Chapter Thirty One: Bells

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It had been two weeks since I left the hospital, and since I was released Steve and I were in wedding mode. We both agreed we didn't need something big, and with everything that has happened we decided the fast track was what we wanted. Not wanting to waste another moment of not being married. 

I was staring in the mirror in front of me, hardly able to believe what, or should I say who I was looking at. I was in a white gown, not totally form fitting, but showed off just enough. The veil was long and reached all the way down to the floor. My hair, which was now about half way down my back, cascaded in long curls. Which took Natasha and I hours to do, my board straight hair was nothing short of uncooperative when it came to a curling iron. My blue eyes shined behind the simple makeup Natasha did for me. 

"You look beautiful," she said, stepping out from under my veil. She had been buttoning the last button on the dress. "Steve is going to have a hard time ripping this off later." 

I blushed to the point of crimson red, "Nat, are you trying to make me nervous?" 

She let out a small laugh, one that I had been seeing less of. Especially since Banner hadn't come back. She had informed me of how he never returned with the jet, and how a special team member never returned at all. Wanda came by and her and I talked a lot, especially lately. We were really forming a strong bond. 

"How are your nerves?" she asked me curiously, as she rummaged through the box of accessories, looking for my something blue. 

"I don't have any. This all feels perfect," I told her honestly. I knew Steve and I were meant to be together. 

I watched as she finally found the sapphire blue garter, smiling wide as she held it up. 

"I found the something blue, and the groom is something old," she told me, teasing the entire time.  I rolled my eyes, and hit here playfully. 

"The dress is something new," I begun. "I just need something borrowed."

Natasha walked over to her purse, pulling out a hand gun. 

"Here you can borrow this. You never know what will happen," she explained, strapping it to one of the holsters she had. I strapped it around the opposite leg of the garter, careful not to let it show. 

"Steve will be surprised by this," I laughed, but feeling slightly safer with the gun strapped to my thigh. In this world, and with who we were, you could never be too sure. 

"I don't think he'll paying any mind to the gun," she smirked. "Not with the way you look."

Then, before I could come up with a sly remark there was a knock at the door. 

"Is everyone dressed?" Clint's voice asked through the door.

"Yes," I replied quickly, opening the door for him. He and Laura walked through the door, with baby Nathaniel. 

"You look so beautiful Morgan," Laura told me, hugging me and kissing me on the cheek. Ever since Clint and I amended everything her and I grew very close. 

"Thank you," I replied, looking at the ground. Not sure what to do with all this attention today, something I was not accustomed to. 

"You really do. Steve is a lucky guy," Clint told me, this time he hugged me. 

"By the way thanks for walking me down, I obviously don't have a father and you're like a brother to me," I told him, trying not to tear up. To think I almost let our relationship crumbled crushed me. 

"I wouldn't dream of saying no," he told me honestly. 

Then the pastor walked in the room, smiling at all of us. 

"It's time to start the wedding. Are you ready Ms. Smith?" he asked me, grinning. 

I gave a simple nod, he left the room. 

"I better go find my seat," Laura told us, giving me one last hug. She gave Clint a quick kiss and left the room. Leaving the three of us. 

"You two have always been by my side. Whether you liked it or not," I started, staring mainly at Natasha on the last part. She gave me a small smile. "But, you are my family and I love you both." 

"As much as I hate saying these things," Natasha started, but I cut her off.

"You don't have to, I read your mind," I smiled mischiefsly at her. She gave me a grateful smile, I knew she hated talking about her feelings. 

"Well I guess we better get going, don't want Steve to think I ran out on him," I said smiling as Natasha went out first. Her being my maid of honor, she wore a black dress, looking beautiful as always.

Then the wedding song began playing, I could feel butterflies in my stomach, but in a good way. I was ready for this, we were ready for this. 

"We could always make a run for it," Clint whispered. 

"Don't make me kick your ass in front of everyone Barton," I joked back quietly. 

Before he could remark we started walking down the aisle, I felt peace as I made eye contact with Steve. His blue eyes shining as I walked into his view, my face lit up as I saw him in his tux. He looked so handsome and it was like the rest of the world stopped. 

I could feel my heart racing as I was walked to the alter. When we stopped at our spot, and the reverend asked who was giving me away, Clint told him he was. Clint lifted my veil, and kissed me on the cheek. Then Steve held out his hands, and I gratefully took them. I instantly felt safe and wanted nothing more for the ceremony to be over and us to officially married. 

When the time came to say our vows, I was more than ready to say everything I needed to. 

I took a deep breath, steadying myself. "Steve you have seen the worst parts of me, and there is plenty of that, but you stayed. You also bring out the good parts of me.  I never thought I would see the day where I truly felt like a hero, and you helped me get there. You are the most special and dedicated person I know. I truly admire you and promise to be the best wife as I know you will be the best husband." 

I could see Steve look at me with admiration, his blue eyes staring deep into mine. 

"Morgan you are truly one of the best, most complex, people I know. I wouldn't be half the person I am without you there supporting me the whole way. It was easy always being there for you because you were someone I could truly believe in. You are special and deserve the title hero. I love you and vow to be the best husband I can be to you." 

I felt small tears roll down my cheek as he finished, not being able to keep my emotions at bay any longer. I knew I tried to keep a strong front most of the time, but it was my wedding day and I could cry if I want to. 

After our vows were finished we exchanged our rings. I slid on Steve's simple silver band, his strong but soft hands feeling perfect in mine. Then he slid my own silver, but more petite band, on my finger. It paired nicely with my engagement ring. 

"I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss your bride," the reverend declared. 

Steve cupped his hands around my face, and kissed me gently. A sweet but passionate kiss that said everything we were both thinking. 

"Just wait until tonight," I flirted with him in a brain message. 

When he pulled away I could see the bright pink blush on his cheeks. I couldn't help but laugh as he gave me a knowing look. We joined hands, turning to face our guests, they all cheered as we made our way down the aisle. 

I felt so elated and didn't want this day to ever end. It was the beginning of our forever. 

~A/N okay so yes this chapter was totally a fluffy chapter and had so much mushiness. So just go with it for this chapter! 

Please let me know what you thought of it! I really want to know how you liked this chapter, I have never done anything like this before. 

I think the next chapter will be a reception of sorts, with the other avengers maybe? Then it will pick back up. So let me know what you think with a vote or comment!~

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