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*This story is not mine*

A couple months back at work (police officer), we got a call about a raft that had capsized in the river. We didn't know if anybody got out or not. We find out there were 3 rafts with a total of 10 soldiers that went out rafting for the day. (I work right next to a military base). All the soldiers but 1 got out of the water. We brought in boat teams and search and rescue. We searched the whole night, but found nothing. The next day it turned into a recovery effort instead of a rescue effort. We pretty much knew at this point he had drowned, just needed to find the body.

About a week or so later, I was working nights. I was driving through some trails down by the river. I was headed to a spot where there are a lot of underage drinking parties, just thought I would check it out. Just as I am coming out of the trail and at the river, I get this weird feeling. All of a sudden I had Goosebumps all over my body and a feeling in the pit of my stomach that I had never felt before. I stopped my car and out of the corner of my eye, I saw somebody standing about 2 feet from my car window.

It is completely dark and there's nothing down in this area. I just froze for a second, I don't know why. When I finally looked over, whatever was standing there was gone. I still had that feeling like something was there. Couple days later, they found his body in the river right in the area I saw something. Normally I would think it's just my eyes playing tricks on me, but the fact that I felt it before I saw it creeped me out. I still get chills just thinking about it sometimes.

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