* this story is not mine *
I was home alone, and I was just sitting in the living room on my laptop. I heard someone knocking at my door, but it wasn't like a steady knock-knock-knock like most people do, it was a really quick persistent knocking with no breaks. I stood up to go and answer it, but as I looked through the peep hole, the knocking stopped and no-one was there. I hate being home alone and I've read so many creepy stories, so I didn't open the door to check, and I turned the TV on really loud and went about my business in the living room. Then, the power went out and the TV went off, my laptop's charger stopped working, and all the lights turned out.
My laptop lasts for a long time without battery so I unplugged it and used the screen as a light to go look for a torch in the kitchen. Just as I stood up though, the knocking started again. I went to the window of the living room, which you can see our front door from, and looked out. There was no-one at my door but I could hear the knocking still. I phoned my mum and told her to come home as soon as she could.
I went into the kitchen like I planned, and as I put my laptop down on the side, two things happened. The knocking got louder, and the garden lights turned on. My garden has no gate. The hedges are about ten feet high. The only way into my back garden is through my back door or to fly over everyone's houses and gardens. Standing in the middle of my garden, illuminated by the lights, was someone in black. I think it was a guy, but I'm not sure. I didn't look for long. There was a black hood shadowing his face, and he just stood there doing nothing. I freaked out and ran into the living room. The knocking was still happening.
Eventually, I felt brave enough to go check the garden again. I leant my head out around the living room door so I could see the kitchen window, and sure as hell the dude was still there, just standing in the middle of my garden. I realised the knocking had stopped and I remember turning around really slowly, totally scared of what I'd see, and my mum was standing in the doorway. I told her someone was in the garden, and when she looked past me into the kitchen, no-one was outside. All the lights could just be turned back on, and all the electricity started working again.