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* this story is not mine *

When I was a child I had a "My Buddy" doll. If you don't know what it is, it is a doll reminiscent of Chucky. In fact, it was the inspiration for Chucky. Why I ever had one, I have no idea. I never had any problems with it, though, until I was 10. It was around that time that I became a little creeped out by it. Just a vibe, I guess. So I decided to tuck him away behind all of my other stuffed animals on a shelf high above the foot of my bed. You couldn't see him at all.

One night I woke up and felt like someone was watching me. I looked around the room and didn't see anyone (I had a very small room at that time) and then I looked up. I was horrified. My Buddy was standing. Or, at least, he was propped up so that I can him clearly behind all of the stuffed animals I piled on top of him. It looked like he was staring right at me. I was frozen for almost a full minute. I couldn't move at all. Honestly, I remember thinking that, if I moved an inch, he would jump down right on top of me. Eventually, I decided to just bolt. I literally just drop rolled out of bed and ran for my parent's room. I closed their door behind me and just jumped in between them. I didn't sleep at all.

The next morning I explained to my parents what had happened and they just thought I had an overactive imagination. They knew I had been a little traumatised because I started watching horror movies from a young age. But when we went to my room there was My Buddy sitting in front of all the other toys. My parents said it wasn't them and the same goes for my brother. Maybe I imagined it all? After that, we brought the doll to my grandma's and she kept him in a spare room. I only saw him once after that and it sent shivers down my spine.

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