In Your Dreams

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"You okay?" he asked, keeping one hand on the steering wheel and one hand resting on your upper thigh.

"Yeah, I just needed to get out of there." both of your words shattered the awkward silence.

"Mhm," he nodded. "Listen, I'm sorry, baby. I know you didn't want to go and I shouldn't have taken you. I didn't mean for you to get overwhelmed." he genuinely apologized.

"I told you, I'm not mad at you." you rolled your eyes, swinging your legs over to rest on his thighs while he drove.

"I promise you, when we get home we can do whatever you want. I promise." he said, muttering a mix of a sigh and a chuckle.

"In your dreams, Iero." you scoffed, playfully hitting his arm.

"You suck," he faintly giggled before he concentrated on pulling into his family's driveway. Both of you exited the car as you entered through the screen door and made your way to his room. You two spent a lot of time in there. Not in a sexual way, more in a bonding way.

"Frankenstein?" you suggested, trying to think of a movie to watch.

"Nah," he said with a scrunched up nose.

"Spinal Tap?" you asked, flicking through his DVD collection next to his television.

"I don't wanna watch a movie," he whined, plopping down on the floor next to his bed. "I'll do whatever you wanna do."

"Fine, teach me how to play guitar," you swiveled your head as you spoke.

"You sure?" he asked, raising his eyebrows, confused that you were interested in his number one hobby.

"Yes," you moaned in fake agony, plopping down on to his lap. He stretched so he could reach the dark, wooden, acoustic guitar that sat a few feet away from him, resting on the wall. Setting it on your lap, he told you where to put what fingers and what strings to strum.

You two made it into a little game where if you got a chord right, he would kiss your neck and say something like "good job, baby!". Finally after about twenty minutes, your attention was dying and it was around twelve in the morning, so you were getting sleepy.

"I'm so fucking tired," you turned around and rubbed your eyes while saying it. With that, you silently pushed the guitar off your lap and without word, climbed into his bed. "You coming?" you fakely inquired in a sensual Jessica Rabbit-ish voice.

All you recieved was a tiny laugh as you closed your eyes. You could feel Frank's weight on the other side of the bed as his arms hooked around your waist.

"I love you so much, baby," he whispered as his lips grazed yours.

Now, the only other challenge would be leaving early enough so his mom didn't find out you were here...

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