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"WILL YOU TELL me what made you so upset?" Valerie Rivera asked as she looked at Courtney, who pretended to be fine, sit at the end of her couch. After Courtney had spent some time crying on her own couch at home, she had got a call from Valerie, who wanted to know if she was up for a little sleep-over party. It had been a while since they decently hung out. Valerie had been bored that evening, since her fiancé was on a business trip.

"For the millionth time, I am not upset." Said Courtney as her voice started breaking. The girl had her arms wrapped around her legs, while making her head rest on her knees. She refused to look up, because she could already feel the tears welling up again. She didn't want Valerie to see her cry, because crying made her appear weak as her mother told her so many times during her childhood. That was not the only reason why she refused to talk about what happened that night though: she simply didn't want to bother Valerie with all of her family issues.

"So, if you're going to look me in the eyes right now, I won't see tears on your cheeks? Your eyes won't be puffy?" Courtney's head didn't move as the girl was holding in a sob. Valerie sighed and scooted closer to her friend. She placed her hand on Courtney's shoulder, who was having a hard time hiding her emotions. "Courtney. I know that you're upset, okay, so let's not try and deny that. If you don't want to talk about it, that's fine. I'm not forcing you. But please just let it all out. You can't keep those feelings locked in like that and I know that you know that. So please, just cry."

For a minute or so, nothing was said. It was totally silent in the apartment. The only thing that was making noise was the outside world: cars honking and driving, some old man yelling at people to quiet it down and doors opening and closing with a loud bang in the hallway. Valerie's hand was softly rubbing over Courtney's shoulder to try and cheer her up. It had quite the opposite effect though. Instead of making her stop crying, it only made it worse because she kept thinking of the fact that her father used to do that whenever she had cried. Courtney slowly lifted her head from her knees to look at Valerie, who was already holding her arms out for her. The blonde girl let herself be held as she started sobbing. The tears started staining Valerie's sweater, but the girl didn't really care.

Her friend meant way more than some stupid sweater.

The two friends seemed to be stuck in time, since for them it seemed like time was standing slowing down. Minutes seemed like hours, seconds seemed like minutes. They would've stayed in that exact same position if it hadn't been for Valerie's phone suddenly making noise. After gently letting go of her friend, she got off the couch to check who was calling her. A sigh escaped her lips as she read the caller I.D. "It's Theo."

Courtney wiped some tears from her cheeks and sat up straighter. "Go. Answer. I have already taken up too much of your time."

"If I don't see you sitting on the couch as I return, I will murder you."

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