Romeo and Juliet

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  "Um..hi again?" the knew kid said confused as I pulled him away from Mike. I didn't answer him, I didn't feel like saying anything. "Did I do something?" he asked stopping. "Don't hang around that guy, Mike he is a backstabbing man whore!" He just stood there. "D-did you gou go out with him?" he asked. "Hell no!" I laugh. Me laughing showed him that I wasn't angry so he started laughing. "I'm Talin" he said holding out his hand. What is with these people and shaking hands? "Becca" I say shaking his hand. It's polite.  

  "Becca...thats cute" he says walking. I walk with him. He has blonish hair that he flips on one side, beautiful blue eyes, his smile was breath taking, and he was tall well taller than me but not that taller. Did I just say breath taking? I meant cute. "Oh um thanks?...I never heard Talin before...but its cool." "Thanks" he said smiling.

  I slip into a class before we start an actual conversation that would be impossible to get out of. It was Ms. Carners class. "Hey" I say smiling. I love her, she usually gives me extra days for work, and lets me get out of things, but she also pretends to be a student. She likes to talk about students with other students, it's funny. "Hey" she said startled. "How's it going?" I ask sitting on a desk. "Alot of work!" she responded laughing. She looked at me then stapped a little closer. "What happened to your eyes sweety?" My heart dropped. Shit! The make-up must of wore off last night! "What do you mean?" I ask trying to play it cool. I know I should tell someone about it, but I don't want anything bad happening, I have dealt with the polic too much in my life i don't want to face them again. "It looks...bruised." She said walking closer. I touch the bruise it hurts but I pretend it doesn't. "Huh...I don't know" I say laughing. I know that was a terrible lie but I know she wouldn't believe anything else.

  "Well...nice talking to you!" I quickly walk out of the classroom and into the hallway with a bunch of kids. It's turtorial so we can do anything we want...except burn the school down. Actually last year some kids tried, everyone had a panic attack I'm suprised we still have it. Where should I go? I could go to the gym and run, or to the art room and draw, or to a classroom. Or- I was inturupted by running into Talin. I accedently bumped into him and my books fell infront of me.

  "Omg sorry!" I quickly said. Talin smiled lightly. His smile was so cute and calming. "Hey don't worry about it!"  he said picking my books up and handing them to me. I smile "Thanks!" At that time Nick walks over. He glares at Talin. "Talin...right?" he asked faking a smile. Talin looks confused "Yeah? How did you know?" "oh my friends girlfriend...don't ask." Why did Nick glare at Talin? I still can't get over it. W-was he jealous?

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