You're Never Gonna Fit In Much, Kid

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Being the younger sister of Gerard and Mikey Way is every bit as awesome as it sounds. Okay, well, I'm not biologically their sister, but I'm as good as. Our parents are best friends, you see, and they've known me since I was born. I grew up with them, and as I'm also an only child (my parents had me quite late, you see) Gerard and Mikey took on the roles of my older brothers. Mikey's 8 years older than me, and Gerard is 12 years older than me. Yeah, I know. I did say my parents had me late! But yes, I usually spent all the time I wasn't at school or with my friends with them and theirs... Which is how I met Frank Iero. I had a crush on Frank pretty much since the day I met him. I was 12, and I'd already met their friend Ray, who had awesome hair and was really nice. This was just as My Chemical Romance got together, and they still needed a guitarist. Well, apparently they'd found one and were really excited about the band now. I'd been on vacation with my parents, so hadn't seen them in two weeks, and only learned of the news when Gerard came round with his mom to for coffee. I couldn't, and still can't, understand why anyone would want to drink the stuff, but each to their own. I'd immediately jumped on Gerard and after we watched some cartoons, he told me that they'd found a guitarist. Of course, I immediately wanted to meet him, and see Mikey and Ray, so we left our moms to chat and Gerard gave me a piggyback to his, seeing as it was a five minute walk. What? I was 12! But yes, when I first met Frank. I can still remember it now, as if it were yesterday.

"Mikeeeeey!" I exclaimed as soon as Gerard set foot in the house, jumping down from his back and running immediately down to the basement where they usually were. I was wearing dark blue skinny jeans, some sneakers and a Queen shirt, which was technically Gerard's, but shh.

"(Y/N)! Shit, you haven't tanned at all. Anyone would think you'd sat in your backyard for two weeks." He teased, making me poke my tongue out at him.

"Shut up." I pouted, grinning when Mikey hugged me tight. I also hugged Ray and said hi to their drummer Matt, who I hadn't known as long as the rest, but was still pretty comfortable around.

"Anyway!" Gerard interrupted. "(Y/N), this is our guitarist, Frank. Frank, this is (Y/N), she's me and Mikey's honorary little shit of a sister." Gerard introduced.

"Well love you too then, Gee." I rolled my eyes, before turning to Frank. "Ignore anything he's said about me, he's a dick."

"Well, I wouldn't go that far. Some of the things he's said about you are pretty great." Frank chuckled, looking directly at me for the first time. I clocked in his appearance. Cool hair, nose ring, lip ring, slight eyeliner, decent clothes, worn Converse, and well, a cute half-smirk that made him look pretty hot. Yeah, he was really hot.

And that's how it started. I hated the fact that I had a silly schoolgirl crush on this guy. It was bad enough doing it with guys my age who I stood no chance with, but Frank was 6 years older than me, he was friends with my older brothers, and he was too good looking and nice to even think about looking in my direction. Okay, maybe I phrased that wrong, he was actually really nice to me and we got on great, but he would never think of me as anything less than Gerard and Mikey's little sister, even if I wasn't actually related to them. This became a problem when I'd end up stuttering around him or blushing every time he looked at me, which wasn't easy to hide. Though I managed it, and I figured it would go away soon, it was just a silly crush after all, right? I told myself that for 5 years. By this time MCR had become quite big after Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge was released, and they'd been touring quite a bit. Then The Black Parade came out and they were a worldwide sensation. But finally, they were doing a hometown gig! It was pretty amazing, and seeing them up there doing what they loved made me pretty proud of them. It kinda went downhill after the gig though. Mikey had told me to meet them outside after as they were coming out to meet people and it would be the easiest way for us to all go back in afterwards. So, I found myself surrounded by a bunch of their fans in the cold while we waited for them. There were at least 50 people, and I loved that they still came out to see people. All of a sudden, I heard a scream, and looked up from my phone to see Gerard and Ray. I grinned at them, catching the wink Gerard sent me, and resolved I might as well wait till they'd seen everyone, so I stood back against a wall, scrolling through Twitter.

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