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* this story is not mine *

I live around Mammoth Cave in Kentucky. Down here, there's a really old church that is said to be haunted. The story was that you have to drive around its circle drive-way three times and you can see a ghost. Well I had some friends who tried this one night. Of course they were all skeptical about it at first.

Even when they drove around three times nothing happened. So they decided to get out and go in the church. Well like they thought, nothing happened while they were in there. So they decided to leave. My friend who was with them thought he had forgotten his phone at the church so they turned around to go get it. When they got there, my friend looked out the window, his face turned white and he just kept staring at the same spot. After a few seconds he said "We have to get out of here." Everybody kind of thought he was kidding, but they left anyway. Well a few weeks went by and nobody had heard from him.

Worried, one of my other friends went to his home and checked on him to see what was up. He was still frightened by what had happened at the church. What he told my other friend was the most frightening thing. He said when they went back to the church, he saw a little girl who had no eyes, and there were just black holes. He said he wasn't that scared until she spoke.

He said the voice she spoke in was the deepest voice he had ever heard in his life. Now my friend is fluent in many languages; he has studied many of them as well. He's almost an expert. But he said the language the little girl spoke was a language he had never heard of in all his years of learning. The voice and language that came from that little girls voice was almost demonic. He said he had never been so scared in his life and that he would never go back to the church again. He also advised nobody else to. And we still haven't gone back. This event still scares me to this day thinking about it.

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