Romeo and Juliet

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 I woke up early with a pain in my stomache. I would stay home but there is nothing to do here and I would be stuck with mom. So after I got changed I left, walking to school. Once I finally got there Jade ran to me. "Guess what?!" "Um...what?" "John asked me out again! OMG you should of been there we ate and talked and went to a movie and everything! It was so romantic! Annnnd he has a friend!" she said jumping up and down. "Um I'm glad you had fun!" I said laughing "But you have to stop trying to hook me up with someone!" "Buuuut Becca!! You never know this one can be your Romeo!" "Thats what you said about the other ones!" I said rolling my eyes and walking to our group. "Ok Becca...he is transfering here with John and if you don't like him then I promise I wont try and hook you up with anyone else!" "Why is he transfering here?" I ask her walking into the building. "I'm not sure...something with family or the school I dont know I wasn't paying attention but please try?"  "Maybe!" I say walking into my classroom and sitting in a desk. "I'm taking that as a yes!" She says sitting next to me. John comes in and kisses her. Even though Jade has alot of boyfriends like every week i still think it's romantic. The way they treat her and pounce all over her. Like last week her boyfriend Nick took her to California with hima nd his family. And a couple weeks ago her other boyfriend Jake wanted to have a baby with her. It was really weird hearing him say that. I don't blame all of her boyfriends Jade is gorgeous. She has beautiful black curly hair, green and blue eyes, perfect body with the curves. She is beautiful and thats how she gets the guys. Believe it or not she is a virgian. Everyone thinks she isn't but she is. Like me wants to loose it with her Romeo but it won't as romantic because she has so many. The day went by fast and my stomache didn't hurt as much so i decided to go to Starbucks with everyone. We had a fun time we ordered alot of food and drinks and we were loud. Jade ran to the door when John walked in with his friend. I'm guessing it was the one she wanted me to get with because she was whispering in his ear and looking at me. No thanks, I love how she does this but I don't trust guys all the guys I went with are douches I didnt want to take a chance and fall for someone that won't help me up. So I got up and walked out the back door and started to walk home. It got dark fast maybe because it's starting to become winter. I hate winter. As I walked in the house the house had light. I looked over at the couch and mom wasn't there. I got scared. I'm not sure why but I did. "Mom?!" I yelled walking slowly. "Mom!" I yelled louder. Someone started walking from the kitch and instead of my mom it was a man. "Who are you?" I asked shaking. "Thats no way to say hi to your dad!"   

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