Chapter Seven: Peace In Our Time

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There was the most unpleasant screeching sound that caught the entire team's attention. We all turned and were shocked to see a broken down, Iron Man-like suit.

"Worthy... No... How could you be worthy? You're all killers," the robot spoke, the voice sent a chill down my spine. Steve stepped slightly in front of me. He knew I could take care of myself, but was always going to look out for me.

"Stark.." Steve spoke up, trying to get an explanation. Something that we were all wanting right now.

"JARVIS," Tony spoke up, trying to find out what was going on. There was clear panic in his eyes.

"I'm sorry, I was asleep. Or.. I was a dream?" the robot continued to go on, ignoring everyone's clear state of shock. 

"What is this Tony?" I asked, trying to keep my own voice even. I had an uneasy feeling about the thing standing in front of us.

Tony started to tap on his device, trying to get this under control. "Reboot, Legionnaire OS, we got a buggy suit."

"There was a terrible noise... and I was tangled in-in strings. I had to kill the other guy. He was a good guy," the robot said, the voice was full of conflict. He jerkily walked closer towards us, but not getting too close.

"You killed someone?"Steve asked it, clearly becoming even more concerned over what was happening in front of us. His hand finding my side, pulling me even closer to him.

"Wouldn't have been my first call. But, down in the real world we're faced with ugly choices," the robot continued to tell us. He was obviously sure he was in the right, even after he called all of us murderers.

"Who sent you?" Thor asked it. I looked over at him, his face was hardened, and he had an obvious tight grip on the hammer.

Then the robot played a message that was clearly Tony's voice. Playing back how he wanted to put a suit of armor around the world.

I sent him a glare. The rest of the team were all slightly stunned by what was just said. 

"Ultron," Bruce stated, as if this explained everything. He looked at Tony as he said this, the two were now on the same page, while the rest of us were trying to make sense. 

"In the flesh," Ultron responded. "Or, no, not yet. Not this... chrysalis. But I'm ready. I'm on a mission."

"You did this Stark?" I asked him, he in turn shot me another glare. Obviously was now not the time to start an argument. But I knew there would be one later, a big one. I then tried to read his mind, but it sent a screeching noise to my brain.

I let out a scream, clutching the side of my head as I brought myself out of his mind. Steve turned and looked at me, full of worry.

"I can't get inside his mind, there's something not right," I said with a shaky breathe. Going inside his mind took the wind out of me. It was like something I haven't seen before. 

"This isn't what I wanted," Tony muttered, looking over the entire team. 

"What mission?" Natasha asked the robot, skipping over what had just happened, she wanted to get to the point.  As he prepared to answer, the entire team grew more tense. I watched as Hill clicked her gun, and stood up. I discreetly grabbed the knife strapped to my inner thigh. Steve pulled me even closer behind him, clutching my hand.

"Peace in our time," Ultron quickly answered. Then before another question could be asked, the entire Iron Legions burst out of the wall behind Ultron.

As they burst out, Steve kicked the table in front of the one that was coming straight for us. The robot crashed into the table, sending the two of us propelling backwards. He had me wrapped up in his arms and we landed several feet from where we were all just laughing and having fun.

I lept to my feet in an instant, as he Steve did the same beside me. He sent me a look, gesturing if I was okay. I gave him a nod, wordlessly communicating that I was fine.

Everyone jumped into action, Steve ran after one. I stopped one in its tracks as it went after him, there was no way I would let that happen. I forced an arm and leg off of it. The robot kept pushing against my powers, trying to get closer and closer to me. Just as it was inches from my face I forced it's inner from the inside out and it powered down.

I ran towards the robot that was making it's way towards a cowering Dr. Cho.

"Thor!" I yelled as I forced it's body towards him, and he slammed the hammer down destroying the entire robot with one hit. I sent him an appreciate nod before turning my attention to where Steve was. 

I watched as Clint threw Steve his shield, and he knocked out the last one, it fell completely to pieces.

"That was dramatic," Ultron muttered before trying to walk off. His menacing voice piercing thought the room. "I'm sorry, I know you mean well. You didn't think it through. You want to protect the world, but you don't want it to change. How is humanity saved if it's not allowed to evolve?"

He continued ranting to the rest of us, picking up one of the dismembered Iron Legions. "With these? There puppets? There's only one path to peace; the Avengers' extinction."

Thor suddenly threw his hammer at Ultron, the worn down body instantly falling to pieces. I had a feeling that wasn't the last we would see of Ultron.

Not by a long shot. 

~A/N Thank you so much everyone for the support! As always please vote and comment if you enjoyed this chapter. It is very appreciated!

Also would anyone be interested in a X-men First Class Fanfiction? If you are please let me know in the comments or send me a message!~

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