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* this story is not mine *

My boyfriend and I were asleep in my bed one night, and I was turned away from him, facing my closet. I woke and opened my eyes, though remained lying down, to see the silhouette of my boyfriend standing in the closet, which you have to walk through to get to my bathroom.

I assumed he had just gotten up to go to the bathroom, and while he stood facing me for a good 60 seconds or so, I couldn't make out his face or features. He slowly turned and walked into the bathroom, which I could make out behind him. I thought nothing of it and rolled over, only to see my actual boyfriend lying beside me. He opened his eyes as I rolled over and I proceeded to freak out. I put my face in my pillow and got Goosebumps while he asked me what was wrong and why I was so scared.

When I told him what I saw and how he had walked into the bathroom, my boyfriend told me, rather confusedly, that the bathroom door was shut and I couldn't possibly have seen inside. He turned on the light in the closet to prove this, and I freaked out again. This has happened more than once, even when he wasn't staying with me.

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