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You'd spent the day just like any other really. With the exception that you both had the day off, you were able to sleep in than you were used to, snuggled up in your bed, surrounded by all of his pups. Waking up first, you smiled when you saw him still deep in his dreams beside you, his arm draped loosely around your waist with Sweet Pea somehow snuggled between the two of you. Scratching gently between her ears, careful not to stir him, you heard Peppers whine softly behind you, her nose pushing at the back of your calf through the bedding.
"Alright girl, I know you want some love too." You murmured lowly, pulling away from Sweet Pea, gently moving Frank's arm so you could slip out from under the covers.
The small Chihuahua was already on the parquet flooring beside the bed, glancing up expectantly at you, her tail wagging so quickly her whole body moved. You couldn't help but giggle, seeing the ridiculous Christmas collar Frank had picked out for her, making her look like a Christmas jester as she panted quietly. Wincing slightly when your feet hit the could floor, you turned back to tuck your sheets in, the other dogs quickly clambering to sprawl out on your warm spot as you left the room, Peppers close by as you padded into the kitchen.
From the clock on the microwave, you could tell it was a little after eleven as you picked up the empty coffee pot, slowly filling it with water as you looked out of the thick glass window. Thick flakes of snow drifted by, swirling in the air, making it look like a blizzard outside. Peppers was yapping softly, running around your feet, pulling you out of your thoughts as you headed to the cabinet, pulling one of the dog bones out of the bag, thankful it didn't make too much sound, fearing all the other dogs would wake. Turning around to the small pup, you smiled at her as she wriggled in excitement, making you laugh at her giddy excitement.
"Alright Peppers, sit." You said gently, the Chihuahua eagerly complying, her big eyes staring up expectantly at the bone as you bent down, carefully placing it in front of her. Within seconds, she leapt forward taking the treat into her mouth as you patted her gently.
"Merry Christmas girl." You cooed as she took off, skidding into the next room as you figured she would probably curl up with it. Turning back towards the window, you rested your hands on the countertop, the coffee slowly percolating as you watched the snow drift by. This time of year had never been easy for you, filled with memories you'd truly like to forget. The general pattern of just unfortunate events in December made you uneasy for the entire month, almost like you were walking on eggshells the past few weeks; scared that the new life you had could easily disappear just like the other ones.
You'd been living with Frank for almost four months, having met back in January, and you still couldn't believe you'd made it this far. Usually when you explained your traumatic past to someone, they almost always took off, deeming you 'damaged goods' or just too much emotionally for them to handle. But when you'd told him, his response had been to just hold you closer and shower you in love; promising that he was with you now, and even though things would be tough sometimes that he'd never leave your side.
Even to this day you were still in shock from that night, surprised that he could be so selfless, that he could care so much. But here you were, months later, still together (and as clichéd as it sounded) more in love than ever. Frank was the most attentive person you'd ever known, always checking in with you, doing little things just to make you smile. You couldn't really believe how lucky you were, thankful for every moment you had with him, finally hopeful for the future you two had.
Feeling warm around circle your waist, you smiled softly as the machine switched off, the aroma filling the room as Frank stood behind you, sleepily nuzzling his face into your neck.
"Morning sweetheart." His voice low, still rough from sleep as you leaned back, gently placing your hands over his tracing the tattoos littered along his forearm as he hummed gently.
"Hi Frankie." Shivering slightly, his stubble rubbed against your neck, making your squirm ever so slightly in his touch. His laughter rumbled slightly, the man slowly waking up as he saw the coffee pot out of the corner of his eye.
"Perfect weather for a day like today huh?" He prompted, following your gaze out of the window as you nodded slowly, sighing softly.
"No better way than to spend it inside." You replied, Frank gently rubbing your sides before pressing a kiss just behind your ear.
"Why don't you go curl up on the couch. I'll meet you there." Slowly stepping back, you shivered when his hands pulled away, the older man heading towards the cabinets. You nodded, lingering to watch him rifle through the mugs as you left the kitchen, smiling when you saw Peppers, along with all your other dogs scattered throughout the living room, sprawled out on couches and the carpet, deep in sleep. Gently shifting Sweet Pea over you sat down, curling up at the end of one as you heard Frank move about in the kitchen. Pulling one of the blankets closer, you burrowed underneath it, drifting off as you waited for him.
Carefully walking in, cautious about shaking the tray too much, Frank smiled when he saw you, your one arm draped over the back of the couch as you slept lightly, murmuring softly, Sweet Pea burrowed in the blanket by your side. When he reached the coffee table, he quietly placed the tray down, quickly shushing the pups from barking too loud as he gently brushed your hair back from your face, leaning down to press a kiss to your cheek.
