Chapter Ten: Old Fashioned

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We went down to one of the old rooms where there were a ton of boxes of old files. I'm surprised Tony even kept them since this was such an old fashioned way of storing information. He wasn't exactly one for old fashioned ideals. 

"Known associates. Well, Strucker had a lot of friends," Steve said, as he tossed aside another useless box. I let out a groan, I was starting to get frustrated with the lack of progress we were making.

"Well, these peoples are all horrible," Bruce said out loud.

"Wait. I know that guy," Tony said quickly before Bruce put away the file he had just been looking at. The picture was of a man named Ulysses Klaue. "From back in the day. He operates off the African coast, black market arms."

Steve gave him an accusing look, he did not approve at all of how Tony used to run his business.

"There are conventions alright? You meet people, I didn't sell him anything," Tony claimed, throwing his arms up in surrender. I let out a scoff. He shot me a glare, before continuing on. "He was talking about fining something new, a game changer, it was all very "Ahab"."

Thor picked up the photo and pointed out the scar on his neck. "This."

"Is it a tattoo?" I asked, looking at the photo.

"Uh, it is. I don't think he had it-" Tony tried to explain before Thor cut him off.

"No, those are tattoos," Thor explained pointing at the black pieces of art on Klaue. "This is a brand."

Bruce turned quickly turned to the computer, trying to find the meaning behind the brand.

"Oh, yeah. It's a word in an African dialect meaning thief, in a much less friendly way," he explained to all of us.

"What dialect?" Steve asked him, knowing where it is from could lead us exactly where we needed to go.

"Wakanada? Wa.. Wa.. Wakanda," Bruce concluded, trying very hard to pronounce the name right.

"What's in Wakanda?" I asked as I saw both Tony and Steve's face light up.

"If this guy got out of Wakanda with some of their trade good.." Tony trailed off, staring over at Steve. He completely ignored what I had asked.

"I thought your father said he got the last of it?" Steve asked Tony, ignoring my question as well.

"I don't follow. What comes out of Wakanda?" Bruce asked them both.

Then Steve and Tony turned and stared at Steve's shield. And I suddenly knew what they meant.

"The strongest metal on Earth," I concluded. Steve nodded his head, confirming what I had just said.

"Where is this guy now?" Steve asked Tony abruptly.

"Somewhere in Africa," Tony said to us, but that didn't exactly help.

"We need to know exactly where he is, and fast," I said to the team. Each person jumped into action. Everyone once again going into their separate rooms to get what was needed for the impending battle ahead.

I grabbed what I could, and sat on the bed, thinking of what I would do when we faced them again. I knew that wouldn't be the last of the enhanced's and I was wary of seeing the girl again.

"Penny for your thoughts?" Steve asked as he accompanied the empty space beside me.

"I'm afraid they're not worth that much," I said, joking. I didn't want him to know just how worried I was over this new threat. With my powers being unstable recently, and now this girl shows up when similar abilities, it unsettled me. A lot.

"You know I know you better than that," Steve told me.

"You do, and that's why you know I don't want to talk about it," I said in a huff. Worrying to myself was one thing, but admitting it out loud was another. It would make it too real.

"Well, I think you need to talk about this. I can read you all too well Morgan. I see that you're worried over something and I know I'm not the one who can read minds but I can take a guess at what's worrying you," he informed me. I stood up quickly, emotions taking over at this point.

"Yes I am very worried! My powers aren't what I thought they were! I'm scared to use them, scared to unlock some part of me that isn't safe. You were there two months ago, you saw what happened and what it did to me. I've been playing it safe with my powers for a reason. But, now with these twins I have a feeling that it isn't going to cut it anymore and it scares the shit out of me. What if I can't protect the team? What if I can't protect you?" I asked all at once, the emotions pouring out of me. I knew my face was probably red with anger and frustration. But, Steve only grabbed my hands in his, staring me in the eyes. I could never loose him, he was the best parts of me. He brought out the best in me, and I hoped I did the same for him.

"I know you're scared, but you shouldn't be. The only person who can control you're powers now is you. You'll be able to control them I know it. And as for me, I will always be here for you. I'm not going anywhere remember?" Steve told me earnestly, his eyes never leaving mine. I took a deep breathe and was able to calm down.

"You truly are the best person I know Steve," I told him honestly, no hints of joking in my tone.

"And I feel the same about you," he said to me. I looked in his eyes for any trace of untruth, but I knew he meant what he had said.

There was a moment of silence between us, not an awkward one, but a comfortable one.

"Are you ready to go to Africa?" he asked me as he looked down at his watch. There wasn't much time before we had to leave.

"Not really. That girl, back at the base, when our powers collided I felt totally drained," I told him the story of how it all felt.

"Why didn't you tell me sooner?" he asked, clear anxiety in his voice.

"There were more important matters going on," I said honestly. "It's fine now, I feel completely restored, but who knows how it'll all go later if we run into each other again."

"Try to steer clear of her alright?" he instructed me, I knew all he wanted was to keep me safe.

"I'll try, but we all know trouble seems to find me."

~A/N Sooo how dod you  guys like this chapter? Please let me know by leaving a vote or comment!~

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