Chapter 26: Prepare The Food In The Sealed Room

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Stefan's POV
"I-I-" Elle started, as she stood frozen. I couldn't help the pain I was feeling in my chest by the way she was looking at me. Tears threatened to fall from her eyes.

"I'm sorry Elle. I just- I cannot let anything happen to you." I whispered back, grabbing a tan folder from a drawer in my desk. "I've made arrangements for you to stay in one of my private estates. I've purchase a plane ticket for you to leave tonight, along with some cash and confirmation of details." I explained, as I placed everything into the folder. Her eyes just grew at the large sum of cash I added in there.

"How long am I leaving for?" She whispered, her voice growing quiet.

"Hopefully, not long. I just need for you to remain safe as this all blows over. The bullet hole that is inside of me was meant for you. I would gladly take any shot for you, but I cannot help the nagging voice inside my head that repeatedly tells me this is all my doing." I replied, sliding the folder into my jacket, before grasping the edged of my chair and slowly lifting myself up. My face scrunched up in pain as I felt some of the stitches in my back, tare.

"What are you doing?" She hissed, rushing to my side instantly to support my large frame as I stumbled forward from the pain.

"I want to show you something." I replied, hesitantly taking her arm while I let her help me up.

"You really shouldn't be getting up." She insisted. I just smiled back down at her.

"Head out this hallway, but take a right instead." I instructed, as we both made our way out. The hallways were illuminated by the sun that was now brightly shining. It had to be passed noon, and the feast was at 7. I had already called in caterers to help finish cooking what Elle had started, since I wanted her at least at the airport by then. "Another right." I instructed, as we headed down a corridor I hadn't been down in a while. The air was musky at this end of the castle, due to it's seclusion. I was very particular with who I let around this area.

"Jesus, it looks like this place hasn't been dusted in years." She whispered under her breath as we approached a room at the end of the hallway that had a familiar set of double doors. Once we arrived, I pulled out a key from under my shirt. "Weren't these doors sealed off for plumbing reasons?" She asked me, as I slid the metal frame into the lock.

"I lied." I replied simply. She just rolled her eyes back at me while she helped me push the heavy doors open. The room itself was dark and grim now. I hadn't entered it in a few months as the vines over grew through the cracks in the walls. In the middle of the room, stood a rose that was held up through synthetic cells, inside a large capsule like container. Instantly, Elle's eyes grew wide.

"I-Is that... is that flower floating?" She asked, unintentionally dragging both of us over so she could get a better look at it.

"Yes, and no. The material that is holding it up, is invisible to the naked eye." I explained. Her hands rested against the pillar as she continued to ogle at the flower. "Want to know a secret?" I asked after some time. Her head nodded slowly, as she continued to admire the shimmery veins of the petals. "This rose is ten years old."

Her head whipped back at me, startled by what I had just admitted. "B-But how?" She stuttered after some time, looking back between the flower and I.

"This is what was created by both Irene and Gracie's research. It was chemically altered in a lab to create something living yet synthetic. It's beauty is so unique to the world, there is not another flower like it." I explained.

"The veins are clear... Like you can see the life coursing through it. It's absolutely magnificent." She whispered, enchanted by its beauty.

"It's dying." I admitted, moving closer to her. Before she could respond, another petal detached itself from the stem and fell to the ground.

"I- I don't understand..." She trailed off.

"Neither do I." I admitted honestly. "How do you save something that isn't supposed to die? I've reviewed the regenerated cells again, and have noticed an irregular mutation between the genes. I don't know how to fix it, or where the irregularities originated from." I explained.

"That's so sad." She whispered, glancing back at the flower. "Why do you keep it?"

"It reminds me of my past." I replied. "Someone once warned me not to be deceived by appearances, for beauty is found within. At first, I couldn't see that with Irene. This flower was Her. Her physical beauty was something that couldn't go unnoticed, but her soul was charred.

"This flower was been dying for the last 10 years, since it was created. It's beauty has masked that deterioration... But physical beauty can only carry so far... It wasn't long before I began to see both Irene, and this flower, for what it was. Fabricated. My views were distorted then, but as the first petal fell some years back, my eyes began to open." I whispered, as my arm wrapped itself gently around Elle.

"How do you see me?" Elle whispered back. We both stared at the flower as another petal fell to the floor and the beautiful bright color of the petal, turned to a darkened blood red.

"You, too, are a rose. Your beauty goes beyond anything I have seen in this lifetime, but you, unlike this rose, are not guarded by thorns. You have so much life within you, you blossom the largest in the garden, but that makes it all the easier for someone to take advantage of you. You truly are the purest form I've ever had the pleasure of laying my eyes on... And I wish to be your thorns."

"My thorns?" She whispered back.

"A thorn defends a rose. Harming only those that will steal it's blossom." I replied, resting my head against her shoulder as she leaned back into my touch. I could feel a droplet hit my arm, as the tear that was threatening to fall, finally did.

Okay, I know it seems like I say this every damn chapter, but y'all are fucking amazing. Like excuse my French, but how the bloody hell are we almost at 65k reads?! Like please understand, I ain't shit without you guys. These stories are made possibly by each and every one of you amazing people who decide to vote and comment and actually read my shit 😂 so thank you so much. Like seriously XOXO Anyways, did this chapter get you all teary eyed? Because I was getting hella emotional writing this shit.

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