Wisdom teeth his pov.

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Walking to the door of our house was hard with Y/N in my arms. She had fallen asleep in the car after complaining about the pain almost the whole ride home. It sucked to see her in so much pain, but there wasn't much I could do about it. I walked into the house with her, going straight to our room, and setting her down. The minute her back hit the cushiony mattress, her eyes were wide open. She yelped in pain and looked at me with tears in her eyes. I could tell that the medicine was completely gone from her system. "Zayn," she whined, dragging out my name. "I know, baby. I didn't want to stop at the pharmacy while you were asleep, I can go now." I walked over to her and took a good look, she was a crying mess. "Please," she mumbled, holding the sides of her face. "It hurts so badly. I need something to take the pain away." "I'll go right now. I'll be back as soon as I can. Try to nap, yeah?" I said, kissing her cheek quickly before walking to the front door. I heard her moaning in pain as I exited the house, hoping that the prescription would be filled quickly because I really didn't want her in pain.

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