitchen sink. Said girl was getting recipes and books out in preparation for cooking Thanksgiving dinner, which everyone was supposed to help with. However, nobody really looked forward to helping the blonde. "Courtney! I'm so glad that you're up. Can you cook?"

The youngest Grey was about to answer, when Izzie's eyes shot to the door. She rushed out of the kitchen to go to the front door, where Meredith was trying to sneak out of the house. Instead of handing a helping hand, she tried to get to work not feeling that holiday spirit – not that she had ever felt it. "What do you think you're doing?" Meredith immediately spun around to face the blonde, who was standing right behind her with a recipe book in her hands. Courtney let out a deep sigh, before leaving the bar stool to join her sister and roommate in the hallway.

The doorbell rang, making Courtney's heart skip a beat. "Uh ... answering the door."

"You're going to the hospital?"

"Yes, but after—"

"Meredith, everyone is supposed to be in the kitchen by 9am to help me make dinner. It's Thanksgiving."

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