Chapter Thirty-Four: New Threat

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I woke up startled, my breathing was heavy, sweat was dripping down my forehead. Steve instantly shot up beside me, his eyes frantically searching the room for any threats. Not seeing any, he turned to me, then he instantly saw the problem. 

"Mo, are you okay?" he asked, his hand rubbing small circles on my back. Something that would normally calm me down, only making me more restless. 

"You didn't see it," I told him, staring straight ahead, not looking at him. I couldn't believe anything anymore. 

"What is it?" he asked me frantically, trying to get me to open up. His hands now holding my own, even though I was barely holding his. I could barely breathe, my hands were shaking as I tried getting out what I had seen. What happened. 

"They..I.. I was in Hydra much longer than I-I.. thought.." I stuttered out. My hands shaking even worse now, I could feel my whole body grow rigid. As if I couldn't move, I was scared to move. If Steve hadn't been in the room with me I know I would have already smashed a hole in the wall, but I was trying my best to contain the anger and fear bubbling inside me. It was threatening to spill at any moment. 

He grabbed my face into his hands, his strong and steady hands. Something I needed right now, when I felt anything but strong and steady. When I felt as if everything was crumbling all around me. 

"What do you mean Morgan? Are you sure it wasn't just a dream?" he asked me, staring into my eyes. Everything seemed so far away now, I was in a whole other world. The happy bliss I had been feeling the past two weeks was nothing but a hoax, too good to be true. 

"It wasn't a dream Steve, it was real. I have been getting memories back, slowly, from when Hydra wiped my mind, and they come at night. But I can aways tell the difference between them and dreams," I stated, now standing. I started pacing the room, trying to figure out what this meant for me. What this would mean to Steve. Would he still see me the same? 

"For the most part the things I have seen haven't been major, nothing I hadn't been expecting. But this, what I just saw, it changes everything," I said, almost in a whisper. I was now staring straight at the wall, my hands no longer shaking. I was as still as a statue, contemplating whether I should just run and never look back. I was responsible for so much more than I ever knew. 

"What is it?" Steve asked me, his own voice never faltering. I could see in his eyes how scared he was though. The reflection of my own insecurities staring back at me now. 

"I'm scared Steve," I told him, my voice failing me as it cracked on the last word. Steve stood up, coming over to me, wrapping me tightly in his arms. He sat us both down in the chair we had in our room. 

"You can tell me, whatever it is. I'm in this for better or for worse," Steve replied, staring deeply into my eyes. The truth behind the words he said is the only thing that made me say what I needed to. The only thing that gave me the strength to tell him what I learned. What was now my new reality.

"Well for starters I wasn't born in 1989," I told him, only looking at my hands now. Barely believing what I said, even though I knew it was all true. 

His eyebrows knit together in confusion, "what do you mean?" 

"I think I was born sometime in the 1940's, I'm still not sure about the exact date. It's still fuzzy to me," I told him, not sure I could handle continuing what I now knew. Not sure if I even wanted to say it out loud, knowing that would make it more real. 

"How is that possible? SHIELD rescued you, what? Fifteen years ago now? You were sixteen when they rescued you," he told me, staring at me, more confused now. I wish he could just know, that I didn't have to say this all out loud. That it really was just a dream. 

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