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IT WAS EARLY in the morning

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IT WAS EARLY in the morning. Courtney was in the bathroom, getting ready for another day at Seattle Grace, while her two roommates were downstairs having breakfast in the kitchen. Meredith on the other hand wasn't ready for this new day, since she was lying in her bed staring at the ceiling. The girl was going through a rough patch in her life, looking at a mountain wondering if she would be able to climb it and see the other side. She regretted her choice to ask Derek to choose for her. It only made her feel more embarrassed and heartbroken after he had chosen his wife, Addison, over her. So, when Meredith Grey had gotten home that night, she had been a literal mess. She was at the verge of breaking down and there was only one person whose support she needed the most. It wasn't her best friend, Cristina, but her younger sister, Courtney. Luckily for her, said girl had been home, curled up in her blanket reading 'Harry Potter'.

However, that book was quickly thrown on the coffee table, when her ocean blue eyes had landed on her devastated sister. She had gotten off the couch as quickly as possible and had wrapped her arms around the woman only older by one year. In the warm embrace of her sister, Meredith's tears started streaming down her cheeks and she wasn't able to stop for a while longer. To make her feel better and let her laugh, Courtney trash talked the neurosurgeon until a genuine smile appeared on the dirty blonde's lips.

Courtney stared in the mirror, thinking back to the night before, and sighed as she placed her hands on the sink. It really hurt her to see her older sister so upset, just because of some idiot who didn't realize what he had lost. She wanted to flick a wand and make everything alright, but sadly enough magic and Hogwarts didn't exist. She rubbed the sleep out of her eyes and moved on to braid her hair. All set, she left the bathroom and passed her sister's room on the way down. Her two roommates were already waiting at the bottom of the stairs for her. "You guys ready to go?" Courtney asked them when she noticed that they didn't make any moves to go.

"Yes, let's go." Izzie spoke up and was out the door in no time. George on the other hand was looking at the top of the stairs with sadness in his eyes, hoping that maybe Meredith would descend them just in time to catch a ride with them. She didn't.

Courtney followed his line of sight. "She just needs some space, George. As you (and everyone else) know, she is having a hard time right now. But you know her, she'll pull through this and come out even stronger. Don't worry about her." She patted him on the shoulder and gently turned him around, so he faced the door. A grin appeared on her face. "But hey, now you can swoop in and make your move."

"That's not funny, Courtney. I thought you had promised to stop teasing me about it?" He crossed his arms over his chest and left the house with a huff. Courtney watched him exit the house, shaking her head in amusement.

"Hey, Mer! We're leaving! Don't forget to get ready and come to work, alright?" The youngest Grey yelled, before heading out the door and meeting her two roommates who were talking whilst they had been waiting for her. Everyone got in Courtney's Toyota corolla and the owner started her car. The whole car ride over, Izzie couldn't stop ranting about Alex Karev, which annoyed those who sat in the front. They shared a look, before Courtney turned on the radio and put it extra loud, tuning out the blonde's long rants.

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