Chapter 32: Prepare The Food At A Standoff

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First off... how are we with the new book cover? I'm actually really in love with this one...

Second, I just hit you with a double upload because it's my first day off from work in like 8 days. Yes. I said that right. How have I managed to upload those chapters this past week?

I'm a wizard.

Third, new book will be uploaded with the last chapter!

Now appreciate all the good shit that's just happened on a fucking Monday fam. You know I come in clutch like that.


Elle's POV
I remained seated quietly as both Lumiere and Gaston continued to talk about the family. The conversation flowed smoothly... as if they didn't have a hostage tied up on the couch right beside them.

I wasn't sure what exactly I was feeling right now, but I knew it wasn't necessarily betrayal... because I wasn't the one Lumiere was betraying.

Anger maybe?

Yeah. That seemed to fit. Lumiere may have secured my safety, but that was only in exchange for Stefan's life.

I wanted to be angry at him... but I soon started to see something in him, that I hadn't seen before. It wasn't life returning to his eyes, but he was acting different.

How long had it been since he had last seen his brother, I had to ask myself. Lumiere had never told me exactly when he had started working for Stefan. He never gave me the exact date of when the incident happened at one of Sefan's branches where 8 innocent civilians died.

I glanced over at Gaston who looked like he was experiencing the same thing. His lips had curled up into a genuine smile as they discussed the house staff, and things back at their estate. Their parents were mentioned a few times.

In this bizarre scenario, it felt like I was watching two brothers catch up on each other's lives. The lives that each of them had missed out on.

I could feel my stomach clench up in nerves as time continued to pass by. Before I knew it, there was only 5 minutes left until the deadline Pierre had set.

Gaston picked up the weapon he had placed on the table, and put it in his lap again. "You won't actually be needing that, right?" Lumiere asked, gesturing to the weapon. You could feel a change in the atmosphere, everything was different now.

"No, ofcourse not." Gaston replied, "but don't be an idiot Lumiere. You know Stefan will not come easily. You also know that he won't come without some kind of play." Gaston added.

"He's right." Pierre spoke, as he slowly walked into the room with his hands held up in the air, startling all three of us out of our thoughts. We hadn't heard his footsteps, or the footsteps of the man that followed.

"Pierre?" Gaston asked, but was cut off short by Stefan entering shortly behind him with his gun pointed directly at Pierre's head. Instinctively, Gaston raised his gun to mine. "Stefan. How nice of you to join the party." Gaston welcomed, as he forced me to my feet. I winced from the shifting of the zip ties as the they dug further into me. Stefan's eyes were on me in literal seconds.

"So nice of you to invite me to this party." Stefan replied. "How are you, Elle?"

"I've been better." I nodded slightly, as I glanced at the barrel of the gun that was pointed at me through my peripheral vision.

"Lower the weapon Stefan and release Pierre. All we want is you, and Elle will walk." Gaston instructed.

"Or," Stefan countered, his demeanor switching to something I hadn't seen since the first time I met him, "you release Elle and I promise not to blow this man's  brains out all over his grandmothers furniture. I'll take him outside first." You could practically feel wrath radiating off Stefan's body.

"Shoot him. Don't shoot him. I really don't care." Gaston shrugged, but I could see the slight tremor in the hand that held the gun.

"What are you talking about?" Lumiere shot back, "he's our friend!"

"I don't have friends, my dear brother. I only have partners, and family. You know this more than anyone." Gaston replied, as his eyes shifted slightly to his brothers.

"Still. He doesn't deserve to die!" Lumiere exclaimed, as his eyes now had emotion pouring back into them.

"Don't get soft, Lumiere." Garton hissed.

"Soft? Gaston, Pierre had been our friend since childhood. This isn't me being soft, this is me being loyal-" but before Lumiere could continue, Stefan cocked his gun up and used the the handle of the weapon to swiftly knock Pierre unconscious from a blow to his temple.

Pierre's body slumped to the floor, and Stefan's gun was redirected straight at Gaston.

Gaston placed the cold metal against my temple and I could see Stefan's hold on his gun tighten. It was then, that Lumiere finally drew the weapon he had holstered under his shirt and pointed it right at his brother.

"What are you doing Lumiere?" Gaston asked, his voice now starting to loose his composure.

"You said no harm would come to Elle." Lumiere replied, glancing back between his brother and I.

"Take him out, Lumiere. Not me! I'm not going to hurt Elle." Gaston insisted. Lumiere switched his target from Gaston to Stefan, but Stefan didn't even flinch.

"You know I'm not the real enemy here." Stefan replied in such cool and connectedness, I could practically feel Gaston start to shake. "Your brother has continued to have you take the fall for his bullshit and you know it. You've changed since the first time you've entered my office almost 4 years ago."

"You are Lundwerg, not Lumiere! He gave you that insult of a name." Gaston barked on in the anger that was masking his fear as Lumiere's hand started to shake.

"He's right. When you first walked into my room, I called you Lumiere as an insult to your family, but then again, you aren't Lundwerg anymore. The years I've been with you have changed both you and I- I no longer blame you for the unforgivable act your brother did those few years back." Stefan replied, as his eyes finally shifted to look directly at Lumiere who had slowly started to lower his weapon.

"Either you shoot him, or I blow her bloody brains out!" Gaston screamed hysterically.

"Okay." Lumiere nodded, as he lifted his weapon again to Stefan. His eyes were cold once more and I could literally feel my heart drop. Was he really going to shoot Stefan?

"Please Lumiere, don't." I pleaded as tears started to stream down my face.

"I'm sorry... brother." Lumiere whispered, as his hand shifted almost instantly to his brother and he pulled the trigger.


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