Chapter 14: Prepare The Food And Learn To Play

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"Do you ever grow tired of playing?" I asked, as I sat across from Stefan while he played the piano. I could honestly never grow tired from how beautifully he played. The music had carried through the halls of the night once more, but this time, I think he was hoping I would join him here.

It had only been a day since I had heard him play last, yet it felt like weeks, so the second I had heard the music, I had thrown my blankets off my body in an instant...

The day of grocery shopping had gone so well, but as soon as we returned, he had retreated to the stone cold Mafia boss I had first met. His guards had instantly went up again, especially around Lumiere. I yearned to spend a few moments with him where he enjoyed the moment we were in... Where I could truly relish in the beauty of the man behind the beast.

At night, when he was playing, was one of those times.

I couldn't wait to spend time alone with him as I all but ran down the halls of the mansion to the room at the second corridor. It was miraculous I still remembered where it was.

"Did I wake you?" He asked in mock sympathy as he tried to mask a growing smile. I attempted to do the same.

"No no, it's okay." I replied, sliding into the seat beside him. His hair was up in another loose bun, and he was currently in some loose fitted Nike sweatpants with a loose long sleeve shirt. Everything about this man screamed sex appeal.

"How did your day go?" He asked, dropping the volume of the piano a few levels so I could hear him better.

"It went well. All the groceries are now completely stacked in the fridge and pantry. Thank you for taking me earlier but... Can I ask you something?" I asked, shifting closer in my seat. It was crazy how comfortable I was becoming with him around me. His demeanor had changed since I had last seen him. He was now so much more... Friendlier. I didn't get the psychopathic killer vibe whenever I was alone around him. And I really liked it.

"Go ahead." He replied, pulling his fingers off the keys to turn to me and give me his full attention.

"The dessert I made a week ago- the frozen yogurt with honey... Did you eat the rest that was in the fridge?"

His face grew heated as he turned back to the piano. There was a slight pause before he finally answered me. "Yes."

"T-Then why? Why did you fire me if you actually liked it?" I asked, my eyebrows furrowing up in confusion. So he actually enjoyed it? I swear, this man was an enigma.

"It reminded me of something my mother used to make for me. I was taken back by how you could make something so delicious from generic ingredients. It reminded me of home- something I wasn't used to being reminded of." I wasn't sure how else to respond to that.

I nodded, blushing slightly from how intensely he was looking at me. It was as if my opinion of him meant the world. "I-I'm sorry." I replied.

His eyes softened. "Don't be. I should of reacted better. I'm sure there's no other cook in this existence that would put up with my ridiculous rules, and my threats to fire them practically every day."

"It's got a certain charm to it." I winked.

"Yes, well, if anyone should be apologizing, it should be me. I should have treated you better than that." He admitted, placing his fingers back on to the keys.

The melody was solemn this time. Something slow and heartfelt. I couldn't pull my eyes away from him as he played. He started to lean into the touch, pushing harder on the keys as it reached its crescendo, before bringing the melody back down. Once the song finished, I spoke again.

"Do you ever grow tired of playing?"

"There's too much music in this world to learn, for me to grow tired." He admitted.

"Will you teach me how to play something?" I asked, grinning goofily at him as he pulled his fingers away from the keys, he shifted silently on the bench to make room for me and I hesitantly slid into the shared seat.

I had never been this physically close to him before... Besides him carrying me of course, but I don't think that counted.

He smelt like a delicious blend of soaps. As I sat this close to him, with my heart hammering out of my chest, I could see the remnants of water in his hair. He must have taken a shower recently.

"I-Is it's okay if I guide your fingers?" He asked, his voice unsteady as his shoulders gently brushed mine. I nodded silently.

He wound his arm behind my small frame, and slid his right fingers over mine. At first, he was meticulously careful to not touch any part of me that wasn't my hand, but as the radiance of his warmth engulfed my body, I couldn't help but lean into him.

"Y-Y-You're first going to place your thumb, middle, and pinky on these keys." He instructed, gently nudging them onto the right areas. The melody was something I didn't recognize, but it was beautiful. I messed up shortly after.

"Shoot sorry." I grinned embarrassingly, starting to slide my fingers away, but he grabbed them before I could pull away.

"You can't quit that easily." He whispered, his voice low and vibrating as he placed my fingers back onto the key.

"I don't want to butcher such I beautiful melody." I admitted, letting him guide me slowly through the song.

"You have to imagine how beautiful it will be when you have mastered the piece. Until then, you can't give up on something with so much potential." He replied, slipping his much larger fingers over mine, as he played the tenor piece with his left hand, then taught me the melody with his right.


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