Chapter 2: Prepare The Food Like Your Job Depends On It

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"You see Ms. Mallerie, in this home, there are rules. Every staff member follows them, and this place runs smoothly. This beautiful home is the product of that work ethic. Due to your reputation, I expected arrogance, but understand now... That won't be tolerated." The man spoke, leading me through a large dining room setting towards what I presumed to be the kitchen.

This man wanted to scold me about arrogance? The irony.

"You are to prepare three meals a day. Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner. The choices are yours as to what you'd like to prepare, but if I do not fancy the meal, you will most likely be fired. Choose wisely." He nodded, moving with quick strides as we drew nearer to the kitchens entrance. It took a lot in me not to practically die from how good this man smelt.

It was... Wild. The scent of woods and the outdoors-


Did he just say I would be fired?

"I can request small meals in between the three larger ones at any given time, so always be prepared to cook. The room at the end of this hallway here has been sealed off due to plumbing, you're not to go in there under any circumstances." He explained, pointing at a set of double doors that were located near the far end of another hallway, before we walked into the kitchen.

Oh, did I say kitchen?

I really meant "another home with a few pots and pans inside it." Literally. The room was larger than my apartment back by the campus. Everything was stainless steel and marbled countertops. I couldn't help but drool... This place was the promise land to all chefs.

"By your silence, I take it everything is up to your satisfaction?" The man asked.

"Can I make love to it?" I whispered unconsciously, gracing my fingers against the cold marble. I wasn't sure if he had heard me or not, but he made no comment.

"It is now 5:37pm, I expect dinner to be ready by 6:30, nothing later. If it's not done by then, you will be fired. If it's not up to my satisfaction, you will be fired. Do I make myself clear?" He asked, as I turned to find him much closer to me than I originally thought.

My breathing hitched immediately. I wasn't sure what it was, but as my heart hammered, it was like he could hear it's beating. His eyes held mine as I tried so very hard not to faint all over these beautifully tiled floors. "Crystal." I breathed, backing up a bit to put more space between us.

Everything about him was so... Intense. So incredibly frightening.

"Good." He nodded, clearing his throat. "I'll leave you to it." He replied, giving another short awkward nod before leaving me to this enormous kitchen.

"Jesus." I whispered, clutching my chest in hopes to catch my heart before it decided to beat right out of my chest.

"Is there anything I can help you with, love?" Mrs. Potts asked, waddling into the kitchen with Chip close behind.

"I think I'll be okay... Just have to make the most amazing meal of my life to keep the most equally amazing pay. No biggie, right?" I asked, glancing up at her as I started to pull pots and pans down from the hanging rack.

"You'll do fine. I can tell you this much, Master has never given us a personal tour of our job environment before, I think he's taken a liking to you." Mrs. Potts nodded, taking out some vegetables from the fridge and pantry.

"Something tells me that that man isn't capable of liking anyone." I replied. The vegetables looked absolutely exquisite. So colorful and prime as I placed them under the faucet.

"He was once." Mrs. Potts whispered, setting the last of the ingredients out on the island. "Then again, no one has ever spoken back to him before. Maybe he's secretly planning your murder." Mrs. Potts shrugged, before wobbling back out the kitchen entry. I glanced back at her, but she had already disappeared.

Something about that statement sounded way too honest.


"Time!" I called out to Mrs. Potts, as my hands chopped at the speed of light.

"15 minutes lefts!" She called back over the clunker of dished as she set the table in preparation. 15 minutes until dinner was supposed to be ready.

Cool. I had 15 minutes to create an avocado purée that would put my mother's cooking to shame. Awesome... No fucking pressure.

"Okay okay, you've got this, El. You've sat beside Dior fucking Gevastoné, if you can't prepare a goddamn avocado purée in 15 minutes, so help me God, no one can." I chanted to myself, dicing up the last of the onions before clearing off the knife and starting to peel the avocado.

I slipped the avocado slices, with the lemon pepper and a dash of lemon juice into the blender and began the tedious process of puréeing the ingredients. It was a fine skill, knowing exactly how many pulses the sauce needed to maintain its thickness, yet loose the chunks.

"8 minutes left, darling." Mrs. Potts announced as she entered the room. "It's time you start preparing the multiple dishes for the meal."

"Got it. The first course will be a virgin olive oil and lemon seasoned salad. Something fresh to accommodate for the Salmon that will be the main course." I explained, pulling up the plates as I prepped the salad.

"Okay. He'll be here any minute so I'll come get you when he's ready to have the first course." Mrs. Potts spoke, walking back out through the kitchen.

After a few moments pause, Mrs. Potts returned. "He's ready." She nodded, before leaving once more.

"You are Elle motherfucking Mallerie," I reminded myself, "You're going to serve the fuck outta this food."

My hands slid under the first plate like it was apart of me as I walked out through the kitchen and into the dining room. I focused on everything but the man's face as I approached the head of the table and set the plate down with grace. "The first course." I nodded, pulling the plate cover back to reveal a very beautiful, freshly tossed salad...

... And so this began one of the most pressured nights of my entire existence.

I'm glad you guys like it so far! :)

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