Chapter 27: Prepare The Food at the Airport

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Stefan's POV

"I don't want to go." Elle whispered into my chest, as I helped her slip her coat on. The air had grown chilly quite quickly these past few day as we steadily approached the end of December. "Who's going to put up the Christmas decorations? Because I know you won't," She whined.

"I promise, when you return, you can put them up." I replied. I could hear Maxwell start the car engine as I glanced out through the glass panel front doors. The sun had started to set quickly, as Lumiere began his rounds of lighting the homes candles for our celebration tonight. Voices filled the air from the sounds of tables being set and decorations, hung.

"But you aren't even sure of when I can come back." She whined, wrapping her arms and legs around me as I tried to nudge her towards the door.

"Elle." I groaned, but I couldn't mask the smile that was threatening to show. She was acting like a little child.

"I know I know." She sighed, finally detaching herself from me, as I walked her to the car. Maxwell gave me a slight head nod to let me know we were right on schedule.

"I don't want to leave you." She whispered against my shoulder as I pulled her into me again.

"You must. I promise it won't be long." I assured her once more, as I dipped my head down to capture her lips. It didn't last long, as I pulled away before I could do something irrational like pick her up and carry her back into my home.

"Goodbye, Elle." I whispered against the side of her temple, as she silently nodded back.

"See you soon." She whispered, slipping into the heavily tinted car windows and disappearing into the darkness. I slowly backed up and closed the door.

There was a numbing pain growing, something I knew wasn't from the injury as I practically felt my heart break. It hurt almost as badly as letting go of Irene, except I knew that this most definitely wasn't the last time I'd see her.

Elle's POV
I couldn't help the tears that started to stream down my cheeks as Maxwell pulled away from the home. I had promised myself I wouldn't say goodbye, because goodbye was too final. I knew this wasn't the end or anything, but that didn't shield my heart from the catastrophic blow it had just taken.

"Mr. DeGramont cares very deeply for you." Maxwell spoke silently after some time. It had torn me out from my thoughts as the sound of Maxwell saying anything, was quite rare. I nodded silently to him as we continued on through the thickened forest.

I'd oddly grown to love the isolation of the DeGramont estate. When I had first arrived, I thought it was more like a prison... miles stretch between the home and any sort of civilization, but it was only after we pulled into the highway, did I realize the peace that came with it.

My life had always been an assortment of crazy. This home reminded me of my time back in France. The easygoing life I had there with my mother before she grew ill.

This place... had become my home.

Stefan's POV
I sighed, sliding the tail of my tie back through the loop before fastening it around my neck.

Everything already felt... off.

The cooks prepared the meals well, but it wasn't like Elle's cooking. Mrs. Potts and Lumiere returned to their usually mechanics. Elle had brought out laughter and joy from this dull mansion, and I didn't want that to leave any time soon. I was pulled out of my thought by the sound of my chamber doors being opened. I was about to chastise whoever it was for not knocking, but as soon as I saw who it was, I decided not to even bother.

"It looks like everyone attended a bloody funeral out there." Cogsworth announced, as he walked in with the pair of trousers I had requested moments ago.

"That was fast." I noted, moving towards the bag he set on my bed.

"Time management is my forte. Now, please explain to me why my mood is being dampened by the sulking Lumiere and Mrs. Potts?" Cogsworth demanded.

"It's Elle." I replied, slipping the belt through the loops of the trousers. "I let her go."

"You... what? But why?" Cogsworth asked.

"Because..." I sighed, as I pulled my blazer on over my button down shirt before reaching for my cuff links. "Because I love her."

Elle's POV
"Your flight will be boarding within the next few hours." Maxwell instructed, as he helped me with my suitcases. "Once you've arrived, you'll be handed a secure line from which you can call any of us. This isn't goodbye, Elle. It's a temporary thing." He added, giving me a small smile.

"Thank you, Maxwell." I grinned back, pulling the last suitcase up onto the conveyer belt.

"I guess this is a 'see you late', Ms. Mallerie." He nodded. I quickly pulled him in for a hug before he could protest.

"See you later." I whispered, as he nodded once more and disappeared into the busy crowd of people.

"Your check in is complete." The women at the desk nodded to me, as she handed me my flight information. "You can go ahead and take a seat in the gates as you wait to be boarded."

"Thank you." I replied, slipping my itinerary into my pocket before picking up my carry on and making my way over to gate six.

Everyone must have been flying home for the Holidays from how packed the airport was. I held my bag close to my waist as I did my best not to hit anyone, but as I glanced down to check my phone messages for a second, I felt myself bump into someone.

"Sorry." I shot out, looking for the person I had accidentally collided with, but I didn't see anyone. I was about to turn my head, but I felt something press firm against the small of my back.

"Don't turn around." A man behind me spoke in hushed tones. "I need you to walk past the gates to the exit at the end of the 2nd floors hallway there." He instructed. My body went completely rigid as I quietly did what I was told. "I'm sorry Ms. Mallerie, but it looks like you won't be making your flight tonight." The man added, as I pushed the doors open back into the crisp winter night.

Only a few chapters left! Y'all are amazing ❤️

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