"I've got breakfast darling, are you up?" He teased lightly, seeing your lips curl up into a small grin as your eyes met.
"You spoil me you know that." You mumbled, stealing a quick kiss as he shook his head.
"Nothing is too good for you Y/N. Now do you want something to warm you up or food first?" He asked, turning back to the table.
"Mmmm something to drink would be nice." You hummed, rubbing Sweet Pea's side as he picked up a mug you'd never seen before, rolling your eyes as you saw it was covered in a candy-cane stripe.
"Now I know you didn't want a big celebration today... but I couldn't help myself, if it's too much let me know." He murmured, holding the cup out to you, an aroma that definitely wasn't coffee filling the room.
"You're too cute sometimes you know that Iero?" Your tone teasing as you wrapped your hands around the warm porcelain, taking a cautious sip.
"Hot chocolate? With whipped cream?" You asked, quirking an eyebrow as the older man smiled sheepishly, grabbing one for himself as he climbed to sit beside you.
"I know you have a sweet tooth babe, I figured it would be a nice treat." He shrugged, sipping at his own as you pretended to roll your eyes, seeing his mug adorned with a picture of a dog in a Santa hat.
"I know how you feel about this whole... thing. But I thought maybe this year... well we could try to make your memories about it a bit better? A fresh start." Realizing he was rambling he blushed as you reached out, carefully slipping your hand into his.
"That sounds perfect Frankie, really." You smiled, brushing your thumb over his knuckles as he took a sip. "So what else have you got planned for today?"
"Well... that's a surprise. Though I did pick up a little tree.... I could go get it if that's okay?" He asked, breaking out into a grin as you nodded.
"I've never... well we never had.....Yes, that would be perfect." You finally replied, Frank setting his mug on the small table beside the couch. Leaning in, he pressed a kiss to your forehead before leaping off the couch, dashing off to the linen closet across from your bedroom.
Slowly drinking your cocoa, you peaked at the tray, smiling when you saw a plate filled with shortbreads and peppermint patties, knowing Frank must've made them himself at some point with how particular both of your eating habits were. Swiping one of the cookies, you dunked it into your drink, nibbling on it as Frank came sliding into the room, a tree just about 2 feet tall swaddled in his arms, a Santa hat perched atop his head as he beamed at you.
"So... where should I put it?" He asked, looking around the room, giving you a better look at the silver ornaments that adorned it.
"I think the coffee table would be best? Or maybe the ledge by the window, so the dogs can't get at it." Frank nodded, shifting the tray over a before placing it down, taking a step back to make sure it was perfect as he curled up beside you, the lights on the tree twinkling in the room.
"It's really cute Frankie." You hummed offering out a treat to him, he took a shortbread, nodding as he took a huge bite out of it, crumbs covering his sleep shirt as you giggled, gently wiping them away.
"I thought you might like it... Something relaxed to help you ease into it." He winked. You kissed his cheek, humming as you tasted the remnants of sugar on his skin as you toyed with the ball at the end of his hat. "I've got some mistletoe hung up in the apartment too... but we can save that for tonight." Punctuating the sentence with a wry grin, you giggled at his expression, finishing the last of your drink.
"So what's planned for the rest of today?"
"Well.... I thought we could watch some of the classics...just spend the day curled up on the couch. I got something special for dinner and a few other surprises.... But you'll have to wait and see darling." Gently shooing the dogs away you slid closer under the blanket, resting your head on his shoulder, feeling truly excited about this day.
"I can't wait."
"Oh gosh, I don't think I could eat another bite." Sprawled out on the floor beside the coffee table you rubbed your stomach, Frank's laughter filling the room as he set his cutlery down.
"That good? I didn't do so badly huh?" He asked, peaking over the table, his Christmas cracker paper hat perched precariously on top of his head as you nodded.
"That was amazing Frankie, I don't know when you had time to make all that pasta... and from scratch too... but I love it and you." You hummed, the older man smiling softly at you. You could hear the ending track of How The Grinch Stole Christmas playing in the background from your laptop as he swiped up the empty plates, putting them in the kitchen.
"So I have one more surprise for you for today.... Still up for it?" he called out.
"Do your worst Iero!" You replied, slowly sitting up from the floor as he laughed, padding into your bedroom. You could hear his dresser drawer open as you tapped your fingers nervously on the table, wracking your brain as to what it could be.
"Honestly Frank if it's mistletoe hanging from your belt you don't need that...." You trailed off, his laughter cutting through the apartment.
