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*This story is not mine*

My aunt, we'll call her Kate, used to work at a department store in the town where I was born. It's a small town on a lake, and the people are generally friendly. She would walk past this one bench on the way to work every single day, and there was a gentleman who sat there and talked to her every day as she passed.

One morning, Kate overslept. She was going to be late for work, so she asked my grandpa (her dad) to call the department store and say she was going to be a little late that morning and that he'd drop her off soon. When he called and told the manager, my aunt's boss said "Tell me who you are."

Papa said, "I'm Kate's father." The manager said, "Sir, tell me who you are- or I'll be calling the police."

Papa said, "I told you- I'm Kate's father. She's overslept her alarm and I'm going to bring her into work soon." The manager replied, "You can't be Kate's father. Kate's father called 30 minutes ago and said she wouldn't be in at all today."

She never walked that way again, as far as I was told- she got a ride to the curb by the door of the department store from then on. Be careful vary your routine, and be aware of what's going on around you.

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