Chapter 21: Prepare The Food At The Ball pt. 1

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"Is this the address?" Maxwell asked, as we took off down the paved driveway towards the gravel dirt road.

"Yes,"Clogsworth replied, "Mr. DeGramont just faxed it over to me. If you go approximately 5 mph above the speed limit, we should make it in time for the Entrance Ceremony before the dance."

"Entrance Ceremony?" I asked, as my eyebrows furrowed up in confusion. Stefan never mentioned anything about that, earlier.

"It's not exactly an ceremony. Couples just enter the ballroom together as the live orchestra plays a few songs. Mr. DeGramont had given us some merciful minutes as leeway incase we do arrive late. He's okay with walking in without you, yet he was hoping to you two would appear together, considering this was what everyone was expecting." Cogsworth explained.

"E-Everyone? Around how many people attend this event?" I questioned, glancing up from my newly manicured nails to catch Maxwells humorous eyes in the rear view mirror.

"Around 1,500 to 2,000 people." Cogsworth replied. My eyes grew wide.

"Goodness Ms. Mallerie, you look like a deer caught in the headlights." Maxwell noted, as we made eye contact once again. "There's no need to be alarmed. You'll be fine." He assured.

"Oh no. I'm just walking into a gathering of 1500 people easily!" I snapped back, already starting to fidget with the hem of my dress.

"If you ruin that gown before this event has even started, so help me god, I will unplug the kitchen fridge the night before you have to cook." Cogsworth hissed at me as he swatted my hands away from the now looser thread. I complied, remembering just how damn expensive this dress was to begin with.

"The events will go by extremely quickly, and before you know it, the night will be over. No need to fret about a couple hours." Maxwell offered, pulling into the highway.

I turned my head back to the back seat windows as I watched the now darkening sky snuff out the remainder of the light.

No need to fret.


Clearly, they had no idea how ungraceful I really was.


"Lol no." I shook my head repeatedly, clasping the belt buckle back in place.

"What the hell do you mean 'No'?" Cogsworth demanded, as we pulled up to a mansion at least double the size of Stefan's.

"There's no way I'm entering that place! It's like the size of a small state." I shot back.

"It actually has its own zip code." Maxwell acknowledged.

"You're not helping, Maxwell." Cogsworth grumbled as he turned to me.

"You. Will. Be. Fine." He nodded slowly.

I glanced nervously between both men as we sat in the parked car. "There's only 1, 746 people attending. Most are charity donors." Maxwell added.

"Maxwell?" Cogsworth called as my eyes grew wide with this new information.


"Please refrain from telling Ms. Mallerie anything more. I don't think it's helping the situation." Cogsworth gritted out through his teeth. "We'll be right here if you need us. We will also stay as close to you during the dance."

"If you do faint, rest assured we'll be the first to the scene." Maxwell added.

"Seriously Maxwell, no more talking." Cogsworth snapped as they both got out of the car before walking around to my side of the vehicle.

My nerves were a freaking mess. I was more than overjoyed that Stefan had invited me to this, but I really didn't want to let him down or embarrass him. It seemed liked this event was a hell of a lot larger than he had initially let on.

"How much money does this thing usually pull in?" I asked, taking Cogsworth's hand as he helped me out of the car.

"Last year's total was well over ten million." He replied. My eyes grew large again.

Coolcoolcoolcoolcool. Don't fuck this up, Elle.

"I'm serious. You'll be fine." Cogsworth assured me.

We climbed up the freakishly long steps that lead to two humongous doors that were guarded by a few men. They were in all black, talking through ear pieces. As we approached, they quickly turned to us. Nothing was said while the doors were pulled open and we were let through.

"That's some pretty flimsy security. No identification checks?" I asked, as we entered an extremely ridiculously beautiful all marble lobby.

"I've worked with Mr. DeGramont longer than any other staff, my dear, I've become well aquatinted with all his men." Cogsworth explained. "Stay here, I'll inform Stefan on your arrival and he'll be with you shortly."

I nodded in understanding, watching him disappear down a darkened corridor.

I still couldn't get over how insanely beautiful the place actually was. There was another large set of doors directly in front of me, that I could hear music floating from, then two darkened corridors on each side of me. The walls were a clean marbled look with stone flooring that were paired well with beyond glamorous Greek statues that were no doubt in my mind, real.

The ceilings had beautiful tainted glass images of old Athens and Greek gods that allowed for gorgeously colored streams of light to naturally color the white marbled walls. Everything looked like it was torn right out of an anthropology catalogue... Except it looked even more expensive, if that was possible.

I carefully walked over to a sculpted statue of a head that stood on a clay molded pillar by one of the doors. There was one on each end of the entrance.

Without even thinking, my hand reached up to touch some of the extremely fine detailed piece on the nose...

And the nose broke off into my hand.

Shitshitshitshitshit! I thought to myself.

My eyes scanned the vacant lobby to see if anyone had seen what had happened. As soon as I felt certain I was the only one there, I started searching desperately for a place to hide the broken nose that was in my palm.

It was more than noticeable when you glance at the two statues now... Considering one literally now had a hole in his face for where his nose should be. I could hear footsteps approaching from the corridor to the other side of me, and I quickly slipped the broken piece into the hidden pocket of my dress. I glanced up from entrance to the beginning of the hallway, where my eyes caught sight of Stefan approaching me.

Lord have mercy.


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