"Just close your eyes okay babe? That will come later." He replied, you rolling your eyes as you slowly moved to sit on the couch, hesitantly closing your eyes as you heard his footsteps near.
"Alright, now hold out your hands for me." He prompted gently, snorting softly at his instructions.
"Really Frank it's not like I haven't seen it before stop with the-"
"Y/N, please. I promise it's not that." He whined, shifting on his feet in front of you. You could hear the whine in his voice, knowing he was completely serious as you complied, slowly outstretching your palms. Carefully he placed whatever he was carrying in your hands, the object surprisingly light as you felt how smooth the object was, trying to figure out what it was.
The other end of the couch sunk down from his weight, making your cushion pop up a bit higher as he sat cross legged near you, your knees touching lightly as you waited.
"Okay... you can open them now!" He hummed, resting his hands on your knees as you slowly looked down at the book in your hands. Seeing the poinsettia wrapping paper and ribbon you gasped, your eyes meeting as he gave you an impish grin.
"I know you said no presents, but I just couldn't resist... and don't worry, because having you here with me is a present enough. Happy first Christmas Y/N." He whispered, gently rubbing your knee as you just blinked for a moment, feeling tears well up in your eyes. You'd never told Frank the whole story about your life, leaving out the fact that you'd never once received a Christmas gift. And you knew if you told him know he'd just feel guilty, cradling the gift carefully you wiped at your eyes before leaning in.
"Thank you so much Frankie." Your voice cracking softly as you leaned in for a soft kiss. "Happy first Christmas."
"Alright... enough mush, open it!" He prompted giddily, your hands trembling as you pulled on the ribbon. Letting it fall to the ground, you quickly peeled back the tape, careful not to rip the paper. Once it was uncovered, you looked at it curiously, eyeing the burgundy leather cover curiously as Frank gestured for you to open it. Suddenly a thick drafting pencil fell into your lap, your eyes widening as you turned to the first page, his handwriting scrawled across it.
"Happy Christmas my love. Now, go forth and create the art of your dreams!- xoxo F"
You couldn't stop the tears now, flicking through the sketchbook, marvelling at the quality of it before looking up at it.
"F-Frankie... it's perfect. Oh thank you." You sniffled, carefully setting it to the side as you pulled him in close, barely noticing him wince as you pressed against his stomach, the older man holding you tight, covering your face in kisses.
"I remembered you talking about how much you missed drawing and your art... so I figured what else would be better as a first Christmas present." He teased gently, running his fingers through your hair as you held him tight. You felt him wince once more as you pulled back, lightly ghosting your fingers over his thick flannel button up.
"Frankie? What's wrong?" You asked gently as he paused, his fingers hovering over the collar of his shirt.
"Well... there's something else... it's kind of ridiculous... but in a way it's a gift to you..." He hummed, gazing off in the distance. "I meant to show you it later... but you can see it now if you'd like."
"Of course Frankie! I'd love to see it, whatever it is." You hummed, your eyes widening as he wordlessly started popping the buttons, revealing his skin to you. Once he finished, he slowly pulled back one of the sides, revealing the black plastic tape covering his right bicep. Slowly he lifted the tape, wincing ever so slightly as you scooted closer, your knees pressed against each other's as he pulled back the bandage, your eyes widening as you saw his new piece of ink.
Gasping you realized it was of a drawing you'd done months ago, a large heart, covered in swirling vines, making it look almost gothic. Leaning in you saw a few numbers curved around the bottom of it about to ask him what they meant when Frank squeezed your hand.
"The day of our first date." He whispered, kissing your forehead as you let your finger hover over the raised skin.
"It's just... it's beautiful Frank." You replied, voice thick with emotion. "Thank you... for this, for today, for everything."
"I just thought... well I just, I love you so much, Y/N, and I know it's not even been a year. But there's no one- I don't want to be with anyone else. I know it's not the best first Christmas, but I just thought that perhaps from now on, they'll always be better regardless of what happens because we'll be together." He whispered, twining your fingers together as you sniffled, tears streaming down your face, giving him a small smile. "Merry Christmas, Y/N, I love you so much."
Letting him pull you into your lap, you dried your eyes, carefully holding him close, feeling the warmth radiating from his skin. Kissing just beside the hollow at the base of his neck, he looked down at you, tears filling his own eyes as you brushed back his raven hair.
"Merry Christmas, I love you more than anything in the world, Frankie."
Curled up together, the snow still falling outside, with another holiday movie playing in the background; you couldn't have imagined a more perfect first Christmas.

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