* this story is not mine *
As we sit here, I start to see things another way than I did before. I hope that telling you this will at least bring me some kind of peace inside. What I feel right now is only remorse and anger and it is disturbing to me. Do you understand what I mean? It really hurts inside of me, but I know that I need to get it out at some point - To start feeling whole again. I don't want to be a prisoner in my own life again.
When I am thinking back at my life, there are a few things that scare me a lot. One of them was how I felt seeing the horror my brother was going through at a young age. He is not much younger than me and we are a lot alike in nature. All the harmony changed a lot in the last 2 years we have spent together.
When brother got really sick, none of us knew anything about it until it was too late. Don't get me wrong here. I can see that you think that he was psychically ill or something like that, but that isn't the case.
It's hard, but let me try to explain. It all started several years ago. He was such an adorable little one as he grew up. As I sit here, I wonder why it happened to him. He was only 16 and so full of life. He got his first girlfriend and they was so happy together, such a happy couple if you can say that. I was so happy for him.
I really liked her at first; I guess we all did at some point. As time went by, I noticed something with her that I didn't like. I started to get suspicious and after some time; I sensed some kind of evil from her. Every time they had been together, I had the feeling that my brother was turning colder and you know what? As a sister that hurts a lot.
What happened next was that I started to see other signs; another light in my brother's eyes. The looks became a lot colder and less full of life and it really scared me. He had never been like that before; that was the point where I knew that their relationship was toxic, even though the rest of my family noticed nothing. How do you react to that as a sister? I couldn't just sit down and do nothing, right?
Before I go on, let me tell you that I really love my brother a lot. So what did I do next? I went to her house one day. I remember the walk there so clearly even though it's so long ago now. I knew my brother was at home that night. I figured that this could be my only chance to talk to her alone.
What I saw can't even be explained; you needed to have been there yourself to understand. It was a lot worse than what I had ever imagined. As I sit here and think about it again I can't believe how I had the courage to react how I did.
I went to the door and rang the doorbell. The time I waited there felt like forever. I could see light in there, it wasn't much but there was light so I just stood there and waited. After some time, the door was slammed opened and I looked inside the house. You could just feel the evil. Real evil! And as I looked into the eyes of evil that night in August, I could understand the look that I was beginning to see in my brother's eyes.
I will never forget that night. What I saw made me stun for a minute, I was absolutely shocked about what I saw. I didn't see that evil girl my brother was dating nor did I see what I expected to see.
So what did I expect to see? At least not that look I saw on her face. I guess that she looked as shocked as I did. She said that I shouldn't have come there. I felt stunned and looked at her for some time. Then I heard a tiny scream from upstairs the house. She looked nervous at me and tried to shut the door. I got my foot in between and tried to make my way inside the house. Even though I was really scared that's what I did. I can't believe where I got all that strength from.
I'm not insane, believe me on this one. I just knew in my heart that this was something I had to do. I was a lot stronger than her so it was easy to open the door and make my way into the house. As the screams got louder and more hysterical, I started to panic a little. It was hard to stay calm but I tried to be strong for my brother.