Chapter 31: Prepare The Food And Learn Some Secrets

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Okay so this was a mistake on my part because I don't think I clarified this enough but I was hoping you guys would vote for ONE story 😂😂 no worries, there were two stories that looked to be in popular demand. The two stories will be listed after this chapter, along with their synopsis again :) go ahead and vote after you enjoy this chapter! As always, thank you all for reading 😘 (remember, all the stories I listed in the previous chapter will be posted at some point. This series is solely for you readers, so I want to put the books out in the order that y'all would want them).

Elle's POV
"L-Lumiere?" I questioned.

"Hello, Elle." He nodded, stepping further into the room. His eyes looked dead and cold. They weren't the same... he wasn't the same.

"What brings you to these neck of the woods?" Gaston asked, as he set his weapon on the table. It didn't matter at this point, seeing that my hands were still tightly bound behind my back. I could feel the plastic meshing into my raw skin.

"I caught wind that an idiot decides to steal a mafia boss's girlfriend. Turns out this idiot happened to be my brother." Lumiere sighed, as he took a seat on the chair at the far end of the room. I wasn't sure exactly what was happening but I was starting to believe Lumiere wasn't here to save me.

"Well, as you can see, I have everything under control. This is a simple transaction. All we want is Stefan." Gaston explained.

There was nothing more I could do than just glance between both men as they carried a conversation like I wasn't there.

"What makes you think you can get away with this. This is Stefan DeGramont. He will undoubtedly kill you, Gaston." Lumiere shook his head. His eyes never wandered to mine as he held his brothers.

"We will be handing him directly over to the Russians. Come on, Lumiere. We've heard of the flimsy work Stefan has you doing. You held much more power within our family, and with Stefan out of the picture, you can return to that. I see it in your eyes, Lumiere... they are cold. They are the true eyes of a killer... of a cleaner." Gaston urged.

My eyes grew wide as I stared at Lumiere. He was never specific with what exactly he did for his family before Stefan hired him on, but a cleaner? He literally killed and disposed of all evidence relating the French mafia to their killings.

His eyes broke contact from Gaston's to finally give me a glance, but it only lasted a second, before they were latched back onto his brother.

"I would need your word that Elle will not be harmed at any time during this." Lumiere spoke, his voice coming out rougher than expected. Compassion sounded off, like it was a new language to him.

"You have it." Gaston replied, as his lips twisted into a slight smile.

Stefan's POV
I could feel my hands grip the steering wheel tighter as I drove down the narrow dark road towards the address Gaston had texted me. The road wasn't lit with any sort of lighting as the only strip I could see, was what was illuminated by my head lights.

All I had done the past few hours was worry. Hearing Elle's voice on that line had ignited something else within me and all I wanted to do was destroy everything.

When we exited the office after the phone call, Lumiere was nowhere to be seen. My suspicions that he had already made the drive over were confirmed when I noticed his vehicle parked in the long driveway of my destination. I had parked and killed the engine a few yards back so they wouldn't have noticed when I arrived.

The black vehicle that was spotted leaving the airport, was also parked in the driveway.

I slowly crept towards the the front entrance of the house and pulled out my lock picking kit, before getting to work. My mind couldn't help but wander back to the first time I had met Lumiere a few years back...

"Mr. DeGramont?" Maxwell called into my office. "He has arrived."

"Bring him in here." I nodded, as I felt my anger begin to rise up within me once more.

It had been approximately one month since the incident. The fact that I didn't have Gaston's head severed at my feet was beginning to really piss me off.

My office door was opened once more as a man with long blonde hair entered. It was tied back into a bun, that suited the dressy yet casual suit he was wearing. His eyes were icy and cold, much like a lot of the French, but his didn't hold a shred of emotion as they stared blatantly back at me.

"Hello-" he began, but I quickly cut him off.

"You will speak, when spoken to." I demanded, sighing slightly to myself as I quickly tried to put a cap on my anger.

He nodded silently to me.

"What was your position within your family?" I asked, setting the near empty file I had on him, down on my desk. The French had gone a long way to make it appear as if this man hadn't existed. Hell, I didn't even have his name.

"I was a cleaner." He replied honestly. My eyebrows shifted slightly in surprise, but now his whole stature made sense. He bore the eyes of a true killer.

"Do you understand this agreement?" I asked, gesturing to the files and documents on my desk.

"Yes." He nodded.

"Good. You are dismissed. Mrs. Potts will show you the estate, and I expect you dressed in uniform by tomorrow morning."

"If I may, sir?" Lumiere asked. I nodded, giving him the go ahead.

"What exactly do you require of me?"

"This home is older than the years of both you and I combined. At night, there are an alarming amount of candles to be lit, and only so little staff. You are to light each candle in the evening, and extinguish the flames by dawn." I replied. His eyes grew large before me, but all he did was nod.

"What is your name?" I called, before he could slip through the doors of my office.

"Lundwerg." He replied, unable to stop the slight pride that followed in his voice.

"From now on, you shall be known as Lumiere." I replied, stripping that pride almost instantly with a satisfied grinning as his eyebrows scrunched up in distaste.

"What have you got yourself into, Lumiere." I whispered to myself, as the last notch in the knob came undone and the door unlocked.

These are the two choices to choose from :)

1.) Not A Glass Slipper
she's a ballerina who attends a recital and accidentally dances with the CEO. All he has left from that night is one of her worn out ballet shoes

2.) She'll Bring Honor To Us All
Agent 27, otherwise known as "The Dagger," has been dormant within the deep forests of Montana, living out a life of peace and solitude under the U.S. Governments witness protection system.

When an old enemy resurfaces as a threat to the United States of America, Commander McGary issued the activation of this agent to help in a terrorist attack. But then there were three things he didn't account for...

1.) The Dagger is a female

2.) The Dagger has secrets buried so deep, even a man of his status may not have the clearance level to obtain

3.) The Dagger is drop dead gorgeous

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