Chapter 28: Prepare The Food For Your Kidnappers

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Elle's POV
I was ushered into a black, unlisted vehicle that was pulled up against the curb. As the man nudged me into the back seat, I tried to get a good look at anyone inside, but the inside car lights weren't on. The man that had held a gun to me, then closed my door and slid into the passenger seat beside the driver.

"Drive." The man spoke, as the driver nodded, and burned rubber speeding off the curve. All I could hear for a moment was the sound of my heartbeat ringing inside my ears.

I recognized neither of the voices as the men spoke quietly amongst themselves. I couldn't detect what language it was, but it didn't sound like English.

All I could do was stare out the window into the the darkened, abandoned streets. Nothing looked familiar to me since I hadn't really stayed here too long, but I could tell from the road that we had pulled onto, we might be driving for a while. Nothing but trees surrounded the paved strip as the driver began to speed up.

A light from a phone came on in the passengers seat, and before the man could turn his brightness down, I got a glimpse of his face.

It was rough and rigid as his sharp cheek bones were carved out through the fluorescent light. I could just make out a deep scar on his right cheek as the brightness finally decreased. His facial features looked slightly familiar, but I wasn't sure where from.

"Are we on time?" The man in the drivers seat asked in English, as his head turned from the road for a split second to glance at the man in the passenger seat, before glueing his eyes back onto the road. Another car approached us from the opposite side, and shined his high beams on to see the road better. The drivers face was illuminated this time, and I could feel my mouth dry as the man's eyes caught mine through the overhead mirror. They were a piercing blue, which contrasted with his dark hair.

He must have been at least in his 40's, by the aged scars and peppered scruff all around his face. I couldn't rip my eyes away from a glare that sent literal chills down my back. It was icy and uninviting.

"Stop it. You're scaring her." The man in the passenger side hissed quietly, as the man finally looked back into the road.

"I-I don't understand." I croaked out, my voice raspy from how long I'd been silent for.

"We'll be there soon." The man in the drivers seat answered. He voice seemed even more hostile than I had originally remembered.

"Why are you doing this?" I asked. I, ofcourse, presumed it had something to do with the shot that was meant for me last night.

"The bounty." The man in the passengers seat replied. My eyebrows quickly scrunched up in confusion.

"What bounty?" I asked, as I felt my fingers begin to twitch at my sides. That didn't sound good.

"There may be a 1.3 million bounty on your head, but image how much the Russians will pay when we give them the great Stefan DeGramont." The driver snickered, as he turned off onto a one way road.

"Russians?" I asked. I tried to maintain my cool as my head wrapped around this new information. 1.3 million fucking dollars?! Now everything made more sense... like why Stefan hadn't hesitated to get me on the first plane out of here.

Shit, I'd take me out for much less.

Both men shared quick looks, and if it wasn't so dark in the car, I'd say I saw a bit of panic wash through their faces.

"We are Russian." The man in the passenger said roughly. "No more talking."

I might not have been able to see them all that clearly, but I wasn't mistaken by what they said. These men planned on using me to lure Stefan in for the Russians... but if they weren't the Russians, than who were they?


We pulled into a large gravel driveway that stretched as far as the cars headlights shone, before a large home came into view. I glanced around the surrounding area, but all you could see was trees and vacancy. I was about to ask where we were, but thought quickly against it as both men got out of the car. Seconds later, my door was thrust open.

"Get out." The man from the driver seat ordered, as he stepped aside to make way for me. My legs felt like jello from the shock as I slowly made my way into the home.

"You will remain here with us until Stefan is informed about the trade during his banquette tonight. Once details are arranged, you will be moved to a remote area where we will meet, and the exchange will happen." The other man explained. The lights were flicked on, and the home finally came to life. Everything looked neat and untouched, like it was a vacation home of some sorts.

I moved into the living room, where the man with the piercing eyes tied my hands behind my back with zipties. I could feel the plastic band start to dig into my skin as he left no space for escape.

"Careful with her, we don't wanna damage the beast's toy. He might not want her after." The other man hissed.

"I'm not his toy." I snapped back before I could stop myself. Both men irrupted into laughter almost instantly.

"Eh? Is that so? So you've seen a bit of the man these past few weeks, have you?" The man with the ice cold eyes asked, as he drew nearer to me. "Well let my tell you something, belle, he may be a man at times, but he'll always be a beast. There's no escaping that."

My eyebrows twitched slightly as I heard something off about that sentence.

Realization drew in as my eyes grew large. I knew exactly who these people were.

I'm back ;)

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