Chapter 3: Prepare The Food And Don't Forget Dessert

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"What's in it?" He grunted out, as I poured some red wine into his glass.

"Freshly tossed Romanian lettuce with baby spinach and fresh basil leaves. I sprinkled a few sunflower seeds on top then topped it off with an extra virgin olive oil, lemon juice dressing." I explained. He glanced back at the salad skeptically before finally digging his fork into it.

Watching him slowly bring that fist bite to his mouth was probably the most nerve racking thing I'd ever had to witness. I literally just about died as he finally started chewing. "Good?" I asked nervously, doing everything I could not to drop this damn wine bottle.

"You have survived the first course." He announced, piercing his fork in for the second bite. I let out all the oxygen I was holding in as I finally retreated back to the kitchen.

"Well done!" Mrs. Potts cheered, as she accompanied me in the kitchen with an empty salad plate. "He's never cleared a salad that fast... Come to think of it, I don't think I've ever actually seen him eat a salad."

My eyes grew wide as my head whipped around to face her. "You didn't think to mention this before I made a freaking salad?" I asked, leaning against the island as if I was going to faint at any moment.

"I had faith in your cooking. You said so yourself, the salad complimented the main dish." Mrs. Potts replied, setting the empty dish in the sink. "You can bring out the next course." She added, before walking out. I sighed, massaging my temples slightly as I got back to work.

I slid the cooked salmon on to the plate gently, so the skin at the bottom remained intact, before tossing a bit more lemon pepper on top. I then added more of the baby spinach at the side, and topped everything off with the avocado purée that slid with ease from the beautiful stainless steel drizzler.

Placing my hand under the plate, I slid it up with grace before placing the cover over it and walking back out. The heat from his gaze as his eyes analyzed every inch of me became more intense as I drew nearer to the head of the table, I couldn't tell whether he wanted to throw me over this table and have his way with me, or kill me. It kinda read both.

I set the plate down gently before removing the cover. "Course two." I announced. He glanced down at the plate again and nodded. "It is a freshly cut salmon slab, smoked to perfection with herbs and a light peppery hint. It's then been accompanied by some baby spinach leaves, and topped with an lemon avocado purée." I added, removing the lid from the table while I added some wine to his glass.

I watched again as he dug into the crisp and flaky salmon. Bringing that first bite up to his mouth was every bit nerve racking as the salad.

I heard, what I thought could have been, the faintest moan as he slowly chewed, but it was quickly concealed by him clearing his throat. "You have survived the second course." He nodded, before all too eagerly, dipping in for another bite.

I made my way back to the kitchen, thanking every God in existence for how well this was going tonight.

Seriously, landing a job like this was a miracle within itself. After leaving culinary school, I literally had nothing lined up. Finding this job request in my PO box the day after leaving was definitely a sign from the universe. There was no room for failure with this one.

"Ms. Mallerie?" Mrs. Potts called, entering kitchen with another empty plate. "He's ready for dessert." She nodded.

My eyes grew large as I glanced back at her.

Oh no.

Oh no.

"Dessert?" I asked, tipping my head to the side.

"Oh honey you didn't...." Mrs. Potts replied, her eyes brows knotting in sympathy. My entire existence flashed before my eyes as I realized I had made probably one of the biggest mistakes of my career.

"Nope, no I got this, give me like 5 minutes. 5 minutes, okay?" I asked, as I began to rummage through the fridge and pantry like my life depended on it.

How the hell did I forget to make Dessert?!

"Okayokayokayokayokay, you got this. Uhm dessert, right." I whispered to myself. My eyes then, by the grace of none other than His Majesty, spotted a tub of frozen vanilla yogurt and some honey.

Alight, bitch, make it work.

I took a few scoops of the froyo and drizzled a bit of fresh honey into it, before reblending it. I also found some fresh vanilla beans and grated those into the mix to add a stronger vanilla flavor. I then scooped the thickened treat back out of the blender and placed a few scoops inside a small cup. Sprinkling a bit of caramel, I then added some salt on top of the scoops before garnishing with a few edible flower assortments. I made sure to place the cup onto a small plate, accompanied by a dessert spoon, and quickly left the kitchen.

Hiss eyes penetrated through me as I entered the dining room scene.

"You're late." He barked out.

"Right, yes, well, better late than never, right?" I asked nervously, setting the small platter down. He snatched the spoon off the plate and immediately dug in, not allowing me to explain what it even was as he put the first two bites into his mouth.

He took his time with swallowing, allowing the froyo to melt away in his mouth, and leaving what I hoped was a sweet and savory combination. He went in for the third scoop, but froze before he brought it to his mouth. For the first time, he actually glanced up at me while the food was on the table.

"What is it?" He finally asked.

"I-I-I'ts a frozen yogurt blend of honey and fresh vanilla grates. I added a drizzle of caramel to top it off with some salt." I explained nervously, as he continued to stare at me.

"You've failed the third course." He announced, setting the spoon back down on the plate. "Clean up the kitchen and back your bags, I want you out by tomorrow morning."


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