Game day

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It was the night of the big game against our rivals Shermer High School. They thought they were so good, but to be honest they were just some sad sacks who weren’t going anywhere in life and all they cared about was high school football. Don’t get me wrong I love football! That’s because my high school Ridgemont has won state for the past three years! All thanks to our quarter back Louis! He is amazing at football and from what I’ve heard even better in bed. I wouldn’t know though. We pass each other in the hallways and he usually has is arm around some skank that he meet last week at some party. Then the next day he would be with some busty blond who didn’t know her right hand from her left. But I shouldn’t complain I’m pretty much the same way when I comes to guys. I’ll have one get bored and through em’ out like a box of tissues. I don’t know why I’m like this I just am.

I guess you could say I’m pretty much the typical cheerleader type I have y/h/c and y/e/c I’m pretty skinny too. I’ve always been skinny and I’ve always been the type to attract guys. I can’t help it. 

“Y/N!! Are you in there? We’re supposed to be cheering not dreaming! Wake up!” y/f/n yelled at me. “Sorry! Okay girls lets do this!!” I yelled I got off the bench and we started our routine! “Ready okay..!” After our routine y/f/n and I went back to the bench. “What were you thinking about?” she asked. “Nothing just school.” I lied. “Bullshit you don’t give a crap about school. What were you really thinking about?” she asked me. “What? Nothing. It’s just I don’t understand why Louis is always with these stupid girls. Who are stupid and end up cheating on him.” I said. “Who cares you’re like that with guys why should it bother you?” y/f/n asked. “It doesn’t!” I was starting to get mad. She always does this I say one thing about Louis and she turns it on me saying I do the exact same thing! It was the fourth quarter and we were up by 10 just about three minutes to go! The cheer team and the whole crowd didn’t care what we were don’t we just wanted to watch the game! “Gooooo Louis!! Make it! Run get past him move move mooooovvvee!” The announcer was screaming into his mic! The crowd was on fire and couldn’t keep their eyes off Louis as he ran in to the touchdown zone scoring the last goal of the game and winning the game sending them to state! The crowd was cheering and I couldn’t help, but jump up and down! I was so proud of him! “We made it! We made it to state!” y/f/n screamed in my ear! The crowd stormed the field screaming and cheering and just having fun. I turned around to get my stuff packed up ready to go home and take a shower and just relax until y/f/n tapped me on the shoulder. “Louis is having a party tonight! You coming? Beer, boys, and music! You have to come!!” She yelled jumping up and down! “I don’t know I’m pretty tired.” I said. “Just go home take a shower and I’ll pick you up at 10!” she yelled walking off into the crowd up people. I guess I had to go now. Who knows it might be fun. 

I went home to get ready for the party. I looked at my phone and it was 9 o'clock so I had an hour to get ready. I got out of my cheer uniform and got into the shower. I had to shave it wasn’t a good sight down there. I got out of the shower and wrapped my towel around me and walked into my closet. I didn’t know what to wear, but I decided on a coral and blue flowy tank top, and high wasted shorts shorts and tan leather sandals. I didn’t feel like dressing up much. I heard a knock on the door it was y/f/n “Damn girl!” she said “Hurry up! They’ve got a keg and everything!” she walked over to her car and got in and beeped the horn at me telling me to hurry up! I got in and she turned the radio on ‘Faneto by chief. Keef. She turned up the music and turned down the windows! We drove up Louis’ drive way. God his house is gorgeous! We could hear the music blaring and lights pumping and people running in and out of the house half naked and some well naked. We walked up the drive into the house. Multicolored lights were flashing and techno music was blaring. Y/f/n lead me out back to the keg. Jordan!” She yelled jumping into her boyfriend’s arms. They started to make out so I just walked over to the keg where a couple of guys were standing. “Could you hand me a drink.” I asked. “Sure thing.” one of the guys said handing me a red plastic cup. I started to drown the gold liquid. I walked over to the other side of the pool and sat down just kind of watching the crowd of people jumping into the pool and just having fun. I was only sitting for a couple of minutes when I looked over at the steps of the pool and saw this sculpted muscular back. It drove me wild even though I didn’t know who it was. He shook his hair making water fly in every direction. His hair was disheveled and messy. He ran his hands through it and got on the sidewalk. He turned around and my heart dropped. Not out of fear or madness, but out of lust and want! I don’t know what it was about Louis he just drove me up the wall! I turned around when I heard someone yelling my name it was Cameron. He’s obsessed with me!  "Y/N how are? Were you at the game? Of course you are! You’re a cheerleader! How are you?“ He asked me. "Oh hey! I… I’m good! Yeah I was at the game. We won!” I said. “You want something to drink? Oh never mind you already have a drink.” He said. “Is this guy bothering you?” a husky voice said behind me. I jumped off the chair and turned around. Face to face with Louis. “No. Louis, its okay he’s cool.” I said. I couldn’t help but look at his toned abs. His abdomen sprinkled with little drops of water. He looked so hot! I couldn’t stop look and I wasn’t listening to what Louis and Cameron were talking about. Why was Louis still here? “Y/N…?” Louis was waving his hand in my face. “Oh… sorry… Louis… what were you saying?” I said. “Nothing just making sure he wasn’t bothering you. See you around.” He winked at me as he walked off.  I started to wish that I wore my swimsuit I was starting to get hot! “Are you okay?” Cameron asked. I just waved him off and walked toward the house. 

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