Romeo and Juliet

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  I woke up in my bed sore as shit. How did I get here? I look at my arms, bruises, I look at my legs, bruises, the tears started to fill again. As I let them spill I wondered what all happened last night. It was all a blur. God why doesn't he just leave? I get up slowly it hurts, all of it but today was Friday and U'm not skipping school because of my worthless dad. I put on my longsleeve shirt and leggings. I hate pants they are so tight, but leggings are stretchy I feel so free in leggings. 

  I walked out of my room and it was quiet. No fighting, no voices. The first thing that came to my mind was zombies. I don't know and I don't care I just kept walking out the door. Everything was so peaceful walking to school. When I got there Talin walked to me very calming. "Hey jerk" He said smiling. "Hey dork" I say back smiling. Talin lifts up his phone and takes a picture of me and him. "Why did you?...You know what nevermind!" I say laughing and walking. "Yeah don't ask" I like him, it's like he learned me in day, like he read a giant book on me in one day.

  In class we talked forever, talking about people who talk avout other people, making jokes, taking pictures of random things. It was really fun it's like the big brother I never had. "Can I see your bracelet?" He asked holding out his hand. I put my hand on his and look at my bracelet moving my wrist side to side when he stops. "What" I asked nervous. He pulls up my sleeve showing my cuts. All of it came back, tears, screaming, crieing, fighting, everything. "Why?" He asked softly after 10 minutes of silence. 

  I got up and walked away I could hear him calling my name but I just kept walking. I walked out of the school, they might call my parents but they won't care. I walked home and there was dad sitting on the couch. Great, dad is still here. I walk past him hoping he doesn' t see me. "Hey!" He said quickly rising. I slowly looked at him, it was dark I couldn't see the face but I know it wasn't dad because it didn't sound like him. Suddenly I got scared.

  I backed away, scared. "It's okay!" He said coming close. This voice sounds so familiar but I can't put my finger on it. I stepped closer. Holy shit, the tears came again and escaped landing on my shirt. I hugged him so tight. My brother, my big brother has come home! The tears kept falling, hitting his shirt now. He hugged me back and we stood there forever hugging. I wanted to cuss him out, but I wanted to scream the he was home. Why did he choose now? I fianally backed away. He had bright beautiful ocean blue eyes and his hair was flippy like the cute guys you see on Tumblr. 

  "Why?!" I scream. "I'm sorry Bec." He said frowning. I was going to say something but mom came in, I turned and looked at her. "You" She said sternly to me. "Me?" "Yes! Because of you your fater left!" She screamed. He left? So it worked! Finally! She slapped me across the face. "What the fuck mom?!" Matt screamed stepping infront of me. My big brother was pertecting me. I couldn't help but smile at this. But where the hell was he when dad was here? She froze and stared at him. She touched his face wanting to make sure he was real. She hugged him tightly tears falling from her eyes.

  "You've come home" She whispered smiling. The first time I saw mom smile, it made me smile. She backed away and ran into her room screaming with joy. Matt laughed and turned to me. "Dad was here?" He asked sternly. I looked away. "Did he hit you?" He asked more stern, it kind of scared me. He looked at my arm and lifted it it up, slowly lifting up my sleeve. I can see the anger that filled him when he saw the bruises. He backed away and pucjhed the wall, leaving a whole.

  Mom comes out. "What happened?" "Why the hell does Becca have so many brusises?! Why didn't you help her!?" He screamed. Mom looked away, quiet. "Matt it's fine..." I started to say until Matt cut me off. "No it's not Becca!" "No more fights....please" I ask starring right into his eyes. He looks at mom then at me, he nods and he walks into my room, and I follow.

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