He likes your twin more (Zayn)

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Graduation time had come, and since me and my twin went to different schools due to athletic program got cut , our brother was going to attend two different events. Y/T/N's graduation ceremony would be in the morning, whilst mine was in the afternoon. So, when the time came, Zayn went with Y/T/N to her school, and you went to yours to see your friends and all. "I'm so excited! I can't believe you won valedictorian!" Y/B/F/N
said excitedly, holding her camera up. "Aha, I'm just happy Zayn can come to my ceremony. Dad's coming to mine, and mum's going to Y/T/N's and yeah. So having Zayn in both will make it more measurable" I told her, she nodded understandingly. When the ceremony was starting, I was shaking with nerves. "Please welcome up, our Valedictorian for the 2017-2018(the year im graduating btw) school year, Ms Y/N Malik!" the principal announced. I heard some clapping and cheering from the class as I made my way onto the stage. After my school and academic speech, it was time for my personal one. "I'd just like to thank all my teachers for having put up with my constant questioning! I'd like to thank my classmates for helping me and everything. My parents, for being there. Lastly, my brother. He was just the most important person in my life, helping me go through all the bad stuff that comes with the Highschool package. Thanks to him, I am, where I am. Thank you Zayn Malik, for being the best. This is because of you!" I said, holding the plaque out and hitting dem folks after walking off . When the ceremony finished, my friend gushed about how she had caught the entire speech on video. I thanked her, telling her to email it to me fast. I went to my dad, and hugged him tight. "Where's Zayn?" I asked excitedly, wanting to see him. "Oh hun, he left early.." my dad said awkwardly. AFTER COMING HOME, DAD GOING TO WORK: I arrived home to a huge party in full blast. I grinned. Leave it up to Zayn to throw a party for us. I entered it and was soon engulfed by my mother. "Congrats, hun! I can't believe my own daughter was valedictorian!" she squealed. "I know, I could barely believe it. Where's Zayn?" I asked her. "He's with the boys and Y/T/N in the living room. They're over" oh, so it was a party of the boys and the family. Sweet! "Hi guys! Congrats, sis" I said to my twin. "Thanks" she said, rolling her eyes. "Oh my God, Zayn, did you hear my speech?" I asked him, hugging the boys quickly. "Yeah, of course..." he trailed off. "Oh, and my principal herself chose me as vale-" Y/T/N cut me off. "When did you go to her ceremony, you were here since we came home.." she said, looking smug. "Y-You didn't come?" I asked, hurt. "I'm sorry, it completely left my mind!" he apologized. Tears spilled down my cheeks. "I bet you were having too much fun with you favourite twin!" I spat.

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